Welcome to the led brotherhood FD! Hows the temps compared to your HID lighting? Jut wait til you flip the flower switch!!:headbang:
Get that panel down close as you can without bleaching the tops and you will not believe the finish!:thumbsup:
Welcome to the led brotherhood FD! Hows the temps compared to your HID lighting? Jut wait til you flip the flower switch!!:headbang:
Get that panel down close as you can without bleaching the tops and you will not believe the finish!:thumbsup:

I cant wait man for that day, and temps are amazing. 2x p300 and i do have a filter going and temps are 70 degrees, rH is 55%. If i turn off the fan it gets up to 79-80 i think which is still great. When i test kicked on both switches temps went up to 72 degrees filer on so filter off would be 85 i figure :cooldance:

Lights are 26 in above the girls and that is measured from above the rim of the pot. So i am pleased with what is going on in there more so than i ever have with the HPS i used to run. THat thing is taking care of my peppers and such now. Im LOVING the LED brotherhood.
I cant wait man for that day, and temps are amazing. 2x p300 and i do have a filter going and temps are 70 degrees, rH is 55%. If i turn off the fan it gets up to 79-80 i think which is still great. When i test kicked on both switches temps went up to 72 degrees filer on so filter off would be 85 i figure :cooldance:

Lights are 26 in above the girls and that is measured from above the rim of the pot. So i am pleased with what is going on in there more so than i ever have with the HPS i used to run. THat thing is taking care of my peppers and such now. Im LOVING the LED brotherhood.
LED is the only way to go..
LED is the only way to go..

Im starting to see this, they way that you can control the temps is unreal. No more fighting the temps of an HPS. Makes things so much easier than dealing with a hanging fireball.


Welcome to the world of LED :D :)
Your gonna love growing under these lights!
Subbed for this, Can't wait to see more updates.


Thanks Arty much appreciated mate! Im already loving it, and cant wait to one day replace all my gear with them. It seems to be the trick to amazing growth as well as temp control. I cant believe it took me this long, guess i just had to take the plunge.

Sorry I'm late to the party...
Quick question...you have just the one p300 in a 3x3 tent? And it fills it that well? Damn that's crazy but awesome!!

No worries glad you made it, i had a single p300 and it did great in that size tent, i have since added a second one to the room and the coverage is amazing.
So its been an interesting journey with these lights, and i have to say each time i crack the tent i fall more and more in love with what i see them doing. Who knew a diode had the power to do what its doing.

Official update here at the three week mark.

They have had one feeding of my nute mix at 1/2 strength given the multi pots.
Grow big calls for 2 teaspoons per galon, mix base was 2 gal of RO water and it got 2 teaspoons of grow big
full strength of GH cal/mag at 1 teaspoon per galon
.6 ml of mammoth P as per bottle for growth stage
15 drops of GH root enhancer to fight off the wee touch of damage the fungus gnats did before i warded them off.

Purple Love

Natural light

One of the bubba kush gals loving her life

One thing that i have noticed about these lights and the response that the plants have to them. I am used to HPS and i have said that many of times, one thing i can say is the rate of growth is un matched and it can be seen. Usually under HPS you see new growth a little lighter than the older leaf, nothing to pronounced but you can see it. Here is this picture the plant almost looks 2 different colors, and the reason i think is the faster rate of growth. So you will see it more than so than with an HPS. so what i am saying is that when the new leaf form they are light and then darken as time passes, because the rate of exposure is slower, with the LED you see the lighter color more as the plant is growing faster. Still at the three week mark i am impressed.
Looks like some happy plants. Loving this journal so far @FullDuplex
Thanks @PlatinumLEDTom i really appreciate that and i think that i am loving the lights as much as you are the journal. They have been amazing so far and can see the difference that they make. Job well done with these.