Indoor durbanpoisoner's first ever coco grow

Forum Stomper is sort of throwing me for a loop because the calyxes are swollen but trichs don't look ready. The quality on the flower unfortunately doesn't look great. I think me overstuffing my tent led to suboptimal light (I honestly did not realize they would get so big lmao). Just a little larfier than I would expect but who knows once it dries. going to continue with the same MC2 feeding schedule. Keeping the EC around 1.0.
Staked up 3BOG yesterday. Unfortunately as good as it looks, whatever issue I had earlier was never fully corrected and the stems are super weak and some did not stiffen up for some reason. So the whole plant is kind of weak as a whole. The upper branches look good, the lowers are much larfier due to lack of light. So staking it helped so it's not collapsing on itself and the lowers can get more light. More than likely I will let this girl go another week or so, cut off the uppers when they're finished and let the lowers mature and get light. The freebie is looking as good as ever and FS is looking...okay. Still throwing me for a loop because it looks DONE, but the trichomes say otherwise. I will give it a more detailed look with the microscope tonight. Pictures below, FS not included.



I'm pumped to see how this one goes. I guess your concerns are valid and it's not 100% perfect, but damn theres a ton of high quality bud!!!!! keep crankin and good luck :headbang:
Day 83, I think we're getting close. There were two colas in the back on the freebie that were bent downward so they was not getting light. Obviously those two are not too mature. I've been using MC2 and everything is looking okay but have a slight K deficiency showing up. Not too worried at this point. The PPM I'm feeding is around 800 with 250ppm starting water. I may add a little sweet candy, maybe .5g/gal for the next few feedings just to supplement a bit and then continue the reduction of nutes. Thinking about harvest for 3BOG at this point.

This week most likely. Freebie I'll keep an eye on. She's plumped up quite a bit. Might be a 2 part harvest here, chopping down the mature colas and leaving the rest to ripen up.
Well my waste water res was full and I was dreading it because it meant having to take out the plants. Well that was a fucking experience. The plants were so heavy that the stems started bending down and breaking. So 3BOG I've harvested a lot of uppers and left the lower growth. I also harvested a big cola on the freebie cause the stem broke. I will do a day dry and then start trimming. The Forum Stomper and freebie are going to be harvested soon as well. The freebie may need a week or more. We'll see.
Chopped 3bog and dry trimmed. Never again, that absolutely sucked. Set for cure now. Not too thrilled how that plant turned out. We’ll see how I use it

Chopping the other two starting today and will wet trim them. Will chop off big colas at a time to trim.
Chopped 3bog and dry trimmed. Never again, that absolutely sucked. Set for cure now. Not too thrilled how that plant turned out. We’ll see how I use it

Chopping the other two starting today and will wet trim them. Will chop off big colas at a time to trim.

hey buddy just the other day there was a duscussion on AFN for wet vs dry trimming and two things stood out to me:

- a scientist said that when plants are alive and stressed/injured they expel specific hormones called GVGs or GNGs or something like that. this is what "cut grass" smell is, when grass gets cut it expels a ton of this stuff. when you cut a plant it doesnt die for a few days. this guy is saying never wet trim, you gotta wait for the plant to die all the way first.

- an account from a guy who knows a guy who runs a trim company in a legal state. farmers call this company to outsource trimming. they say its way cheaper and easier to wet trim but after years of experience they can say it's a not an outlier - dry trim has better taste.
minor addition - this is how you slaughter animals also. try to kill them clean, if they freak out and die strugglin changes the meat