Indoor Down the KNF Rabbit Hole

The budding is different too!
Are you adding humic acid to your rez when watering?
Thanks for the rep Brudda.
The way I've been watering the eb's is I'll sprinkle 1/2 gal on the top, leave for 30 minutes or so and put the rest in the rez. I stopped using the covers when even though I had nematodes in there- one day I drew back the cover and you would've thought I walked into a bat cave with the cloud of gnats that came out. Seems to be working for me.
I've been using the system as outlined by knf-garden. Once in awhile I'll add something extra to get some diversity. Hell, I don't eat burgers everyday, why should they?
Thanks for the rep Brudda.
The way I've been watering the eb's is I'll sprinkle 1/2 gal on the top, leave for 30 minutes or so and put the rest in the rez. I stopped using the covers when even though I had nematodes in there- one day I drew back the cover and you would've thought I walked into a bat cave with the cloud of gnats that came out. Seems to be working for me.
I've been using the system as outlined by knf-garden. Once in awhile I'll add something extra to get some diversity. Hell, I don't eat burgers everyday, why should they?
I've been fairly lucky in the bug department so far. No gnats. I have too many compost mites LOL!
On my big outdoor Haze, I was doing liquid on the top using knf program inputs early on. I changed to making a slurry of compost and top dress the slurry. This was on the dry rez days is when I add any wet top dressing. I let my rez go dry and then fill the next day. I amend and then fill like you.
I only add humic acid to my rez and EM1 weekly. I don't feed nutes in the rez. I'm trying to do like BAS Jeremy in his 10x10 tent series. I'm developing two root systems where one is mainly for water and the other is mainly for nutes.......key word 'mainly'. This way the plant can take up all the water it wants without having to take up the nutes in the water. It can take what nutes it needs from my amended media and what I've top dressed with and it not being forced. I think that is pretty critical.
Anyway, It's my take and it seems to be does yours. Seems we're both doing something least with these girls! LOL!

edit.......and at this particular moment! :rofl:
I'm trying to do like BAS Jeremy in his 10x10 tent series. I'm developing two root systems where one is mainly for water and the other is mainly for nutes.....
Ok, now I get it. I've been wondering why the let the rez go dry and roots coming through the top. Interesting.

Seems we're both doing something least with these girls
With this plant, for every right way, there is a wrong way. I hope we all can stay on the right way!

This year has been especially hot and humid. I think that's why the battle with gnats has been tough. Hell, I've even found mosquito larvae in my rez water. Got rid of them tout suite.
I'm trying to do like BAS Jeremy in his 10x10 tent series. I'm developing two root systems where one is mainly for water and the other is mainly for nutes.....
Ok, now I get it. I've been wondering why the let the rez go dry and roots coming through the top. Interesting.

Seems we're both doing something least with these girls
With this plant, for every right way, there is a wrong way. I hope we all can stay on the right way!

This year has been especially hot and humid. I think that's why the battle with gnats has been tough. Hell, I've even found mosquito larvae in my rez water. Got rid of them tout suite.
I think the biggest reason I don't have gnat problem in the outdoor EB is the abundance of life in there. I can throw the feeding slurry on top and a couple of hours the compost mites are on top eating away. I think I have a pretty good size nute bank built up on top. The nute top roots are seemingly moving into that bank as the nutes are needed. I wanted to examine the root progress into the added compost before I add more. I just took one of my detail brushed and gradually brushed away the media in one small section. The fine search roots were down about an half inch. Gradually, the roots got thicker and more numerous. This tells me that she is taking the nutes as needed.
So far no nute deficiencies showing up in the leaves, just normal aging of the old fan leaves.
Today is top dressing day and will be her last. I'll check for the rez being dry at first light, didn't get to check last night. The last amendments will be mixed with the compost tea I'm brewing. The slurry will have some more compost added along with what I used to make the tea. The last 3 or 4 hours, I'll add Recharge to the brew. At the time of mixing, I'll add the FFJ, a tiny bit of Blue Gold for flower and the ground up and blended SST from some malted barley for the hormones. All the material used to make the tea will be added to the slurry and top dressed. My indoor girls finishing up will get their last compost tea with the remainder of tea.
This should take the big Haze to chop. I don't expect her to go past Oct1.

