Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

And today's update is Day 35ish. Sour Crack. 5gallon oxypot. Was stunted and fimmed. She is a little N sensitive like her sisters, and will be getting a watering of RO with CaMg and Pro-teKt today, as i think she has a little salt build up.
Days 38-39... all the sour crack girls are moving along, and building buds nicely... will post pics tomorrow.. they are being fed sensi bloom part B, dyna-gro pro-teKt, General Organics CaMg+. And General Hydroponics Kool Bloom. And all seem happy, and productive... Day 18... Advanced Blue Diesel, she has really started to spread her wings so to speak. Building nodes daily. Im thinking she will be a more sativa pheno. She showed sex at 13days, and has taken off since..... pics tomorrow peace
So ordered a pack of S.O.D.K and a 3bog, from Mephisto.. im super excited about them both. Seen some huge grow reports from s.o.d.k.... and the flavour description of 3bog Sour Lemon was to much to resist. I was mistaken about the release date for ggg#4, so just went ahead and ordered the s.o.d.k before she was gone again. Will be drooling until they come...
Fluffhead, I apologize for leaving you hanging, a while back. Apparently, I forgot to subscribe, and missed the notification for the quote. Glad I found it again. All's looking good here. About to get some fat ass SC buds. Good job buddy!
So you couldn't wait for the 4:20 hehhe.
I feel you, I'm going to wait and make a order on the 4:20 like you told me, I have more choice than availability and that leads to stockpiling... heheheh.
The girls look great, no more N? I tuned down Tangs feed schedule after the last Grow.
Fluffhead, I apologize for leaving you hanging, a while back. Apparently, I forgot to subscribe, and missed the notification for the quote. Glad I found it again. All's looking good here. About to get some fat ass SC buds. Good job buddy!
All well @Yeatster, 2 sc in oxypots are raging suger factorys. Gluey trichs everywhere. Buds are really starting to swell. At day 42ish for the two oxypot gals. The girl in 5gallon fabric pot, who received fim, is a little behind at day 40ish, but is starting to really catch up. Will pull them out of room tomorrow for pics, been super busy lately... my 20day old Advanced Blue Diesel is really taking off. She is in 5gallon oxypot and i think shes gonna go BIG!!! @Headbudz77 how are your advanced girls doing? This blue diesel is seriously impressing me, very clean genetics so far, beautiful structure...
So you couldn't wait for the 4:20 hehhe.
I feel you, I'm going to wait and make a order on the 4:20 like you told me, I have more choice than availability and that leads to stockpiling... heheheh.
The girls look great, no more N? I tuned down Tangs feed schedule after the last Grow.
Honestly ive only been giving them part B of sensi bloom. Its still got what seems to be enough N at 2. They aren't seeming wanting for more N. And since giving them the Dyna-Gro pro-teKt silicon with potassium added, they are really using the nutrients better. Also noticed after adding kool bloom the snow got a lot thicker... so, really im not anywhere near tangs schedule... except sensi..,
On the other hand, with the Advanced Blue Diesel ive been giving her upto half strength of sensi grow a and b, and she is taking it very well, will post pics so you can see her... i never could've given my particular sour cracks that much sensi grow, they just didn't need it that strong... dense little monster bushes, seriously highly recommend you try S.C sum time brother... and since i was wrong about release time of grape crinkle x gg#4 and won't possibly be released until later this summer i didn't wanna miss out on the s.o.d.k, and the 3bog looks amazing so i ordered lol. But they are giving out special freebies for the 4-20drop. Sour livers, and alienmanbearpig lol, i think that's the name lol.. please don't qoute me lol. So i may work some extra overtime to make an order 4-20. Im already looking for an excuse to order that Ripley's O.G,