Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

Advanced seeds blue diesel was the first plant I ever grew, it was some great smoke and I keep meaning to grow out the remaining seeds I've got left of it. Looking forward to seeing how yours turns out have you got a journal going for it?

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Well im just going to add her to this journal. And today is her bday. She broke surface this morning. Here she is Advanced seeds Blue Diesel auto...
Day 1.
Well the last pics turned out sideways lol.... Day 20.. Sour Crack 5gallon fabric pot.. fimmed, and healing well. Stunted but boy is she trying lol...
So im thinking about switching my metal halide out to my super hps. It has enhanced blue spectrum. And more lumen per watt. And runs a bit cooler. Starting to get warm outside and have had trouble keeping temps under 79°. Btw all sour cracks are showing sex, and are entering the stretch... was going to wait til stretch stopped to switch, but since hps has enhanced spectrum going to switch now. What's the consensus???
Well moving along. Day 21-22. The sour crack in 1.7gallon oxypot is just pushing out branches everywhere. Literally crowded and packed under canopy. The sour crack in 5.5gallon oxypot is just spreading bigger and bigger. Im thinking the two different ways they are growing is due to pot sizes. The 5.5 gallon really looks like she is gonna spread out and do it. They sexed last week. Should i keep on veg food a little while longer?? I switched to my shps this morning. And temps are staying around 75. Way better than mh. Anyway folks. Any opinions greatly appreciated.