Photoperiod First grow - Need help

Took a couple pics today when feeding, you can see the crispy leaves. I am thinking it was not enough airflow and cooked the leaves. Lets see what happens in the coming days if it stops now that I've moved the fans. Thinking I should dim the lights as well a touch. I'm at the end of week 8 (Day 54) since switching to 12/12. Just trying to plow through before something else goes's supposed to be an 11 week flowering strain. Do I look like I'm 3.5 weeks away?

Any thoughts/opinions are appreciated




... response to feeds is good, just don't over-do it!! Dense is crazy potent....
you might have some light stress, but not too bad,.. the K defc also cooks the whole margin sometimes,.... there is some proximity heat with HPS too on the tops,....
gentle movement of the tops is usually enough for airflow,....
Hey @Waira they were given 2 doses of DENSE a week apart at 830PPM and seems to have handled it. I also dimmed the lights to approx 500PPFD on average at canopy as I've read some benefits to doing so in the final 3 weeks. Today is the start of week 10 of 12/12 and I'm thinking they have 2 to 2.5 weeks to go. I think I will feed for a week or maybe just another 4 days and then switch to water for the final ride. I don't think they will get a third dose of DENSE but I could be persuaded to if you think it's a good idea. Any advice is appreciated, here are some photos from yesterday. I'm hoping the crispy leaves don't continue as I am so close to the finish line and the buds are swelling nicely.

Day 63 of 12/12



Hi @Waira I would appreciate your opinion if you have a few mins. I'm still having issues with the leaves browning and dying off. Nothing has really changed from my last numbers. Have dropped feed to 600-650PPM and have kept the same schedule of feed/water alternating with recharge/slf-100 once a week. Light have beeb dimmer to approx 550PPFD at canopy. Could I not be watering enough each time? I've been giving 1.25L each day into 3G pots. Should I just continue on and ride it out?

I'm at day 74 of flower, so 10.5 weeks. Breeder says ready in 11 however i'm thinking these will go 13. Anything I can/should do to slow this down? I would appreciate anyone's opinion here on how to get op the finish line with quality smoke, thanks so much

Day 74

Day 71
I can't assess thw watering mate, only you can,.. any kind of dry is bad right now for you, the soil is likely pretty loaded with nutes,... drying out spikes this worse, plus pH drifting out of range,... You may want to consider doing a pot flush on one, just to see what the run-off pH and ppm's are; 2-3x pot volume of low ppm water, check pH and TDS about every gal through to see where you are at,... Are you checking in-pot pH?
I can't assess thw watering mate, only you can,.. any kind of dry is bad right now for you, the soil is likely pretty loaded with nutes,... drying out spikes this worse, plus pH drifting out of range,... You may want to consider doing a pot flush on one, just to see what the run-off pH and ppm's are; 2-3x pot volume of low ppm water, check pH and TDS about every gal through to see where you are at,... Are you checking in-pot pH?

Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it.

With the watering I was more so wondering if my method is flawed. I was following A-Trains method of watering frequently and not to runoff, however maybe with photos and this long of a flower I should have been watering to light runoff and watering every second day. Second guessing everything at this point.

I haven't checked PH in soil in a couple weeks. To be honest I am concerned at this stage about sticking that probe in the root zone, especially since it's so loaded with roots that it's a fight to get it in. I have the Bluelab soil PH pen but maybe I shouldn't be concerned with this and the possible root damage.

With this thinking I gave 2L of feed today at 650PPM, and had just a slight bit of runoff for it's first about 1200PPM but I know when you get just half a cup of runoff that measurement is not least I think that's true.

Any harm in just switching to some herculean harvest and Aphrodite's Extraction for the next week and hope for the best? I think I'm pretty close to harvest anyways, maybe 2-2.5 weeks. Then give just water for the final week
There's no right or wrong with that watering deal, I don't water my OD photo's to much run-off, but then I use fairly low hardness ppm water, monitor and adjust pH going if needed, and test in-pot pH weekly at least,... also feed on the milder side, more often, and sometime with organic nutes... It also is going to depend on the soil's water holding properties, and how root bound things are... flushing isn't always a bad idea, but one concern is if it stays water logged for long, smothering roots O2 uptake, promoting fungal/rot issues,... So IMO, unless there's a real need, like really off pH, obvious nute burn/overfeeding, I don't do flushing... Some folks would not agree with this though, they feel a real flush once at transition or early bloom is smart, unless it's all organic based... typically, a flush is 2-3+ x pot volume of water, with regular checks of pH and ppm's on run-off to see how its working,...
As for the soil pH probe, no significant root damage is done by using that; this is why I like the Accurate 8 unit, vs. a "pro" model that is actually a type of bulb electrode device the same as pH meters (liquid only),... one less fussy device to care for and service, and much less expensive too,...
That run-off value is pretty high, but with such a small amount indeed it's not a solid indicator,... ease up on the ppm input, both those are fine, but I'd get some K in there too at this late stage,..
Hi @Waira so low and behold I checked the pots and they're sitting at 5.7PH. They were still moist from their water day yesterday which went in at 6.3 so something is seriously off. 6 weeks ago I top dressed with quite a bit of dolomite lime so I am surprised by this. I've also been using a lot of microbes and been watering with recharge/slf-100 weekly and thought that would help stabilize PH in the pot. I checked my autos in the other tent and they were sitting at 6.4PH and I'm really following the same methods in each tent so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. My feed/water always goes in at 6.3ish. Can this be somewhat strain specific?

I am guessing I should do a big flush? Can I use water straight from the tap? I don't have enough water sitting out to do all these as I'm going to need 66 gallons of water to do this. Should my last litre or so go in with some light nutes?

Looking at the tric's it still seems I'm over 2 weeks away from finish...I am guessing this PH issue has slowed things down some
OK after some research I now understand it was most likely a buildup of salts that caused my low in-pot PH. They all got a good flush of tap water last night then finished off with with a rinse of PH'd water and 1/2 strength nutes @350PPM. They all started around 1100PPM and by the time I had gotten 2x pot size through they were down to 250-300 and PH had stabilized to match incoming water. One needed a couple extra gallons to bring her into range.

I have to say that was quite the task, start to finish it took me around 3 hours. I do not have a basement with a drain or anything so I had to keep moving them around the laundry room in and out of the sink. The 10G pot had to be done in the bath tub, let me say it's a lot of work to flush a 10G pot! And heavy to move as well!

Thanks for sticking with me through this, I just want to get this grow finished and put to bed with all the issues I've had. Not sure if I'll do another feed or just go right to my finishing routing...I'm guessing with all the salts I flushed out of the root zone it might need another meal or 2 and not as much water at the end?
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...5.7 isn't a red alert, but does need correcting,... well, now it's done! ...hopefully you have fixed 2 for 1 here! Keep on the nutes, lower level, until you're about a week out, then nothing but water for several days,....