This is a better idea of the health @PlatinumLEDTom

The one in the center is a freak, she has been off her rocker since her 2nd set of leaf. So dont mind her however the twins in the back are more identical in phenotype.

The Lights are providing exactly what they need, i cant get over the overall health and it shows me you guys got the spectrum mixing down too. You cant get that dark green unless that shit is together....

This is a better idea of the health @PlatinumLEDTom

The one in the center is a freak, she has been off her rocker since her 2nd set of leaf. So dont mind her however the twins in the back are more identical in phenotype.

The Lights are providing exactly what they need, i cant get over the overall health and it shows me you guys got the spectrum mixing down too. You cant get that dark green unless that shit is together....


Hell yeah @FullDuplex. Looking like some healthy plants! Thanks for sharing!
Great job FD, It's really nice to see you enjoying yourself with your new LEDs.
It is truly amazing as you mentioned the ability to see the new growth coming on so fast and being able to see the colour difference between new growth and the older leaves.
Awesome job by Platinum Leds too for their tweeking of the spectrum & hitting that Par sweet spot.
Here we are mid week 4 i have been keeping this to my self as i wanted to make sure that i wasnt going to kill all of them in the process of learning how to grow with LED lights.

So a reminder of the what is going on in there. 3x3 tent 2x p300's
Temps are 73-75
Nutes FF Grow Big & Tiger Bloom
Few GH additives that i have been using as well. Nothing special just enhancers
GH Cal/Mag


I will say this about the lights, everybody knows that i love them. I have been impressed with them so far and they are kicking out some serious light and making me smile each time i open the tent. For the scale that i am running multi panel is the way to go. For those out there that have the idea to follow in my footsteps in this, go with two panels in a 3x3 tent 2 is perfect in there. For 3 or less plants in that size tent, 1 would do the job perfect.

Light heights for the p300's

Hatch-lings/Seedlings, 2x Panels 26-28 inches above the RIM of the pot. This is where i took my measurements at first. Anything closer the little guys will discolor and cower at the power of these things. Veg mode switch only

Seedlings/1st & 2nd weeks 2x panels 24-26 inches above the rim of the pot, they can ride like this for a while with that coverage of 2 panels.

2 weeks on, depending on the height that you have in the room start you measurements from the top of the plants. I am at 22-24 above the top of the plants, and at week 3 to week 4 kick on both of the switches. Once i see vertical growth stop ill drop them to the 18-20 inch recommendation of Platinum but at this rate i think they will find that their self.
Just a small update for you guys in here. I did this to contrast how much growth per day is going on. You will see the light green tops on them. Lights are not to close as i have them UP because of the size of the tent and running 2 panels i can keep them a little higher.

The light green is usually that for about 24 hours and then it darkens down like the rest of the leaf that is below. Its something to watch happen seeing the plants growth in a rate that i have never before.




And my little secret in there....3 of the females from my line are showing the coal black buds earlier than they ever have...

Heres a peek at what i am talking about

@PlatinumLEDTom Here is your week 5 update Kicking strong in there. Still pleased as ever on them.



They are taking some serious Cal/mag at the moment as well as ferts. These guys are eating and eating and eating some more. Right now my ferts are tiger bloom, cal/mag and MammothP all at full strength. No burnt tips and no def's yet. The tops are a little lighter than the rest but that is all new growth and maybe a little more P is needed so this week we'll go a little hotter to feed the hungry bitches.
@PlatinumLEDTom Here is your week 5 update Kicking strong in there. Still pleased as ever on them.



They are taking some serious Cal/mag at the moment as well as ferts. These guys are eating and eating and eating some more. Right now my ferts are tiger bloom, cal/mag and MammothP all at full strength. No burnt tips and no def's yet. The tops are a little lighter than the rest but that is all new growth and maybe a little more P is needed so this week we'll go a little hotter to feed the hungry bitches.
That doesn't even look like branches.. all caught up to the top. Looking awesome in here