Indoor Bud Beast LED Test

ive noticed certain strains are more prone to light stress and ph prob, i had a ripleys og that was extremely sensitive to ph. if my ph was 6 it would stall but when i brought it to 5.7 to 5.8 ph in 24hrs you would notice new growth.i also did 2 mbap or gold glue (mixed them up opening they had no tags on seed vial) they got light stressed from 80 watts of citizen 1212s @ 32in above (6 on an hlg 185-700ma waiting on heatsinks for other 2 to make it 8) while a samsquatch og x hubbabubbasmelloscope had almost no problem. so wat is the diy light is it a hack on a mars or a full build how big is it, how far are they spaced out and wat drivers are you useing. i really love the cobs sorry for all the questions on the light but im trying to see the difference between having them closer together and farther apart performance wise as in heat, how close or far they have to be, coverage etc. great job so far man cant wait to see them hit their stride and turn into big old beasts. thanks for your time
so wat is the diy light is it a hack on a mars or a full build how big is it, how far are they spaced out and wat drivers are you useing.
hey brotha, None of these plants are growing under my DIY COB light but ill give you a quick rundown of what i built... its a 3x3 frame with 4 Citizen gen 6 1818's 3500K 90cri on the outer 4 corners and 4 Citizen gen 6 1212's 3500K 90CRI in a kind of X pattern right in the middle of the light. im too lazy to go take a pic of it so heres what i found on the computer quick(OLD PIC)
ok guys so lets update this Bud Beast Log:headbang:
the Bud Beast Seems to be doing very well. the young plants are looking strong now and the flowering plants are on flush getting ready for the axe in the next 7-10 days i would guess. just Terpinator and water from here on fort hem....
Group Shot

Baby Strwaberry Nuggetts

Baby Mexican Airlines

Stilton Special 1 is finishing up.
This light can really grow some DENSE BUDS man! better than my cobs i think!
its gotta be that Red spectrum they got in this BEAST!

Stilton 2

Tangie with some fat buds that are very DENSE also!

Cindy 99
She is doing absolutely amazing right now. i couldnt be happier with this plant guys, it shows that this light can grow some pot!!!

Very nice node spacing under their spectrum!

Just tied her down some more and spread her out today. she also got fed after this picture
Youve found that sweet spot. Girls are looking happy under that light now trip
i do believe so sang! im kinda pissed it took me this long to get things straightened out in my tent.(very frustrating when im used to growing 4oz plants) but as with all new things it takes some time getting used to (COCO and the light). lets see what they do in this next week for me:headbang:
ok guys update time!
things are finally where i want them to be growth wise and i can say this light kicks ass.:headbang: i knew i was a great light but i just couldnt get the plants to respond the way i wanted them to previously.
i have 4 wet towels hanging and 2 humidifiers:nono: in my tent to get my RH up:amazon:
now that all that is behind us lets see what the bud beast can REALLY DO!!:shooty:
Group Shot

Strawberry Nuggets 2 day 1 was 2/14

Fastbuds Mexican Airlines

@mephisto Forgotten Cookies
i like the frame on this girl already @The Elvis :pop:

these should be the last small plants in my tent now that i got everything squared away:cooldance:

Stilton Special almost done:kiss:
ill take them out of the tent and gt proper pics before harvest



Looks like you got it dialed in brother,there all looking great.
thanks Nammy, im finally happy:cooldance:
mexican airlines showed sex yesterday i think it was, sorry im stoned

Cindy 99 from Blimburn Seeds. i just LST'd her more and fed her after these pics
i like the progress man absolutely great and that diy cob is very similar to mine just i use 10 gen 6 1212 and 6 cxa2540 with 400w total plus a 300w meizhi(like a mars but much better spectrum it out performed my mars 600w). What or where did the strawberry nuggets come from pls tell me more about them. are the a strawberry cough hybrid been looking for a strawberry cough auto thanks for your time and these pics of bud porn are what i come for seeing as i cant grow rite now this is the next best thing i hope all keeps going well. Fitzy