Speedrun grand exchange and mephisto walter white first LST on Walter White

Sorry its been a couple weeks things got busy around here. Plants are doing good I broke my ph meter and had wing it for three days two of my five plants showed signs and am now back in range and seeing new growth looking good the Walter white mephisto and speedrun grand exchange were the ones affected mostly because they had been chugging about a gallon a piece in 24 hrs the smell when u walk into my grow area is amazing blueberry almost muffins or blueberry snickerdoodles lol from speedrun and Walter white def loud with citrus and funk. Thorpes gold gnome white owl fruity with some chem in background and jeano not a lot that I can tell so far but the area is full of different smells so it’s hard to pinpoint yet. These pics are about 5 days old they have grown a bit since these I’ll try update again in couple days with some new pics. Ppm of jacks last feed. 800-138 from tap=662 trying to find peak may go up to about 1000 so 850 to 860. Still at 18 and 6 light schedule no plans on changing at this point.


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Ever since I moved here and started using well water. I’ve noticed that I continually developed an issue with losing color to leaves. My water has a ppm reading of 148 from tap consistently and a ph ranges from 7.3-8.1 and I’m using ph down like crazy. Should u pay for a water test or shell out 60 dollars for a ro setup and just use calmag with every watering. Has anyone else dealt with well water issues. Any insight would be really appreciated. Through veg these plants showed true vigor. But at start of flower I believe I’m missing something and wondering if I should top dress adding some worm casings to help fuel flower and stretch. I’m new to big autos and I feel I’m so close. I use two part jacks nutes and no additives but recently I’ve made a tea to try help with it. Any insight for someone with high ph tap water and is 148 ppm considered hard. Thank you for taking time to read and hopefully someone has been down this road can shine some light on subject I know I’m right there and still should have a nice haul in a few weeks when they finish. I’ll keep pictures up to date and see how they finish. I do know the smells are amazing and makes my mouth water. Not bad for second grow with indoor autos I already see vast improvements from last grow. And excited for future grows
The first picture is speedrun grand exchange from today I’ve opened it up a lot and wired back some of branches to get light all the way to middle of plants. Second is Walter white mephisto and also trimmed back some of the leaves. I have to say if you love the 90s citrus pine and everything we all used to be so used to but haven’t had in a while. Well this one def has it and a lot of it. These are two closest to finish and already putting out amazing smell. Then the dark green plant is jeano’s voodoo and it has nice smell developing too. Then my biggest plant although hard to tell from picture and with other plant crunched next to it is Thorpes Gold about 10 to 12 days behind other two and I could tell from day 1 thorpes gold was growing crazy fast and didn’t take long for it to climb above the others it started showing bud about 5 days ago maybe 4. All in all I would definitely recommend all three to anyone looking to grow fast big autos with premium flower and higher yields. They have even more potential than I was able to pull from them. All were decent feeders and a pleasure to grow. If you get opportunity to grow one of these go for it. I’ll update at harvest and also give a smoke report. But from what I’ve heard the smoke is amazing.


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I decided to do some rearranging and didn’t realize how big thorpes gold had gotten tucked away in closet. I wanted to get that one out under my big light to give it more attention. The Walter white is showing amazing dense and frosty buds. Speedrun grand exchange is nearing the end. And I have a happy valley ethos pineapple daddy about 2 weeks old to drop in its place. Not much has changed since last post still feeding with jacks 3-2-1 at about 700-800 ppm. And still 18-6 on lights. I can already see thorpes gold is going to be dark purple and it’s prob been the fastest growing plant of all and also the last to start flower. I’m pretty excited about this one I think it’s going to pull a nice yield. I’m currently opening it up with some plant ties and trying to pull it open without breaking it. If I could go back I’d probably changed spots sooner. The strongest smell so far is Walter white it smells dank. I’ll try keep posted and let you know what harvest is looking like and show more pics next week.


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