Lighting Duckster does Amare Solar Pro 300 & DWC/Drip

A guy gets a call at work from the police telling him that his house
had been robbed. The offenders had also consumed all of his beer and
had raped his wife. A moment of silence passes, then the guy says, "I
can't believe they banged my wife after only five beers!"
Got this text from my brother recently. It read, "Can I stay at your
house for a while? The ol' lady kicked me out after she caught me
measuring my dick. For what it's worth, it reaches all the way to the
back of her sister's throat!"
Sorry for not calling you on New Year's, but I just got out of jail. I
was locked up for punching the crap out of this idiot at a party. In
my defense, when you hear an Arab counting down from 10 your instincts
kick in.
The missus asked me, "When you're on a "guys only" trip, do you think
about me?" Apparently, "Only to stop myself from coming too quickly!"
wasn't the right answer.
My wife just came in and said, "I don't know if I'm coming or going."
I said to her, "Judging by the look on your face you're going, because
when you're coming you look like a squirrel trying to whistle!"
Ok so I saved up 7-10 days worth funnies to get the weekend started with a smile. Some a bit crude but most of what I see is political these days. Had to post something as this thread is in need of a bit of humor.
Day 30 for the SC twins. They were on a feeding and drinking frenzy the past week. Had to add several gallons of water to the sub-res and ppm dropped from 585 a week ago to 220 when I did a res change today. My largest SC in soil was only 36cm. These girls are almost there already. I moved the light all the way up to encourage some stretching. They are getting very bushy with some fan leaves bigger than my hand. I made a comment that I could tie a bunch together to make a loin cloth. The cheeky wife said that only one leaf would be needed and not one of the big ones either. I get no respect! Picture time.





Loving these massive root systems. :greenthumb: Errands to run and chores to do. Ta for now
Day 30 for the SC twins. They were on a feeding and drinking frenzy the past week. Had to add several gallons of water to the sub-res and ppm dropped from 585 a week ago to 220 when I did a res change today. My largest SC in soil was only 36cm. These girls are almost there already. I moved the light all the way up to encourage some stretching. They are getting very bushy with some fan leaves bigger than my hand. I made a comment that I could tie a bunch together to make a loin cloth. The cheeky wife said that only one leaf would be needed and not one of the big ones either. I get no respect! Picture time.

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Loving these massive root systems. :greenthumb: Errands to run and chores to do. Ta for now
Phwoor look at the roots on them looking good ducks you could say your takin to this dwc like a duck to water (sorry couldn't help myself [emoji1])

I toke therfore I am so naaa