Day 34 - of bloom.

The resin production on these ladies is immense. They’re literally dripping in the good stuff, and that goes for both the strains too. They’re now on buddhas tree ok 9/18 instead of big bud. The rest of the nute regimen has stayed the same. The LSD buds are longer, slightly thinner and have less fan leaves around the colas. The choc mint are thicker and are quite bushy around the tops. I’m going too defoliate these tomorrow for light penetration. Both strains have rock hard bud sites that I can tell are gonna explode!

I’ll get some pictures with lights on for the next journal entry.
Day 37 - of bloom.

Nothing different to report, just a few lights in pics as promised. I had too grab these quickly so apologies that they ain’t of much quality. As everyone knows, pictures never capture what the garden really looks like.

I attempted too get a few close up shots too show of the resin production. I’ll try and get better pics of this soon.

PS. I’m still too defoliate the choc mint. I’ll get around to this at some point haha.


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Day 45-of bloom

The girls are still looking good, however the chocolate mint is showing some nute burn while the lsd are very hungry. I’m gonna have too drop the bites slightly too make up for this.
I’ve got a spare 315w CMH kicking around because I just finished a grow with it in another tent so I’ve put it into this grow alongside the HPS. It’ll be interesting too see what happens with this. The light was fitted today and hadn’t had a light cycle In this tent yet.
This is a very short entry but I’ll update it in more depth soon.

Day 51-if bloom.

Ok, so yesterday I defoliated a lot of the really huge fan leaves on the choc mint. These ladies are very leafy and a lot of these leaves were covering major bud sites, and because of how close the buds are too each other, there was no way of tucking the leaves down so they had too go. Whilst I was doing this I lollipopped all the plants including the lsd so the under canopy is looking very healthy.
As for the tops of the plants, they are looking healthy. The nute burn is now managed by reducing the pk 9/18 so the yellowing has now gone. Resin production is still going strong and these are some of the stickiest buds I’ve ever grown, and that goes for both strains!
I am however disappointed with the appearance of the choc mint. The buds are reasonably solid but they are VERY leafy and the are also some of the strangest looking buds I’ve ever grown. The lsd on the other look very nice. Real rock hard buds that look like normal cannabis haha.
The choc mint has started too turn a purple which is totally cool! Who doesn’t like a purple hue in their smoke, ey?
My goal for the journal is too leave it run up until the ten week mark. I may let it run over by a week or so but I definitely won’t be cutting them any sooner even though I can tell the smoke is spot on right now! These girls got a lot of swelling too. I just hope the choc mint envelopes the sugar leaves around the bud thus making them less leafy.

I’ve attached som pics. The first six are of the lsd. The ones after that are of the choc mint.



Chocolate Mint OG

Looking good man. Im gonna run photos next. Im checking out cannaventure gear. Keep up the nice work

Sounds sweet man! I started on autos a few years back then went to photos after a year. Never looked back too! Hit me up if you do a journal with the cannaventure dude.
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Sounds sweet man! I started on autos a few years then went to photos after a year. Never looked back too! Hit me up if you do a journal with the cannaventure dude.

Do you personally find photos to be more potent? Im on my 3rd auto grow now. White crack and dbl grape. I ran photos once before and they did seem to smell and taste better than my autos.
Do you personally find photos to be more potent? Im on my 3rd auto grow now. White crack and dbl grape. I ran photos once before and they did seem to smell and taste better than my autos.

I personally do. I’ve yet too grow an auto that outperforms a photo. I know there are LOTS of people who prefer autos and that’s cool and maybe they’re right. And I admit there are some banging auto strains on the market right now, but I do think that photos are the best option, at least for me anyway as I grow perpetually.
The biggest draw back for me with the autos though is the cost in running the bulbs. I simply couldn’t afford too grow perpetually if my hps and cmh were running an extra six hours a day each. Another combined total of 18 hours of energy consumption a day simply isn’t feasible for me.
But like I said it’s each too their own. There are some auto strains out there that really stand up against photoperiod strains but at the end of the day it comes down too the individual grower and their grow preferences.