Outdoor First grow, late outdoor organic attempt

Fishy, when I first saw your thread as you were starting, so was I, but it was my spring, your fall, i thought wtf is this dude crazy ? LOL. You got some smoke and learnt some stuff, and you've imsprired me to try a winter grow here where my winter is alot kinder than yours.
You're going to encounter mold no matter what, in a closed greenhouse and no ventilation (that i saw). I've got the same issue in hawaii. Without a controlled climate GH its just a matter of when not if. If you were able to get even a small 12v oscillating fan and or a 12v exhaust out fan, you'd help yourself some. You could even try the closet hanging dehueys. I didn't read anthing about PM, which i would've assumed you'd see well before any mold. I'm looking into doing my first auto grow soon. Where i'm at, if its a clone plant, you can put it out anytime of year and it autoflowers. I've got a few new projects, so i don't have the space to veg 100+ plants or whatever, so this was very informative, and very helpful. In our winters we can still get days with as much as 10 hours a day of sun, so your journal has also provided me some hope for autos in hawaii as well. Best of luck with your next grow bro!
You're going to encounter mold no matter what, in a closed greenhouse and no ventilation (that i saw). I've got the same issue in hawaii. Without a controlled climate GH its just a matter of when not if. If you were able to get even a small 12v oscillating fan and or a 12v exhaust out fan, you'd help yourself some. You could even try the closet hanging dehueys. I didn't read anthing about PM, which i would've assumed you'd see well before any mold. I'm looking into doing my first auto grow soon. Where i'm at, if its a clone plant, you can put it out anytime of year and it autoflowers. I've got a few new projects, so i don't have the space to veg 100+ plants or whatever, so this was very informative, and very helpful. In our winters we can still get days with as much as 10 hours a day of sun, so your journal has also provided me some hope for autos in hawaii as well. Best of luck with your next grow bro!

In a clime with long growing season, could you time planting for harvest during the driest and breeziest time of year?
In a clime with long growing season, could you time planting for harvest during the driest and breeziest time of year?
You could, i might do
In a clime with long growing season, could you time planting for harvest during the driest and breeziest time of year?
I'm sure i can do that. I pull off lke 4 harvests a year on the button. I never really bothered with popping new beans to catch season, just to try new strains. I've got a select few strains that are literally unaffected by PM or MOLD i've got some plants that love PM. They sit side by side with eachother in the GH and it doesn't get even remotely scathed..0 pm 0 rot. Purple kush and flower bomb og. (granted ive had the purple for 3 years so its probably getting acclimated by now)
Sorry for being AWOL from my own thread for so long! 'Tis the time of year when no amount of weed will shield me from my anxiety, social and otherwise, and I shut down online.

Anyway, buds have been curing, and they are smelling good:)
I'll start smoking 'em soon.
You could, i might do

I'm sure i can do that. I pull off lke 4 harvests a year on the button. I never really bothered with popping new beans to catch season, just to try new strains. I've got a select few strains that are literally unaffected by PM or MOLD i've got some plants that love PM. They sit side by side with eachother in the GH and it doesn't get even remotely scathed..0 pm 0 rot. Purple kush and flower bomb og. (granted ive had the purple for 3 years so its probably getting acclimated by now)

Got a purple kush strain that seems very resistant, and PK just seems to be top notch nite time meds.
Sorry for being AWOL from my own thread for so long! 'Tis the time of year when no amount of weed will shield me from my anxiety, social and otherwise, and I shut down online.

Anyway, buds have been curing, and they are smelling good:)
I'll start smoking 'em soon.

No need to apologise FishDude, holidays can be crazy hard. Good smelling bud means one thing, you are going to enjoy your harvest! Peace be with you gro-bro.
No need to apologise FishDude, holidays can be crazy hard. Good smelling bud means one thing, you are going to enjoy your harvest! Peace be with you gro-bro.

Thanks. I just want everyone to know that I read, enjoy and appreciate everyone's posts. I often don't reply simply because there is a part of my brain that doesn't allow it.

The comments that I have inspired you guys to grow in less than ideal circumstances make me very happy. It seems these scrappy plants will try to give you some bud no matter what, so go for it!
I do find myself in a situation where I feel very fortunate to have legal access to affordable quality bud. I don't need to concern myself with maximizing yields, so I can have fun torturing plants to my hearts desire. Hopefully my little experiments can help out someone in a more challenging situation.
Nice thread, fishdude.

I got some seeds in the mail the other day and my plan is to do something similar to what you tried... a first time grow in my backyard.

Looking forward to your smoke report.