I grew a cmog buds were rock hard totally white with crystals. Amazing smell . Smell like sweet cookie dough. Heavy indicia effect for me .best of luck .really good plant. I kept that wood case for so long. Thought it was the coolest thing
I grew a cmog buds were rock hard totally white with crystals. Amazing smell . Smell like sweet cookie dough. Heavy indicia effect for me .best of luck .really good plant. I kept that wood case for so long. Thought it was the coolest thing

Ah cool man. Can I remember what weight I had on her? I’m loving the plant so far. Can’t wait until she starts flowering
All the girls continue too grow nicely. All were topped today. I’ll get some pictures on here tomorrow
It’s been a while so I’ll update the thread a little. The ladies are doing great! Growth is sturdy and now steady. The plants are all taking full doses of veg nutes and cal mag and have responded well. They’ve all been topped and on choc mint has been accidentally FIMed (guess it’s called Fuck I Miserd for a reason ey? Haha) and they’re all gone be put into bloom the latter half of next week. Then the fun will truly begin!

Stay tuned
The gals have been put in too flip. This will be classed as day one of bloom. Pictures too follow
Thanks for the link! Looking forward to seeing the bloom
Sorry I haven’t updated the thread. I’ve been having major problems with my autopsy system and no time to address the problem correctly. Every morning I’ve been waking too the contents of my resovoir on the floor of my tent. So, I tightened all the connections. The next day it was flooded again. So then I took the pipe out and checked it for tips and tears, nothing. Put it back together and tightened everything again. Woke up the next day, tent is flooded AGAIN! So, I looked through everything. I lifted the covering on one of the valves and it was letting water through without shutting off. Luckily I have spare valves so I could replace it there and then. I’ve been growing with autopots for two years and I haven’t experienced this before. It’s really pissed me off tbh. I’ll update on the grow tomorrow and I’ll add some pics too.
Day 17 - of bloom.

My, oh my, oh my. I surely have neglected this thread lately. But in my defence I have been blessed with a newborn child and that’s taken up a whole chunk of my time lately. The plants, on the other hand, look ducking amazing. They’re all really lush and green and there’s no deficiencies evident in the leaves whatsoever. I’ve put big bud coco into the feeding regimen now and that should carry on for another two weeks or so. Yesterday I fitted an extra SCROG net onto the grow. I’m gonna train the hell outta them now while the stretch is still occurring.
The chocolate mint look like the biggest plants at the moment, which is quite surprising since the lsd were bigger at the vegetative stage. I e attached a pic and I will update more frequently from here on out.

Day 29 - of bloom.

These ladies are absolute monsters. They’re already laden in resin and they are huge too match. I’m currently still giving them big bud and I may continue too use it for another week before I switch to pk 9/18.
The three picks are of the choc mint, the second three are of the lsd.



