Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

Day 21stunted and fimmed sour crack 5gallon fabric pot
Hps has been on for bout 14hours. I want to say i can see a little difference lol. They seem to be enjoying though. Im enjoying the 8degree temp drop. Waaaay cooler than my metal halide. I gotta say though, the mh did seem to produce tight spaced nodes. I do have the 2 day old advanced blue diesel now going under the hps. From what i hear they do just fine under hps in veg. She is off to the side a little but will move towards center as she gets established. I will post a pic of her at end of reply. As she looks good so far. So, peace y'all more coming,
I agree with the changing bulb brother, the HPS will replace the MH easy, but the heat the MH makes is hard to dissipate so good choice, I had to do the same in my tent when I was using HID,s
They all look healthy, and ready for the stretch, it's also advised to wait a week into flowers before changing to Flower nutes.
And they will start to drink a lot more very quick.
This was the stage I kind of neglected mine with water, and I'm paying the price, so keep an eye out for the pot as they will get dry quicker. I'm also using fabric pots for the first time and they do get dry much faster... live and learn...
Now you need to keep a eye out for the leaves as this light can be tricky to spot def. so try and take pictures with white light when possible.
My Critical Soma by Advanced Seeds just started flowering, and although not a very big plant it's also been very easy going, now let's see the stretch.....

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
I agree with the changing bulb brother, the HPS will replace the MH easy, but the heat the MH makes is hard to dissipate so good choice, I had to do the same in my tent when I was using HID,s
They all look healthy, and ready for the stretch, it's also advised to wait a week into flowers before changing to Flower nutes.
And they will start to drink a lot more very quick.
This was the stage I kind of neglected mine with water, and I'm paying the price, so keep an eye out for the pot as they will get dry quicker. I'm also using fabric pots for the first time and they do get dry much faster... live and learn...
Now you need to keep a eye out for the leaves as this light can be tricky to spot def. so try and take pictures with white light when possible.
My Critical Soma by Advanced Seeds just started flowering, and although not a very big plant it's also been very easy going, now let's see the stretch.....

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
Hey hey.. yea Headbudz. The switch is so sweet compared to the heat reduction alone. I'd say seriously brother 8-10 degree temp difference. Plus 17,000 more lumen, at same wattage. As well as being dual spectrum. I like the fact that i now have the Advanced Blue Diesel vegging under hps. Can contrast and compare, and see if vegging under mh is worth the heat and reduced lumen. All though it being a different strain than what i just vegged under mh, i should get an idea. Btw Headbudz, the advanced blue diesel at 3 days in is looking like a nice little starter... will post pic of her at end of reply. And yeah the older gals are looking good to me. One thing is ive been running a humidifier since my heating is very dry. I wanted them to have some humidity in veg, anyway i just use my tap water in it, well i've noticed calcium deposits on my fan, and a little build up on a leaf, so i turned it off. The sour cracks are all stretching well. The two bigger girls are going about an inch a night, maybe little more. They also don't seem to like heavier feeding, they seem happier at 1/3 strength than half even. But a happy feeder when dose is right. Also this morning was first morning upon entering room i was engulfed with a citrusy piney b.o kinda smell. Already getting stinky lol... well will post update tomorrow. Im going to head over to your journal now lol, drool over the dankness you got goin lol.
As promised lol,
Advanced Blue Diesel, day 3
Days 24-25. Moving along. Had some N issues last feed. Still not even at half strength. Guess they really like these AN sensi at a seedling dose. Will not exceed again. In the next week im planning to flush, and switch up to bloom nutes. Also having to add calmag. Im also looking into a product called Armor Si.. and the only bloom enhancers i will be using is Canna pk 13/14. One time after preflower. Also the baby blue diesel at 4 days is moving right along as well. Ive had several varieties of blue diesel in my time, always a favorite smoke for me. So really excited about growing this strain. The mephisto girls are really starting to stretch, don't think either will go above 15inches. But lots of bud sites starting to reach through canopy. Starting to be real fun.
After the flush give them some Voodoo juice. It helps them return from the flush stun quicker I found.

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After the flush give them some Voodoo juice. It helps them return from the flush stun quicker I found.
Im using Kangaroots root drench in place of voodoo juice. Think im gonna try that next resupply.

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Day 25. Stunted, and fimmed Sour Crack. 5 gallon fabric pot. She is definitely trying.
Day 26. 1.7gallon oxypot Sour Crack. She is just a veg explosion, lots of bud sites.
Day 26. 5.5gallon oxypot. Sour Crack. Lots of branches pushing through canopy. Definitely most developed, biggest girl out of the 3. Huge leaves, lots of them too.