Indoor Down the KNF Rabbit Hole

I'm back-I think
I was/am using his stuff, just differently in EBs. I make a slurry of the compost with whatever knf input I'm using. I add the humic in the water at the rec rate in the rez.
Welp, I'm gonna give the EB/BAS way a try. One of the reasons I haven't been on much is I haven't been able to get anything to go. I've gone through about 15 seeds that by direct planting that got to about 1 1/2" and either died or just stood there looking stupid. Last couple plants I did have go got that yellow, crinkly rust spotted look and the only thing I could think of was overwatering but I didn't really feel as though I had been. Especially the last time I changed soil, I reduced the size of the rez.
I had an eb jr and ordered a regular. Today I was moving the regular to her resting place and I had to take down 2 of my big HD boxes. These have been sitting for about a month. Soil on top felt dry but when I dumped the soil, it was soaking wet. The 2nd was even worse as soil--maybe pure casting had seeped into the rez and I basically had 2 gallons of sludge in there. I think there is just too much soil (over 2 cu ft) and it's retaining the water. Even though my dipstick showed dry, it wasn't. I guess it's time to try the less is more bit.
In the mean time I've got 5 Twenty420 seeds started in cups that are doing ok so far
I got one of those Ecowitt moisture thingies but the app has been giving me a hard time getting it going. I will overcome.
I guess this was the last successful girl. She was a short Moby Dick who's stems were totally filled up with thick, dense buds with a dry weight of just over 5 zs

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All for now
Welp, I'm gonna give the EB/BAS way a try. One of the reasons I haven't been on much is I haven't been able to get anything to go. I've gone through about 15 seeds that by direct planting that got to about 1 1/2" and either died or just stood there looking stupid. Last couple plants I did have go got that yellow, crinkly rust spotted look and the only thing I could think of was overwatering but I didn't really feel as though I had been. Especially the last time I changed soil, I reduced the size of the rez.
I had an eb jr and ordered a regular. Today I was moving the regular to her resting place and I had to take down 2 of my big HD boxes. These have been sitting for about a month. Soil on top felt dry but when I dumped the soil, it was soaking wet. The 2nd was even worse as soil--maybe pure casting had seeped into the rez and I basically had 2 gallons of sludge in there. I think there is just too much soil (over 2 cu ft) and it's retaining the water. Even though my dipstick showed dry, it wasn't. I guess it's time to try the less is more bit.
In the mean time I've got 5 Twenty420 seeds started in cups that are doing ok so far
I got one of those Ecowitt moisture thingies but the app has been giving me a hard time getting it going. I will overcome.
I guess this was the last successful girl. She was a short Moby Dick who's stems were totally filled up with thick, dense buds with a dry weight of just over 5 zs

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All for now
Check out the beginning of my thread where I show my initial set up.. I'm super happy with this run that ended yesterday. I think my timing on top dressings is on par to the plant needs.
Really, the only 'problem' I found, was picking the proper EB for the girl. Knows Candy wants to be a bigger girl and a heavy feeder. She should have been a Regular EB. Her nute bank of top dressings was mounded so much, the cover barely covered it.
I got a couple more products to use in this next run, but still the same set-up. With this method. I can make it pretty much a water only after the second topdressing, one week into flower on autos.
I don't put nutes in the rez, but I do add humic acid to all the water and expanded(brewed) EM1 once or twice a week. I used fermented insect frass in the rez, not for nutes, but for the supposed response from the girl to increase in trichome production. I do think it helped, but a bit difficult to prove.
It's just an easy method to grow quite good canna that I think anyone can duplicate. It can also lend itself to take it to a higher level if ya wanna do a little more work.
I'm using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend Grower’s Mix in Regular EBs as a test. It's reported a littl hot for seedlings, so I'll direct plant into fresh Roots Organic Original where I want the girl, to one end in Regulars and in the center for Jrs. Placement in the Regulars is to plant it close to the wicking area to get the roots in that area quicker and able to add water to the rez quicker.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to help if I know the answer or what I've found that worked for me.
I use the COM Bar Harbor with lobster compost for top dress which the owner said you should do every 30 days with the Stoneington along with their Stonington plant food. I really liked the BAS Light but the freight is the deal breaker for me.

I'm gonna try another Grass Roots pot since I have all the BAS amendments. I tried it once and wasn't really impressed vs the EB's but now I've got the moisture meter working so watering shouldn't be such a pita.
I use the COM Bar Harbor with lobster compost for top dress which the owner said you should do every 30 days with the Stoneington along with their Stonington plant food. I really liked the BAS Light but the freight is the deal breaker for me.

I'm gonna try another Grass Roots pot since I have all the BAS amendments. I tried it once and wasn't really impressed vs the EB's but now I've got the moisture meter working so watering shouldn't be such a pita.
I'm adding MontanaGrow Silica Amendment and trying Oly Mountain Fish Compost. Trying the OLY for the life that's supposed to be in it mainly. I'll mix it 50/50 with the COM Lobster compost. I used Roots Organics Bloom booster, Flower and Terp booster dry amendments too. I've two other flower amendments that' I'll use if a girl needs something readily available quickly.
Gonna try a regular foliar feeding schedule on this run.
In prepping the 2 eb's I used some Gnarly Barly with the Build a Flower and worm castings. Mycelium layer is ridorculous.
In prepping the 2 eb's I used some Gnarly Barly with the Build a Flower and worm castings. Mycelium layer is ridorculous.
I used Teriganix bokashi this last run and got great results.
Your worm castings is the best for life in your EBs. My worm bin got too warm this summer in the laundry room. :face:
I used Teriganix bokashi this last run and got great results.
Your worm castings is the best for life in your EBs. My worm bin got too warm this summer in the laundry room. :face:
I've still got a bunch of the Homegrown Bokashi. Since I'll be doing the top feed, I may try it again. It worked really well when I was making tea with it in veg but seemed to be lacking something when it got to bloom.
Funny, I just moved my worm bin as well for the same reason.