Indoor durbanpoisoner's first ever coco grow

Everything is chopped. Freebie is mostly trimmed just larf left. 3bog is 2/3rds trimmed and the other third is hanging and I will dry trim since it’s quicker and I want to be done with this. Forum stomper is also about 2/3rds trimmed and the other third is hanging to be dry trimmed.

Any suggestions on how to process larf with no or minimal trim? I’d kinda rather just turn it into hash or infuse it into oil or something. Thoughts? Tips?

Will post pics and final weights when everything is done.
Freebie came out to 147g of solid flower. Rest is larf still on the plant. Forum Stomper came out to 51g of buds and a bunch of larf. 3 bears OG came out to 110g of bud and the larf is still hanging.

Buds are set for cure, larf will be cut into a big bucket and then I can decide what to do with it. Probably have around 5oz of larf I imagine.

Note for others and myself, use stakes to support your plants so you get less larf.
Bought some bubble bags to make dry ice hash. So nearing the end here. All the larf and trim will be ground and made into hash.

Will hopefully get the dry ice this weekend and finish processing all this shit.

Thanks for being with me on this coco journey fellas!
Popcorn buds, airy buds. Also shit that I just don’t want to put the effort into trimming.

And I have 10oz of it lmao so that’s what I will be making hash with. Gotta grind it first and trying to find a quick way of doing that. May use my food processor. Not sure if I’m gonna be able to get that done but I hope to be able to.I took all that off the remaining hanging plants and stripped off the buds and trim.

So really in total I harvested over a pound of material. 11oz of which were high quality buds and 10oz of popcorn and larf which I’ll make into hash. Will get pics up tomorrow.
Final harvest pictures. Some weight was lost due to...QA testing. A full investigation has been launched :smoking:



Forum Stomper:


Buds I didn't want to trim, popcorn and larf. All ground:

Two bud pics from a large half cola from the freebie, no flash:


Everything burns really smooth, even early in the cure. No harshness whatsoever. Thank you guys for being on this journey with me <3 I appreciate the support and tips as we went along. Once I do the hash, I will update with that. I'm expecting quite a bit considering I have 11 ounces of material not even including trim that will be used for that purpose.