Outdoor First grow, late outdoor organic attempt

Blueberry smoke test:
I am sitting here pondering the wisdom of having smoked that whole 1/4-1/2g in a single bowl, at lunchtime.
THC levels are sufficiently high...

A momentous occasion, though! First time ever smoking my own plant:smoking:
And you were worried it might be too soon bring in the crop (-;

It is my first grow, I reserve the right to worry as much as I want. ;)

I also reserve the right to flip flop endlessly about harvesting or leaving the plants.

The high was pretty good. Not as much body relaxation as wanted, but it gives me a neat reference point to compare to the next grow. The taste leaves much to be desired, but I blame that on the microwave quick dry:yuck:
Good job man ,gotta try the full Oregon season you're gonna really dig that harvest.
I think I'm gonna put an auto out there with my photos could get 3 possible harvests and I'm into various types of herb.not really worried anymore about running out ,I have small grows featuring large plants.
I think I'm gonna put an auto out there with my photos could get 3 possible harvests and I'm into various types of herb.not really worried anymore about running out ,I have small grows featuring large plants.

Are you trying for 3 harvests outdoors?
Do you have a planting schedule you can share?

I have been thinking of an early auto run. Started indoors and finished out in the sunlight. But, I need enough time to get the photo run sized up. The law currently allows me 4 plants total, no exceptions for seedlings. Grrr.

Sense I'm keeping it legal for the sake of my family, it creates some logistical issues, and I'm just not sure what timeline I should attempt for the double outdoor harvest.
I start my plants in April than I plant outdoors ,and greenhouse,i grow organic super simple style,barn ysrd manure ,fish emulations,kelp ,bat guano,sea bird guano,worm castings,,cotton seed meal,blood. Meal ,Epsom salt ,molasses,ya know the basic organic stuff, native soil ,in the ground ,3 auto harvests easy in the greenhouse start April couple 60 day rudys man
I do indoors to like I said always small legal legit before it was illegal and I did the time wasn't even a grower just had some zips of bud .