Photoperiod First grow - Need help

I forgot to mention and just remembered now, when I was removing some damage leaves yesterday I ran across 3 leaves with a strange brown lump on them. After doing some research, it looked just like Scale. It looked like the photo below however there was only 1 on each leaf and the colour was darker. they were very hard and couldn't be chipped off so I chucked them out. (PHOTO FROM GOOGLE, NOT MY PLANT)

:doh: :cuss: crapsicles! have a wild f'ing kingdom of vermins, Mav' - :rofl:
.... scale for sure, the larvae are also tiny-ting, without the "shield" formed yet,... the few bigger ones you can crush and wipe off easily enough; the spray will nail everybody, but the scale can be tougher for that if they don't get sufficient exposure contact.... Use a wetting agent of some kind, I'd stay clear of soaps though (residues), you'll have to get the real deal stuff... I like Coco-Wet- :thumbsup: ... these products take the surface tension out of the solution/water so it won't just bead up, it'll coat and stick more evenly; it also will help penetrate the bugs' natural repellency which is key!....
.... thrips do a sort of pupation in the soil, but don't feed... so, you may need to surface spray the soil as well, maybe lay down a layer of diatomaceous earth...
Time to patrol hard-core! :amazon: Spray, wipe, surface bomb.... consider this a war, not a battle... you'll need to sweat this out until there are no more signs, but that may not happen totally until you can clear the tent,... it really begs the question where the hell they came from! Scale especially,.. were they ever outside? Did some new "adopted" plants come in (notorious way for vermins to migrate!)... the soil may be suspect too... If you were in an outdoor garden, thrips may hitch a ride by accident,....
Oh another great product is spinosad, or rather an ingredient...Monterey Gardens Insect spray conc., Capt'n Jack's Dead Bug... this is a bacterial derived killer; pyrethrum is from chrysanthemums,.... both are neurotoxins, but don't kill on contact right away, they do sicken fast and go off feed, then croak a little later,... Since you're going into bloom, you want low residue stuff, never pure neem oil, even Azamax is still pretty gunky and stanky.....
Fucking hell @Waira LMAO your response cracked me up. Not much I can do at this point but laugh, I've got a large mess on my hands. And just when I thought everything had recovered and was going smooth.

I'm in Canada and looked around but had trouble locating Spinosad, which is why I went with the spray I did. I will throw down some diatomaceous earth as I have some in the house already, and next spray with coat the soil as well.

Just checked Amazon and Coco-Wet arrival time would be Nov 22, so might have to get it just to keep around for emergencies that arise on other grows.

Am I good with the schedule I am on or do I need to switch anything up? Hopefully things mellow out so I can at least get through harvest then light the tent on fire and walk away.

It's a long story with these plants. It all started back in May when a very close friend of mine planted some seeds. Him and I had been talking for years about growing and I was finally in the finishing stages of getting my medical grow license. By the time I got my license I dropped a couple Auto seeds, then 2 days later he shows up with a gift of the photo that we now see in my tent. It sat outside in my yard for 3 weeks before being brought inside. While I was finishing my auto's I was playing around with this photo, and made 4 clones, which is now why I have one large plant in a 10G pot and 4 of her clones in 3G pots. So essentially that large plant vegged for 5 months LOL.

It looked great in the tent for weeks without anything showing up, however I am guessing now she had things hiding in her soil.

Live and learn, this is a hell of a first grow. Although not sure what to count this as it started at the beginning although my 2 auto's are now in jars resting. Either way, I didn't know sh*t when my buddy showed up at my door with this plant. Let's hope I can at least get some nice smoke off her, I sure hope it'll be worth it

Here's the tent as of 10 mins ago. Day 26 from 12/12 flip. The way things are looking I might as well turn this into my grow journal...

