Grow Mediums Dutch Passion third times a charm !!


Colorado Legal Babeeee!!!
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
a Little Dab 'll Do Ya.ask Elvis !!
Hello Brothers and Sisters !!! I am currently growing 2 Auto Ultimates in Coco and this will be my third grow(watch out battle thread,ill be ready in late February),still new and still learning so tips and advice are welcome.....The plants are in 2 gallon smart pots with a 60/40 coco/pearlite mix ,rinsed and precharged with nutes and cal mag...The plants broke the coco surface on dec 11 which makes them 15 days old now and they are looking pretty good so far....I have a mix of nutes to include GH Maxi bloom,GH cali magic,Cyco silica GH grow, ORCA bacteria/myco, and a few other things and i am currently feeding at about 400 ppm...Currently using 400 watts of MH and will switch to 600 watts and the HPS when they are ready..So far things are looking good(they can maybe use a little more feed), .....Equipment includes Hanna ppm meter,Blue Lab ph pen,.... PC250008.JPG PC250009.JPG PC250010.JPGPC250016.JPG
Hello Brothers and Sisters !!! I am currently growing 2 Auto Ultimates in Coco and this will be my third grow(watch out battle thread,ill be ready in late February),still new and still learning so tips and advice are welcome.....The plants are in 2 gallon smart pots with a 60/40 coco/pearlite mix ,rinsed and precharged with nutes and cal mag...The plants broke the coco surface on dec 11 which makes them 15 days old now and they are looking pretty good so far....I have a mix of nutes to include GH Maxi bloom,GH cali magic,Cyco silica GH grow, ORCA bacteria/myco, and a few other things and i am currently feeding at about 400 ppm...Currently using 400 watts of MH and will switch to 600 watts and the HPS when they are ready..So far things are looking good(they can maybe use a little more feed), .....Equipment includes Hanna ppm meter,Blue Lab ph pen,....View attachment 517343 View attachment 517344 View attachment 517345View attachment 517346
looking good dude subbed up for the rest of your grow :smoking:
Thank You and Welcome aboard @Fantasy Island and @Wile e Peyote ,Thanks for keeping tabs on me,i need it !!..I am not ashamed to say that my my first grow had some slight(in hindsight)issues but still finished with an impressive harvest..My second attempt to sprout some seeds using a seedling (heat) mat was a horrific and epic failure,,,anyway ,i will be using the outdoor spigot(one of two) that is not running thru the water softener and see if this gives better results without the issues i ran into the first time,I switched from 5 gallon pots to the 2 gallon smart bags in an attempt to control the height a little better(last AU's grew to about 5 feet),the height is not necessarily the issue its the lighting(or lack of),i could have LST'd or scrogged but i had five plants and only 25 sf,i have adjusted the area for 4x4 or 16sf to try and use the 600 watts better(quality not quantity,right?)..anyway feel free to check out the Paradise Wappa journal or the golden teacher/florida white journal,gotta stay busy !!!...p.s. how do i make the signature journals into live links ??
Thank You and Welcome aboard @Fantasy Island and @Wile e Peyote ,Thanks for keeping tabs on me,i need it !!..I am not ashamed to say that my my first grow had some slight(in hindsight)issues but still finished with an impressive harvest..My second attempt to sprout some seeds using a seedling (heat) mat was a horrific and epic failure,,,anyway ,i will be using the outdoor spigot(one of two) that is not running thru the water softener and see if this gives better results without the issues i ran into the first time,I switched from 5 gallon pots to the 2 gallon smart bags in an attempt to control the height a little better(last AU's grew to about 5 feet),the height is not necessarily the issue its the lighting(or lack of),i could have LST'd or scrogged but i had five plants and only 25 sf,i have adjusted the area for 4x4 or 16sf to try and use the 600 watts better(quality not quantity,right?)..anyway feel free to check out the Paradise Wappa journal or the golden teacher/florida white journal,gotta stay busy !!!...p.s. how do i make the signature journals into live links ??

Ok. first copy the link of your journal. Then go to your profile by clicking on your name and choose Signature. Then since you already have it typed out highlight the words then look for the "chain link" above the edit box the one with out the x Then right click and paste into that and bam your done hit say and now your journal will be a hyperlink.

Hope that helps
Thank you for the rep slap @Fantasy Island ,much appreciated!!!! I haven't tried adding that hyperlink yet,trying out a new cell phone(and liking it).......Thank you @A-Train I hope I don't kill these .in all seriousness I'll do my best to take my time this go-round...peace out guys!!!!
Update: Day 17.... Plants are looking good and growth seems to be on par...They are currently under the MH @ 400watts,24/0...i am gonna increase the feeding ppm to around 600-700 and see if they can take it...I will eventually FIM them but im gonna let them get a little bigger,I will also be cleaning out some of the undergrowth as they get bushier(not really a lollipop),to see how they handle it..This is my second time growing this strain and i can see why its on peoples favorites list,in my (limited)experience,it can take some abuse and still produce a decent harvest. Im hoping to take one from start to finish without any major issues(last errors were my fault)...i dont have names for them,I just call them the "twins"...Cheers Everybody !!!