Speedrun grand exchange and mephisto walter white first LST on Walter White

I cleaned and changed water in auto bases at 6.0 ph. Had some buildup on them and had change wicks on Walter white. Held off feeding usually about every Sunday hopefully Monday I will be back on feed schedule. They are looking good I added just a sprinkle of Epsom salt to my top water and water them all from top slightly and filled up bases. I’ve tried to add pictures it just says server error I’m trying to get this figured out
I cleaned and changed water in auto bases at 6.0 ph. Had some buildup on them and had change wicks on Walter white. Held off feeding usually about every Sunday hopefully Monday I will be back on feed schedule. They are looking good I added just a sprinkle of Epsom salt to my top water and water them all from top slightly and filled up bases.
Sorry I haven’t been able to post any pics on the girls they are all looking great the speedrun and Walter white are both showing some signs of flower and beginning to stretch. This evening I am relocating to speed run to its forever home under a vivosun vs 3000 in an open 3x3. I’ll leave the Walter White in this tent under the vs4000 as for Thorpes gold I believe I have a floor spot ready in my corner that I put together last year until I could get a tent set up in here. Originally I was going to put it outside, but it’s hard to do that almost like choosing which kid you want to put up for adoption. I just didn’t have the heart so it stays in house. The smaller 4 th plant in tent also goi g to be in my corner space until I absolutely need to relocate. I believe I can make it work. Next time I believe I may keep the total down to 3 at a time indoors. I’ll try to attach some pics and hopefully they get uploaded.


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I also added some worm casings tea to the plants at beginning of week and it’s really giving them a nice shade green and looking pretty healthy. Looking forward to the stretch


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Looking good. Some extra epsom might help tem as well. You still trying foliar feeding it?
You can also foliar the tea. Try epsom on 1 leaf and worm shit tea on the other big fan leaf. You should see a response pretty quickly with in hours. Then you will know what she wants
I was able to split the speedrun and mephisto into their own tents. I still have some smaller plants in with each but soon plan on having one plant per tent. I’ll try place others around my house. Thorpes is about a week behind the others and already as tall.


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