Lighting Duckster does Amare Solar Pro 300 & DWC/Drip

Ok so i switched to bloom nutes a week ago and the girls reacted differently. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] was the big girl, she has stretched about 3-4 inches but she is starting to frost up. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has stretched about 9 inches so she is now the big girl but not much frosting her buds yet. I think I'm getting the hang of this hydro stuff. Don't know why I was so intimidated. Loving watching the water chemistry change as the girls grow. time for a few pics.



Still a bit of room for some vertical stretching but not much room for more bushing and the res is chock full of roots.
Ok so i switched to bloom nutes a week ago and the girls reacted differently. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] was the big girl, she has stretched about 3-4 inches but she is starting to frost up. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has stretched about 9 inches so she is now the big girl but not much frosting her buds yet. I think I'm getting the hang of this hydro stuff. Don't know why I was so intimidated. Loving watching the water chemistry change as the girls grow. time for a few pics.

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Still a bit of room for some vertical stretching but not much room for more bushing and the res is chock full of roots.
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your killing it ducks and a nice healthy looking root system you got going on I love hydro its easy as long as you can keep the temps in range :thumbsup:
Yeah I'm liking it so far. I just need a bit of cooperation from the weather gods for the next 5 weeks. The high today was 80F. Even with the cab doors slightly ajar, the internal temp in my easy grow oven got to 90F so the res temp got higher than I'd like to see.

A bit of panic in Duckville. I was filling the res refill tank and was over zealous. A bit of overflow which dripped on or around the res chiller. As I was cleaning up my mess, the chiller went off. Panic mode ensued for a few minutes until I realized the timer had turned off the chiller. Feeling quite the dumb-ass:face:
Feeling quite the dumb-ass:face:
it happen's to the best of us.....I was looking all day yesterday for my eyeglasses. Couldn't find them anywhere...until I went to the bathroom...looked into the mirror and they were resting on the top of my head. The head stone of the test vape of the Skyrone Stomper was that good.
Day 44
Vertical growth has stopped. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] got to 16", her buds are stacking a bit and getting a bit more frost. Her buds are further developed than her sister's. She seems nice and green, very healthy, but I did notice 6-8 leaves with some rust colored spots. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] got to 20" and very bushy with some huge leaves. I have been trimming a few leaves from her every day but she is still very bushy and very healthy.



some of her rust spotted leaves. Not sure what that is so will have to do some research later.
Day 44
Vertical growth has stopped. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] got to 16", her buds are stacking a bit and getting a bit more frost. Her buds are further developed than her sister's. She seems nice and green, very healthy, but I did notice 6-8 leaves with some rust colored spots. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] got to 20" and very bushy with some huge leaves. I have been trimming a few leaves from her every day but she is still very bushy and very healthy.

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some of her rust spotted leaves. Not sure what that is so will have to do some research later.
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looks like a bit of calcium def to me ducks you could up your calmag or just keep an eye on it make sure it doesn't get any worse I have found with these cobs they do seem to burn through the calmag more ive got the same just keeping an eye on it
oh I love a bit of bud porn :woohoo::pass:
Looking great duckster, yea like wile said just a tad hungry for Calcium- just be careful if your calmag has added N asshe looks like shes got enough N already.
Buds will be like coke cans in no time....
Thats soda cans to you mate