New Grower First grow, Royal Dwarf, UK outdoor

Day 29: Poxy weather.

It's raining so hard out there! The wind is whipping up leaves, sticks, small animals and anything that's not tied down. Birds are falling from the sky and I can hardly see 2ft in front of me.

Ok, that's a bit dramatic but yeah it's pissing down outside and super windy.

Just looking out the window I cannot actually see Dwarfy in the garden due to everything in her vicinity being blown around so much.

Ah well, look on the bright side at least it's not freezing cold.


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The weather is so bad I decided to pop home on my lunch break to check on things at home.

Garden situation not good!
Garden chairs strewn across the lawn, my raspberry has snapped like a twig at the base, clematis flowers have been shredded like paper, sunflower has been blown 20ft across the garden in it's pot and most other pots are on their side and most other plants either have branches snapped or flowers trashed.

Dwarfy is looking rough still in one piece just about. Have put her behind the shed which is dark but sheltered at least.

Gutted about the other plants [emoji17]


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Ah damn!! Hope it turns around for you soon!!

If it makes you feel any better my ladies are getting the beatdown from the cold windy conditions...welcome to central cannada ladies!(not worried, it'll turn around, been here before!)
The weather is so bad I decided to pop home on my lunch break to check on things at home.

Garden situation not good!
Garden chairs strewn across the lawn, my raspberry has snapped like a twig at the base, clematis flowers have been shredded like paper, sunflower has been blown 20ft across the garden in it's pot and most other pots are on their side and most other plants either have branches snapped or flowers trashed.

Dwarfy is looking rough still in one piece just about. Have put her behind the shed which is dark but sheltered at least.

Gutted about the other plants [emoji17]


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Uggh sounds like a full fledged storm there bro...hope it blows over quick!
Still blowing and raining.

One of our fence panels has blown down and a few branches have fallen off the neighborhood trees.

I know that's nothing compared to what some of our overseas brothers and sisters experience in tonadoes and hurricanes but it's really not what we expect in June in the UK!

Forecast looks like the crap conditions are here for a few days longer.

Things in the garden are slowly getting trashed.

Dwarfys is saturated and the stem is wobbling all over the place in her pot, might bring her in and tie off to the edges in 4 directions then it's back behind the shed!

Would love to stick her in the loft under 150w CFL but I promised not to have her inside the house!



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Day 31: Maintenance

Dwarfy has been huddling behind the shed for like 2 days now. The thunderous rain has not made a reappearance but this wind is starting to annoy me now (it effects my work too).

Pulled her inside tonight for some maintenance. She got a spray with neem, soap, warm water all over and also some damping at base of stem with pipe cleaners in 4 directions. This has eliminated some of the stem wiggle right at the bottom which was making her pretty loose in the pot.

I sprayed the shit out of any other plant that survived the last day of crap weather with the neem mix too!

Soil is still soaked from yesterdays rain and lack of sunshine and I've bravely put her back among our flower pots which is windy but at least she'll get some better quality light there.

Fingers crossed some sunshine returns as I can see more bud sites appearing so they are gonna want some of those golden rays!




These early pistols have gone brown?


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with the weather i think she come out great i had some panels blow out plus my greenhouse blew around so mine are all indoors till fri mine would die as there not stable like yours yet but i feel yours will come on great soon as you get some sun on her back i normally grow in a tent but i cant put it back up for 2 mths heres a pic of my last grow i got 11 and a half oz off 3 plants in 10 week so its worth persevering
mine are back out on fri for good and keep the updates coming
@St. Tom thanks man, for a first grow it's been memorable and I'll be happy to pull something smokable off her.

The wind is still nuts, she goes almost horizontal in the strong gusts. I'm worried if this happens when she's flowering the buds will get blown clean off!!

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