I'm excited to do the EB thing indoors with my new methods. I'm getting two strains from Super Sativa Club and I'm gonna do a supposed big growing THC/CBD girl named Elephant in a EB. She'll need heavy training. I'm just gonna plant at one end and lay her over. That worked well on my first EB run, despite the lockout problems from all the stupid dolomite. I the seeds don't come in until after the current chopped, I'll just do two EBs i my 4x4. That should be a full tent by chopp.

Looking forward to your chopp!:headbang::headbang:
I think the biggest reason I don't have gnat problem in the outdoor EB is the abundance of life in there. I can throw the feeding slurry on top and a couple of hours the compost mites are on top eating away. I think I have a pretty good size nute bank built up on top. The nute top roots are seemingly moving into that bank as the nutes are needed. I wanted to examine the root progress into the added compost before I add more. I just took one of my detail brushed and gradually brushed away the media in one small section. The fine search roots were down about an half inch. Gradually, the roots got thicker and more numerous. This tells me that she is taking the nutes as needed.
So far no nute deficiencies showing up in the leaves, just normal aging of the old fan leaves.
Today is top dressing day and will be her last. I'll check for the rez being dry at first light, didn't get to check last night. The last amendments will be mixed with the compost tea I'm brewing. The slurry will have some more compost added along with what I used to make the tea. The last 3 or 4 hours, I'll add Recharge to the brew. At the time of mixing, I'll add the FFJ, a tiny bit of Blue Gold for flower and the ground up and blended SST from some malted barley for the hormones. All the material used to make the tea will be added to the slurry and top dressed. My indoor girls finishing up will get their last compost tea with the remainder of tea.
This should take the big Haze to chop. I don't expect her to go past Oct1.

I'm excited to do the EB thing indoors with my new methods. I'm getting two strains from Super Sativa Club and I'm gonna do a supposed big growing THC/CBD girl named Elephant in a EB. She'll need heavy training. I'm just gonna plant at one end and lay her over. That worked well on my first EB run, despite the lockout problems from all the stupid dolomite. I the seeds don't come in until after the current chopped, I'll just do two EBs i my 4x4. That should be a full tent by chopp.

Looking forward to your chopp!:headbang::headbang:
You've certainly put a lot of thought into it. My eyes start to cross when I think too much about this stuff-lol.
The Copacabana's I've got going, I've had to super crop a number of the colas or they would have grown right into the lights. They didn't seem to mind.
Lunch break over. Back to work. See ya around the campus
You've certainly put a lot of thought into it. My eyes start to cross when I think too much about this stuff-lol.
The Copacabana's I've got going, I've had to super crop a number of the colas or they would have grown right into the lights. They didn't seem to mind.
Lunch break over. Back to work. See ya around the campus
LOL! That's me!
That's just from gardening to help feed a family and to have some very healthy food.
LOL! That's me!
That's just from gardening to help feed a family and to have some very healthy food.
Damn, my food garden is a mess. I got a late start. Then I had a bunch of seeds started in root riots and my co-workers puppy decided they were chew toys. Managed to save some but all the labels were lost so I have what looks like a wild jungle going
Daiquiri Lime Day 52
Daiquiri Lime Day 52
Both gals are healthy but they are really showing different genetics now.
Picture is worth a 1000 words edition:

20210927_8860-lime-1 copy.jpg
20210927_8869-lime-1 copy.jpg
They do. Not really showing oily like the Copacabana but I'm happy. Still thinking the left one is flowering earlier cause I let her grow au natural? First one of grown this way.