Lighting Duckster does Amare Solar Pro 300 & DWC/Drip

Dude don't know how I missed this if you have pumps running in your res it will push up your water temps the first bucket I used had a little pump to top feed water temps went nuts it's now circulating water in my autopot res you can just top feed by hand if they look a bit dry the bubbles from your airstones should keep everything wet subbed up [emoji106]

I toke therfore I am so naaa

Oh yeah that makes sense. One pump is for the drip and can also be used to empty the res. It only drips for 15 min 4 times a day. The roots have reached the res so I will turn that one off in the morning. The other pump is for keeping the res water mixed and aeration. I also have 2 small air pumps, each with 2 air stones. The air pumps alone are probably providing enough aeration but they don't do much mixing. Maybe if I added another air pump, I could turn off the mixing/aeration water pump.
Great point wile. Duckster you should keep the air pump outside if the heated area. It's blowing in 83 degree air into the resivour. Outside the space should be cooler.

Also lights without heat is impossible. Fortunately you have one of the most efficient coolest running lights available.

Looking good
Oh yeah that makes sense. One pump is for the drip and can also be used to empty the res. It only drips for 15 min 4 times a day. The roots have reached the res so I will turn that one off in the morning. The other pump is for keeping the res water mixed and aeration. I also have 2 small air pumps, each with 2 air stones. The air pumps alone are probably providing enough aeration but they don't do much mixing. Maybe if I added another air pump, I could turn off the mixing/aeration water pump.
I think you will need the circulating pump is that on a timer mixing it up 3 to 4 times a day should mix it fine and were do you draw your air from top or bottom of your grow box mines at the bottom so the cold air hits my buckets first then gets moved around the tent by the big oscillating fan hopefully keeping my buckets at the right temps and as big said make sure your airpumps outside lessons the heat [emoji106]

I toke therfore I am so naaa
Ok so a few changes in the plan for this grow. I am no longer running the circulation pump 24/7. It is now running 4-5 times a day for 15 minutes each time. I have ordered a much larger air pump (40-50lpm I think). I plan to connect 3 4"dia air stones. Hoping that will provide enough aeration and turbulence so I can remove the circulation pump from the res. I will house the new air pump in the bottom chamber, as it is the same as room temp. But will move it outside the cab if the bottom chamber gets too hot. I also discovered that the timer that was controlling the chiller was not working. I temporarily stole one from elsewhere and have a replacement on order.

I am using AN pH perfect nutes so the res was 5.6-5.8 when I mixed it last week (Yes I checked it with a freshly calibrated pH pen). A few days ago I was using the pH pen to check the temp, I noted that the pH was up to about 6.2. I added pH down back to 5.8. I have been checking it daily and it is increasing a little every day. @Wile e Peyote (like the new avatar BTW), @sanguine, @redrobbo and any of you other hydro guys feel free to chime in. Looking for any tips as to how often you check it, what range you try to keep, etc., etc.
Ok so a few changes in the plan for this grow. I am no longer running the circulation pump 24/7. It is now running 4-5 times a day for 15 minutes each time. I have ordered a much larger air pump (40-50lpm I think). I plan to connect 3 4"dia air stones. Hoping that will provide enough aeration and turbulence so I can remove the circulation pump from the res. I will house the new air pump in the bottom chamber, as it is the same as room temp. But will move it outside the cab if the bottom chamber gets too hot. I also discovered that the timer that was controlling the chiller was not working. I temporarily stole one from elsewhere and have a replacement on order.

I am using AN pH perfect nutes so the res was 5.6-5.8 when I mixed it last week (Yes I checked it with a freshly calibrated pH pen). A few days ago I was using the pH pen to check the temp, I noted that the pH was up to about 6.2. I added pH down back to 5.8. I have been checking it daily and it is increasing a little every day. @Wile e Peyote (like the new avatar BTW), @sanguine, @redrobbo and any of you other hydro guys feel free to chime in. Looking for any tips as to how often you check it, what range you try to keep, etc., etc.
I adjust my ph perfect but that's in coco and I also use other additives not from advanced according to the blurb you don't adjust your ph it will fluctuate maybe some one who uses ph perfect in hydro can chip in sorry I can't help more dude

I toke therfore I am so naaa
Forgot to answer your question doh in veg I run my ph between 5.6 and 6 and in flower 5.8 to 6.2 a bit of fluctuation is a good thing also not sure which way round this is but when your roots hit your water in grow I think it drops your ph and in flower it raises the ph but it could be the other way around I'm very stoned don't ya know [emoji23]

I toke therfore I am so naaa
Sounds like everythings going good so far dude. Pretty much what wile said- you wont really see much flux until the roots build up and she starts to drink heavy.
I check ppm and ph every morning and note it down (out of habit) but its also handy as you can look back to the fresh res and see how both things are drifting.
For example if you notice ph droping and ppm/ec rising the res is too strong
Great point wile. Duckster you should keep the air pump outside if the heated area. It's blowing in 83 degree air into the resivour. Outside the space should be cooler.

Also lights without heat is impossible. Fortunately you have one of the most efficient coolest running lights available.

Looking good

Forgot to answer your question doh in veg I run my ph between 5.6 and 6 and in flower 5.8 to 6.2 a bit of fluctuation is a good thing also not sure which way round this is but when your roots hit your water in grow I think it drops your ph and in flower it raises the ph but it could be the other way around I'm very stoned don't ya know [emoji23]

I toke therfore I am so naaa

Sounds like everythings going good so far dude. Pretty much what wile said- you wont really see much flux until the roots build up and she starts to drink heavy.
I check ppm and ph every morning and note it down (out of habit) but its also handy as you can look back to the fresh res and see how both things are drifting.
For example if you notice ph droping and ppm/ec rising the res is too strong

Many thanks for the tips lads. A bit of this for you all :slap: Bollocks guess I need to start writing stuff down. Been a bit more buzzed lately so memory can get fuzzy. Have been reducing my cigarette smoking for the last couple of months. But I am smoking more bud to compensate, but it seems to be helping. I have been tobacco free for over a week. The last time that I went more than 3 days without a cigarette was almost 50 years ago.
Many thanks for the tips lads. A bit of this for you all :slap: Bollocks guess I need to start writing stuff down. Been a bit more buzzed lately so memory can get fuzzy. Have been reducing my cigarette smoking for the last couple of months. But I am smoking more bud to compensate, but it seems to be helping. I have been tobacco free for over a week. The last time that I went more than 3 days without a cigarette was almost 50 years ago.
Congrats on the not smoking I really need to pack in guess I will need to grow more weed to compensate [emoji23]

I toke therfore I am so naaa