I find that interesting as I've done three grows now using about 9 different strains and had not one deficiency, not any toxicity. And I find it odd, people rave over Peters nutrient yet it has more N.
Everything I can find on deficiencies when levels of nutrients are within an acceptable range are caused by PH issues, and lockout happens as often at low ph as at high. PH should be the very first thing anyone looks at when having nutrient issues. Maybe this was not your issue, and hard to say after the fact.
I've been using 1.5 to 1.75 Tablespoons ( 26.25 grams ) consistently, start to finish. I run a PH of 6.5. and my plant were all healthy and gave up the best harvests I've ever had. So how can I run these levels without nutrient issues? I think people tend to blame their nutrients because they didn't really take the time to see what was really happening.
Don't get me wrong, I respect you highly as a grower! But we all, myself included, make assumptions and mistakes based on common knowledge. "Knowledge" we now are finding is flawed in several areas do to myths and misinformation.
PH............. we all have seen and accept as gospel the PH ranges for growing cannabis. BUT, how accurate are they? I've begun to wonder where the science to back them up is. Over a period of a year, I've been trying grows at various PH levels. Not scientifically, I just don't have the space to do a controlled grow. But the outcome of my testing seems to indicate that the lower you run your PH, the more likely you are to have issues. In coco, going from 5.9 to a PH of 6.2 improved things but still not without problems of PH shift, which the plants them selves contribute to especially in flower. My theory, and I state that that is all it is, a theory, is that running higher PH gives your medium a better buffer range, a dip from 6.5 to 6.2 say may have less effect on the plants than one that drops from say 6.0 to 5.8. So I've set a range of 6.4 to 6.6 as my acceptable range. So far, i could ask for better results.
And BigSm0, sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread. sometimes when I have something in mind, I need to say it before I forget...........lol!