Indoor durbanpoisoner's first ever coco grow


3 Bears OG

Forum Stomper
Not looking to shabby in there! What are you thinking of your first coco run? I read along with a couple of the issues. Very nice to be able to sort them out quickly isnt it? Notice, adjust, fixed. I'm still quite new to the coco stuff but I have been loving it.

I may have missed it but, how often are you watering? I found that sometimes just watering more often helped quite a bit. By the mid 30day point I was trying to hit them twice a day. At lights on and 2 hours before lights off. I had the 18/6 schedule worked out nicely to water when I wake and have coffee and again before dinner. I mean, it fits this old man's retirement schedule nicely. hahahah
Yeah those are my feelings on it, easy to adjust when you notice an issue provided you can actually fix the issue. I would definitely lollipop next time, even with bud sites I chopped off, there are more than are going to produce nothing. I think around week 2 flower you can chop off the ones who aren't going to do anything.

Watering, I am doing twice daily now. The girls are drinking about half a gallon each per day to the point that if I don't water twice a day, the pot gets pretty light.
If you want to venture out and make your own coco mix, you can mix in a little bit of vermiculite and/or soil and that will eliminate having to water twice a day. Unless you enjoy that, which I can totally get. I'm a control freak. But I don't want to water more than once a day. Some days I can take off. Of course, I grow in 5 gallon pots at a minimum. But the same logic should still apply somewhat.

You still get the same benefits that you mentioned above. But there's a little breathing room when it comes to feeding. YMMV.
I'm really loving how this freebie [(SS x CDLC) x (FS x SW)] is turning out. Solid bud structure, every part of the stems are filling out and just solid.

I've never grown CDLC, but it reminds me of pictures I've seen of it. Just from the growing characteristics so far, this one is looking like a winner.
Day 70. Freebie is starting to ripen more. She's filled out nicely in a way that the other two have not, especially 3BOG. Weight wise, the freebie looks like she's going to be a monster, I'm feeling 1/2 pound from how it's looking and I think I got another 4 weeks on her. The other two the trichs are still looking like they need maturation and I'm waiting for the calyxes to swell which I'm not sure I'm seeing. I think probably two weeks for 3BOG and FS.

On a different note, I'm running low on canna A+B so I may have to switch to megacrop 2 part in the next week or so. The girls are feeding so much that I'm burning through nutes. Have to water twice a day now or the pots go completely dry in 24 hours. Each girl is drinking about half a gallon per feeding so about a gallon a day. I'm mixing up 5 gallons a go and it feels like I'm doing that every day lol.
Day 73. Reduced nutrients to 8ml/gal A+B, 5ml/gal calmag. I have only one more batch left I can make with canna A+B and then I will switch to MC 2 part for the remainder. 3BOG is looking more ripe, but looking at the trichs, I still saw clear ones. FS unfortunately had some problems as you can see in the leaves. I think in general I over fertilized this run. The majority of problems were probably caused by sweet candy. I used too much too early where I would've been better off using it every once in a while. We'll have to see how it affects yield and quality, but it's definitely the smallest of my three plants. Still thinking I got a week and a half on FS and 3BOG. The other one is a good three weeks at the least.




Day 76. Trichs on the 3BOG which looks the most mature of the three plants are still pretty much clear, even on the upper sites. That kind of surprised me so we'll just let it go. Freebie as expected, are also showing clear. Can't really get in there to do FS, but I will harvest FS when I harvest 3BOG most likely.

Other than that, I'm down to my last 3-4 gallons or so of canna A+B mixture. My water is about 250ppm, I'm feeding right now at about 850ppm for all three plants. Just a note for other coco growers, I've found that through this grow I over fertilized, or perhaps did not keep the proper NPK which led to lockout. I would probably stay in line with about 1.3-1.5EC next grow. So on to mega crop 2 part. Will just mix it up to the late bloom recipe and then dilute to 850ppm.
Cleared out excess growth and dying leaves above and below the canopy to increase airflow and to remove sites that were in the dark. The same bud as before that I was worried about with the rot still looking suspicious and not healthy so I chopped it off. Going to make sure the other buds look fine later today.