Day 26.jpg
:smoking: ... up there, I have no idea under what brand a spinosad product would be,...assuming it's approved too.... pyrethrum is fine, and if you can find some castille soap, no fragrance, that can do in a pinch; use just enough to get the spray to not bead up too much,.... drop some sticky traps in there too, blue or yellow colors are attractive to them... lay near the soil level or on top of it as well; these can help you not just kill them, but monitor population levels....
Likely the bugs came from outside, a low population at first, but in a nice tent, it's like a spa for them! it's all about killing off the generations, and staying vigilant with treatment and observation,....
Sched' is fine, and work the bloom nutes now.... :goodluck:
Hey @Waira and @Rev. Green Genes , a quick update and a couple more questions if you have the time.

I've done 2 good sprays and 3 feedings with the T-Drops so far. I also applied a thin layer of diatomaceous earth on Friday and added yellow sticky traps just above the soil of each plant. After the first spray I wss able to find a few thrips on random leaves, however I have been looking regularly since the second spray and have yet to find one alive. I have found carcasses though.

Unfortunately another issue has come up. I noticed some tips yellowing after teh first spray and burnt tips after the second spray. Not sure if this is coincidence or not. . The burnt tips have progressed to many of the leaves, however it is fairly minor on most. I tested soil PH 2 days ago and found it back down to 5.9 even though I always feed at 6.3. I applied another top dressing of dolomite lime yesterday since this is what I did last time it was low.

I am nervous now on what has caused the burning. Is it my feed schedule, the drop in PH, or the application of the spray/t-drops/diatomaceous earth?

My feed schedule has been very consistent. I have alternated feed/water daily since I switched to 12/12. The only change was I added Vitathrive(B Vtamin) and dropped the Voodoo juice at the completion of week 2. Did it just build up and become too much causing the burn? Since I noticed the yellowing tips I it's been 7 days and I have only fed once (4 days ago) everything else has been just water or water+calmag days. I should mention I have been running recharge plus SLF-100 weekly on water days just an FYI. Any advice on how to move forward with feeding would be appreciated.

Also curious, with all the dolomite lime and diatomaceous earth I have added to the topsoil, should I stay away from liquid Calmag for a while? Or even the rest of the grow?

Here are some photos from a few minutes ago, thanks in advance for any advice you can offer

Just one small update, I gave everyone their third spray today. I'm planning for that one to be my last spray. Should I just keep feeding water only for a few more days? At some point I have to switch back to feedings but I'm not sure when. I'm thinking water today, water and recharge/slf-100 tomorrow, then back to my regular alternating feed schedule? Or move to feed - water - water? I noticed some burnt sections on the teeth of the older leaves today and general lightening overall. I am worried my lack of feeding isn't helping but am almost convinced it's PH issues again. I'm going to water now and check PH in the pots again to confirm numbers and will post them up.
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OK so PH update, all the pots are reading between 6.2 and 6.4, so maybe not a PH issue. It's only been a few days so this can't be from the dolomite lime, can it? Did I screw something up last time I checked the pots? I've been feeding straight water for a while now so maybe it was getting rid of some salts/nutrients in the soil? Now I'm worried that I added lime recently and what that will do to my PH. This is getting quite frustrating

Maybe I should hit it with recharge/slf-100 and water tomorrow, then go back into nutes at a lighter dose. Any opinions are appreciated
...keep on the feeds! ... tip burn might be from sprays, might be a minor defc. starting, too generic to call when this minor,... pH is fine- :thumbsup:
is the dolo' powdered? this form of lime is the slowest acting because it's chemistry is a little different from regular garden/Ag' lime, sitting on the surface, it take even more time for it to dissolve and get reacting down deeper in the root zone,... unless you have actual Ca or Mg defc. symptoms, don't overdo the Ca-Mg supp's,... a weak weekly dose is fine; too much Ca/Mg can start screwing with uptake of both other nutes, and each other.... your nutes have Ca and Mg too....
Thanks for the reply @Waira , I'll get back to feeding starting today at a 3/4 dose and see how she responds.

The dolomite lime was granulated (with some powder), so I am guessing very slow release. Hope I didn't screw anything up by adding that. I will also reduce CalMag to once weekly instead of every other day like I was doing. Maybe that is what caused the issues? worries about the dolo',... and no I don't think you had an overload of Ca-Mg.....