Lighting Duckster does Amare Solar Pro 300 & DWC/Drip

Congratulations man. That's a tough habit to kick. I vape like a chimney and still kill 2-3 packs a week lol. Much better than my usual 10

Thanks for that guys. Never thought that I'd be able to do it. But never thought that I'd be able to grow my own weed either. 2-3 from 10, shit Big you have already started - you're half way there. Keep it up - you can do it if you really want to.

Congrats on the not smoking I really need to pack in guess I will need to grow more weed to compensate [emoji23]

I toke therfore I am so naaa

Don't think you need to grow more - just give out a bit less to your mates. Or better yet, get the mates to grow too. Imagine the variety of bud. I usually have 3-4 strains in my stash. If 4-5 friends each did that and shared the harvests, your stash variety would be up to 15-20 in no time. It would be like going to buffet.
I guess that it is about time for an update on the sour crack twins. Doing this hydro thing is making me even lazier than normal. I have made a few temporary changes to the res and the aeration. Other than that I have done almost nothing on this grow. I check the res pH, ppm, and temp daily. After the first couple of days everything settled in. The pH runs 5.6-6.0. The ppm 525-590. The res temps so far have stayed under 75, but I have not been using the COBs yet. I just switched from mono only to cob only. A bit of a warm spell the last few days - the high was 79 today and had to run the AC the past couple of days.

Oh yeah, I had to do a res change a couple of days ago. It was not as difficult as I expected but the girls are still little. The new res blend is 2ml/l of micro, grow, and bloom. With 1ml/l of rhinoskin and B-52. Here a pics of the girls today on day 18. Notice the discoloration on the lower parts of the roots. I don't think this is a root rot problem - the roots are not slimy and the water looks and smells fine. I think the discoloration is coming from sediment from the B-52. They look healthy to me but what do I know.




Hope your holiday season is safe and drama free. Thanks for taking an interest folks.:smoking:
No I don't, but I found some on Amazon. I assume you just add it to the res just like nutes. What is the dosage?
You can run it at 0.5 ml per ltr but if your using beneficial bacteria it will wipe them out I'm using hydrogaurd for the same reason I've used sm90 it works a treat just wanted to try something else [emoji106]

I toke therfore I am so naaa
Day 23 for the Sour Crack twins. Not really twins as [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is an inch taller and a bit more advanced. The smaller one is about an inch taller than my best SC in soil. I'm hoping both of these will finish larger than either of my SC soil girls. Both are branching nicely and starting to put out some pistols. I raised the light as high as I can get it with the yo-yos to see if they will start stretching. Some cooler temps the last couple of days have allowed me to bring the COBs into the lighting mix. A few days ago our highs were hitting 80 so the res temps got up to 78 even with the chiller. Don't think I'll be able to hydro in the summer when it gets hot. I'll have to figure a way cuz I'm starting to like this lazy man's growing. lmao Some pictures



Thanks for stopping by! Happy New Year to you all
Day 23 for the Sour Crack twins. Not really twins as [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is an inch taller and a bit more advanced. The smaller one is about an inch taller than my best SC in soil. I'm hoping both of these will finish larger than either of my SC soil girls. Both are branching nicely and starting to put out some pistols. I raised the light as high as I can get it with the yo-yos to see if they will start stretching. Some cooler temps the last couple of days have allowed me to bring the COBs into the lighting mix. A few days ago our highs were hitting 80 so the res temps got up to 78 even with the chiller. Don't think I'll be able to hydro in the summer when it gets hot. I'll have to figure a way cuz I'm starting to like this lazy man's growing. lmao Some pictures

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Thanks for stopping by! Happy New Year to you all
looking good ducks if your looking for a system that is easy to use and temps don't matter look into autopots I alternate between dwc and coco in autopots fill the res once a week check ph and your done that's all I'm using in the summer and a big happy new year to you and yours ducks :gary: