Photoperiod First grow - Need help

There are not very many reasons to prune. They include:

Making increased air flow through the canopy.
To reduce mold potential and improve light directly to bud sites.
Improve the beauty of the plant.
To be able to more easily monitor new vs. old symptoms.
If you are doing exotic training like de-foliation or mainline/scrog/lollipop.

And of course the main reason NOT to prune, is that you lose photosynthesis capability, and reduce the plants potential to some extent. When in recovery, I only remove dead/damage material.

Thats the quick and dirty truth on pruning.
Hi @Rev. Green Genes , a bit of an update and quick question if you don't mind.

I got PH stable in my pots now at 6.2 Plant health improved greatly. I also increased my feed and watering frequency which really seemed to help. I'm now 16 days since switch to 12/12 and everything is healthy and filling in nicely. I left them vegging too long as I was waiting to finish my auto's, however some supercropping really leveled the canopy.

I've been having some of the lower leaves show what appears to be like white spotting/mineral buildup? I first thought bugs but the markings on the leaves look different then spider mites. Plus I haven't seen any bugs and i inspect quite thoroughly every day. Also don't have a single bug on the fly sticky strip. The burnt tips on the lower leaves were from when I was having PH issues, that seems to be rectified now.

I am wondering if this might be from the cool mist humidifier I have in the tent. I use straight tap water and it runs a lot. The markings seem to be mostly on the lower leaves and is mostly concentrated to around the humidifier, however there are some scattered higher as well. Could it be mineral deposits or something like that? The canopy appears to be very healthy and growing constantly. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks in advance to anyone who chimes in.

check the underside of leaves for bugs too. Does it scrape off with your finger? I would think if it scrapes off its a mildew, but it looks like it is inside the leaves between the veins. That would be an early magnesium def I'm thinking. Did those purple lines on the stem appear at the same time? I'd ask Waira, he can tell instantly. Sometimes just the original pH flux will cause a symptom or two to persist.
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Thanks for the reply @Rev. Green Genes

Nothing visible on the underside even with a loupe, they look clean. Spider mites was the first thing i thought when I saw the spotting. On the top side of the leaf there appears to be small somewhat shiny patches as well. It won't scrape off. Along with my feeding schedule I have been adding 1ml/L Green Planet Pro Cal every second day. I've been watering daily alternating between water and feeding days. Plus recharge and SLF-100 weekly on water days started 2 weeks ago.

Hey @Waira , would you mind stopping in and taking a look?
Oh and the purple on the stems...that's been there as long as I can remember.
Does anyone else have any thoughts? Should I up the Pro Cal and add it to the watering days as well? Or just ignore it? Any opinions are appreciated, thanks
:toke: mate, can you get me a better light, closer up pic of the affected leaves? my first impression is thrips damage, which is not like mites at all,... plus it's on the upper surface, calssic thrips, mites hit below first and worst usually,... sticky traps may not help if they are up high, and the thrips are too young to fly yet,... they are highly mobile little shits, and will literally dodge and hide from you as you scope things out,.. they are pretty small typically, 2-5mm... slip a sticky trap under there, like above the soil...
..... lots of choices for killing them, but lets confirm first,....
Hi @Waira , thank you so much for the response. Sh*t, I can confirm I have Thrips. I have been looking on the underside of the leaves this whole time. I can see small clear/lime green insects moving on the top of leaves along with the tiny black sacs as pictured in your photo. I also have the slightly shiny sections on some leaves. And it is getting worse. I'm now 25 days since flip to 12/12(11 week flowering strain), any advice for getting rid of these guys? Thanks again
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Just doing some watering I noticed on one of the plants two really small clear looking insects come to the surface and go for a quick jog
So I went and bought some Doktor Doom Go Green Botanic's Indoor Plant Spray and gave them a misting a couple hours before the lights came on. I also removed as much affected leaves as I could without completely stripping the plants. I then watered thoroughly with water along with another product I bought called CSS Horticulture T-Drops. I was told to repeat the spray every 4 days for 3-4 rounds and use the drops on watering days for 2 weeks.

The spray is approved for organic gardening and is essentially a Pyrethrin .20% spray. The T-Drops used to be called Tanlin, however something was removed from the mix so they renamed it.

I hope I'm on the right track? I hope I didn't screw anything up but wanted to jump on this problem fast since I'm 3.5 weeks into flower. Is there anything else I should be doing?

Thanks again for any assistance