Outdoor First grow, late outdoor organic attempt

You guys are seriously overdue for some smoke reports, so here it goes:

Dutch Passion Auto BlueBerry:
Distinct notes of blueberry in both smell and taste, though still very mild. Hopefully, it will improve with age, but it is already quite pleasant.
The high is where it all goes wrong. It seems that all clear trichs don't make for much of a couchlock indica;) The high leans much more towards the sativa side of things, and is wholly unremarkable.
It is decent enough weed, and I will continue to smoke it, but not exciting at all. Dutch Passion has an awesome track record with this strain, so I am blaming operator error on this one. I am growing two more of these under shop lights right now. The plants look like they will be predictably low yielding, but humidity shouldn't be a problem, so I should get at least a few grams of fully mature bud to truly be able to judge this strain.

CBD Crew Med Gom 1.0:
At first the taste and smell was super pine, and in a very pleasant way. As it has cured, the buds have taken on a chocolate/pine taste and smell, and it is simply divine.
Seriously yummy weed.
As for the high, it clearly does it's job. Nearly identical to Critical Cure and Harlequin I have smoked. If that is what you are looking for, it delivers nicely.
Sadly, I find I am not very fond of the high CBD indica based high. It doesn't do anything for me that a high THC strain taken in moderation wouldn't do better.
Unless I decide to grow for a patient that could really use the stuff, I think I'm done with high CBD strains in general.

Mephisto SODK:
Hints of (get ready for it) sour, orange, diesel and kush in the taste and smell. Pretty mild so far, but I just popped the jar and was greeted by a much bigger orange nose than before. I'm thinking this might get super yummy real soon.

The high is awesome. Really chill yet upbeat and relaxing. Works well for cleaning the house or just hanging out. A little too fuzzy to use in a work situation, but great for a mellow high any other time.
I have a few more beans of this, and will be popping them come spring. This one may earn a permanent spot in my roster, we shall see.

Dinafem Critical Jack Auto:
This poor plant never really stood a chance. I was started way too late. Yet it still managed to give me a couple grams, so A for effort.
The taste is spicy, the high makes me feel like I am floating. I don't know if it is the most authentic of Jack Herrer strains, but it scratches my Jack itch nicely.
I wish I still had some more of these seeds. As it stands, I plan on growing Fast Jack 47 from Sweet Seeds this summer. If I don't love it, Critical Jack is my fall back plan, though I will probably grow the photo instead. Jack Herrer is one of my go-to strains for curing anxiety and allowing me to focus at work. There can never be too large a stash!
Great grow thread mate! my weather has some serious potential for late auto grows, and if blueberry performs as well for me as it did for you, it may have to be my first choice! thanks for the read.