Outdoor CBD Therapy X superauto and 9' tall super-autos

Nov 17, 2013
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Hi All, I have progressed from HedgeRaider you can change the name to SpaceRaider now.

Where I live we have mafia runs the local cannabis market, and me and my friends don't want to buy from them. so I have made some honest happy hippy plants this year, to help the govt against mafia. I stumbled onto a bigtime smuggling exchange with two cars facing off to exchange something in the street and a girl in one of the cars gave me a piercing look, and some skeleton looking guy with whiskey yellow teeth and slick greasy hear and tattood gums ran at my motorbike snarling to make sure i hurried off. So no bonus to the government for putting the ganja market in the hands of those folk.

The forest patch on 12 july:

I have been experimenting to see if it is possible to plant lots of seeds and then pick out all the males and leave the females. It was a hassle even with super-autos, so here's the story.

This year I have 4 forest grows. The plants are F2 or F3 of MDanzig-Kush (he was the second seller of automatic ganja from overgrow forums, at the same time as joint doctor in 2k3) crossed with mossy-magic-dragon crossed with Haze-Super-Autos... The males declared themselves over a period of 2 months, early and late. The females declared themselves late too. There is a big variety in the lateness of the flowers in F3, 50 percent of them are as late as regular indica, 50pc girls sugary at middle of july, It's hassle, It means the late males can affect the sensi by appearing late in the grow when there are 50 fems and only 1 late male.

I checked up on them anyway and pulled about 50 males up and left the rest, and i have some sensi, but it was a lot of hard work and less cool than putting out fem clones.

Lesson is: Preflowers are Awesome. Fem preflowers, Male preflowers... Photodep plants can have Loads of preflowers in june-july. it's awesome. Then you can sex and sort them. THAT is what matters, not early/late flowering. Some varieties dont bud till october but the preflower in april onwards, i.e. CBD Crew Therapy.

So of 4 grows.

1/ i have sprinked 400 seeds into a single 9m square sunbaked patch in the forest, all of super autos. They are for seed. I will have 3000 seeds. from the results, and i can pick the best of 100 fems from that place. they are dwarfed super auto's, they dried and lost their leaves, but it's still 400 grams worth of fully seed ganja.

2/I struggled madly with Mice, I planted in transparent bags that should act like greenhouse early and bird deflectors and snail protection. worked great. hang transparent bags of compost from trees and you can plant straight outdoors, but it's smaller and you can overcrowd them and get too many males. Mice live in old tilled ground full of sticks and wood. they can eat 400 seeds in a week. I had 400 seeds dissapear in spot 5, i abandoned it.

3/ I have a good zone which grows 3 meter plants without amending or watering the soil. I put 50 plants there. the biggest is a CBD Crew Therapy who is pretty and preflowered, I will get some seeds form her multiplied by a super auto, for next year. She is 2 meters spherical bush with 50 kolas on her. Some pigs or animals chewed the tops off some 50 gram plants full of crystals, they literally munched 50 grams of weed in one go and ran off. It's some kind of crazy animal because it came back for more, in the end i had at least 5-7 plants that had been mauled verociously, i think it's pig attack because deers are more selective and they don't eat resin buds as far as i know.

4/ threw some seeds in the ground and struggled 10 hours planting others. ones ground was tilled and the seeds sprouted despite all odds, and outperformed the carefully sowed stuff. some plants are sensi and some have 2-3 seeds per gram and upwards. I'll try to get a vid up in a moment...
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All the above plants are Automatics x super autos. this field is same with some purple thrown in. 170mm of rain from june till 20th september:, that's 1.5 inches of rain per month for 4 months, and i still got this.