Photoperiod First grow - Need help

If it's root bound, than increase frequency of feeding but not strength because it doesn't hold the nutes in there anyway. If it's a solid bank of root, the drainage would be only a bit less PPM after it goes through. In these conditions, the film of water that remains in the root mass is the only source of nutrition. You can foliar feed the lighter green portion of the plant to make up for it as well, just don't spray flowers.

My science mind has a question though. I am wondering if the section of the plant that is deficient correlates to a section of most root bound area in the pot. Like left brain/right brain. Perhaps there is some geometric pattern between roots that serve which shoots. Riddle me that. I don't know, just a cool observation.

I've been thinking about your theory and will test it after harvest. I'm going to mark the pot for where the lightest coloured sections of the plant are now, then essentially autopsy the root ball. If it actually shows any results worth sharing I'll post some photos. Thanks
I've been thinking about your theory and will test it after harvest. I'm going to mark the pot for where the lightest coloured sections of the plant are now, then essentially autopsy the root ball. If it actually shows any results worth sharing I'll post some photos. Thanks

I appreciate that, chances are pretty slim, but strange things can be true. There are other aspects of plants that conform to symmetry, so why not. Some plants can shift morphology based on input from predators and pollinators. Some can seemingly transmute minerals into other substances where there shouldn't have been the right chemistry.
Hi @Waira and @Rev. Green Genes

Do you have any thoughts on the burnt teeth and tip burn? Some leaves are showing symptoms of deficiencies and I can't figure out what. Some leaves look like they're lacking P, others lacking Potassium, or maybe Mg, or cal, etc...I have no clue. Do you mind taking a quick look at the pics? I just can't seem to get this one dialed in. My guts tells me they need to be fed more often (approx 3x week now) and I should switch to a feed/feed/water cycle, however with the burn I just don't know. PPM at feed is between 900-950

These are only showing on the upper leaves on the clones...closest to the light...this has started in the last 5 days or so


This is on the middle section of the clones


And this on the big mother that seems to always be suffering
Hey @Waira & @Rev. Green Genes here's a couple new ones from today. This is getting worse on the leaves that are losing colour. The veining still is dark green but i'm getting some patches that are going brown. Any thoughts would be appreciated thanks

:toke:- so, what's the pH in the pots? I see a few things going on,...3 feeds at that ppm's is running pretty rich, tip burn likely from that,... and it might be starting to lock out other nutes
-- upper leaves, how close to the lights are they? ...that interveinal chlorosis looks like Zn defc.; burning along the margin/teeth is a K issue, but the bitch with K is both defc. and toxicity cause that "teeth tip" burning! .... What are the N-P-K#'s on your feeds? Any other things going in?
:toke:- so, what's the pH in the pots? I see a few things going on,...3 feeds at that ppm's is running pretty rich, tip burn likely from that,... and it might be starting to lock out other nutes
-- upper leaves, how close to the lights are they? ...that interveinal chlorosis looks like Zn defc.; burning along the margin/teeth is a K issue, but the bitch with K is both defc. and toxicity cause that "teeth tip" burning! .... What are the N-P-K#'s on your feeds? Any other things going in?

Thanks for your reply @Waira it's much appreciated.

I just checked the pot PH in 2 pots (4hrs after watering with water/calmag @ 125PPM & PH 6.25) and they're reading 6.4

Those upper leaves are about 24" away, the closest cola is at 18". One cola in the middle sees 950 measured on my Hydrofarm PAR meter, but most are in the 500-800 range.

No bugs or anything that I can see at the moment and I've been watching closely now. Traps seems clean and I haven't seen any evidence of Thrips/slime on the leaves. Scale is gone for now and I've been checking every day. I do have an Exhale bag in the tent but that's been there since veg. As you know I sprayed with the Pyrethrin spray 3 times to treat the Thrips and used T-Drops (Tanlin) every 3 days for 3 weeks.Some lower leaves on the large mother are yellowing/falling/going white but that plants been showing issues forever so I'm really just focusing on the clones as they are the most healthy looking. I would rather they are harvested and don't care so much about the mother, whatever comes from her will be used for oils/etc. If I can keep the clones happy that's all that matters. That's all I can think of at the moment, please let me know if you need any more info.

Here is my current feeding schedule (and has been for a few weeks)

1.5ML/L Green Planet Hydro Fuel Bloom A (4-0-3)
1.5ML/L Green Planet Hydro Fuel Bloom B (0-4-5)
1.5ML/L Vitathrive - B Vitamin (0-0-1)
1.5ML/L Rezin
4ML/L Massive Bloom (1-2-3)
1.5ML/L Liquid Weight
1.5ML/L AN Rhino Skin (0-0-0.4)
1.5ML/L AN Sensizym
0.16ML/L Mammoth-P
=900-950 PPM

1.25ML/L ProCal - used only on water days (2-0-0)

Recharge/SLF-100 used once a week on water days

I'd like to try some GP Dense next week once a week for 2 weeks at 1.5g/L but haven't tried it yet

Clones in 3g pots get 1-1.5L per day depending on weight of pot. Alternating feed/water. Usually skip a day or 2 during the week if they don't need water. Not watering to runoff.

Thanks again, I am very appreciative to have this support
Small update, I fed today and dropped the base nutes to 1.25ML/L so the mix came out at 750PPM. I added about 500ML extra water so that watered everything down.
..looks good on the numbers, lights distances too,... Hmm, well that leaves the apparent micronute defc.,....only source is the base nutes and those you can't run much richer,.... foliar is an alternative treatment, but you'll need a micronute supplement and a wetting agent for doing that properly... Earth Juice Microblast is a good example, and I like Coco-Wet for a wetting agent... that stuff help the solution coat and stick better, instead of just beading up... spray tops and bottoms of leaves, out of direct light until dry; fully dry by lights out for sure when in bloom! Soil dosing too, but I hesitate to add more ppm's,... you haven't flushed the soil have you? I also dislike doing that unless really needed, it's a stressful itself to the roots,...
Thanks @Waira no I haven't flushed these at all. They haven't really been watered to runoff the entire time. On the clones it doesn't seem to be effecting too many areas, but the few that do have went brown and bent up. Fed again at 775PPM today after a recharge/slf-100/procal day yesterday. Tip burn seems to have stopped. I hope most strains aren't this finicky

On a good note I had to do some major staking over the weekend as the buds are getting quite heavy and were sagging quite a bit. The smell was incredible while doing so.

I'm going to do a water/procal day tomorrow then try some dense the following day. Curious to see how they will react
:toke:- so, what's the pH in the pots? I see a few things going on,...3 feeds at that ppm's is running pretty rich, tip burn likely from that,... and it might be starting to lock out other nutes
-- upper leaves, how close to the lights are they? ...that interveinal chlorosis looks like Zn defc.; burning along the margin/teeth is a K issue, but the bitch with K is both defc. and toxicity cause that "teeth tip" burning! .... What are the N-P-K#'s on your feeds? Any other things going in?

I gave them a round of GP Dense (0-0-62) today at 860PPM so lets see how they respond. I am hoping that will help the issue going on with the teeth. If that was due to a K issue I guess we will see pretty quickly if it was a defc or toxicity problem!

I am actually thinking I may be getting light stress on those leaves that are curling up and going brown. It's interesting as there is somewhat of a pattern where they are all upper large fan leaves closest to the lights, however there are a few that are below leaves that are unaffected and not the closest to the lights, however only a few. I am also suspecting it may be a light/heat issue even though my temps seem good, it is warm under the lights. I readjusted my fans to see if it helps at all.