Indoor Dr. Babniks Botanical Garden - My AFN News Journal

Picked up my order from Bonza today.

This is what I call stealth shipment!


Something went wrong at some point. When I opened the first seed container, my THC Bomb auto seeds was mixed with the free seeds. I have to send a friendly email to Bonza tonight, coz I opened the container exactly as described on their homepage.
The container with the FastBuds strains was in perfect order.

Picked up my order from Bonza today.

This is what I call stealth shipment!

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Something went wrong at some point. When I opened the first seed container, my THC Bomb auto seeds was mixed with the free seeds. I have to send a friendly email to Bonza tonight, coz I opened the container exactly as described on their homepage.
The container with the FastBuds strains was in perfect order.

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Is it necessary to order stealth ?
I order at seedsman with no stealth
Is it necessary to order stealth ?
I order at seedsman with no stealth
I didn't order it. I tried to use the free shipping option, but they only send unregistered shipments when the order is small. I had to pay £9.99 for shipping.
But most important, the packaging failed. It's a mess.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with a real estate agent.

72 hrs cold turkey. So far, so good. It's no big deal, actually. If its there, I consume it. If it is not here, its ok. We are known for our pharmacy. The only thing missing is a good tranquilizer. Zopiclone is far from perfect. The winner is...
Did you sort the outdoor bug problem Doc?
Yes, it doesn't seem to be serious problems. Just s few leaves with holes. Everything is under control now.

I think it was a case of nute burn. I first saturated the soil with pH corrected water for 2 days. Then I mixed CaMg(CO3)2 and MgSO4 into the top soil and watered with calMagX. Next, I fed'em daily with increasing concentration of nutes, which they tolerated well. Yesterday I included a tea spoon molasses and ekstra P/K.
:redcard: damn that sucks about the seeds getting mixed up man
Haven't had time to email the vendor yet. But I will ask very kindly if they would mind replacing the THC Bomb auto seeds. As it is, I don't know if I crack a foto freebee, an auto freebee or TBA.

Probably they won't replace the seeds. Then I have to order a new batch and the shop looses me as customer.
Haven't had time to email the vendor yet. But I will ask very kindly if they would mind replacing the THC Bomb auto seeds. As it is, I don't know if I crack a foto freebee, an auto freebee or TBA.

Probably they won't replace the seeds. Then I have to order a new batch and the shop looses me as customer.
yea i would def try ya know.. tell them that how are you supposed to have them for collector purposes if they are all jumbled together?!?