Lighting Bigsm0 and the cob addiction

" Bud enhancers/bloom boosters" are just a way for nutrient companies to pick your pocket, If not, why aren't these things already in your nutrient??? Even worse, some of these do work..... because they put illegal growth hormones and PGRs in them. No one seems to check up on them so they get a way with it. You plants chooses what it needs and when it needs it, this whole idea you can force feed your plants anything is a total myth. Go the Greenleaf's home page. I bet they state at least 10 times, YOU DON'T NEED ANYTHING ELSE! Don't you think that these guys may know something you don't? Adding pk is a waste ot time and money and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. And NO, your anecdotal "evidence" won't cut it. Show me the science!

Take a look at plant science yourself. Look at how plants take in nutrients and you'll soon discover that nutrient companies have been bullshitting you for years! You don't see commercial flower growers using all this crap. I'll guarantee you that Megacrop on its own will give you and outstanding grow, if you do your part right!

@BigSm0 man I have so much positive feedback on ur last post to add to it. Totally agree with you, but I do feel it needs lil bud explosion to it in flower, even if u start with the sample 230g bag say add 20-30g bud explosion to it and it would be tits.imo only cause if you back off in flower because of the nitrogen then ur also backing off of the PK in the mix as well since it's a all in one mix, imo from my grow, but I do have cobs at 5" from my autopot grow and not one burn issue at all.
Just curious if you could only choose their products and based on their current changing product lineup, what would you purchase to go seed to harvest in coco or hydro with as few products as possible?

I was thinking MC, Cal+Mag Pro, and Bud Explosion as a minimum. I just wish their cal/mag did not have nitrogen in it. I’m trying to keep this as simple as possible for a friend that can’t mix a drink.:smoking:

Seeing as Redline and Mother monarch bloom are no longer part of their lineup, the only choice for a PK bosters is Bud Explosion. Personally i would of rather seen mother monarch bloom stick around than bud explosion based on the numbers (0-52-32 for MMB), obviously MMB would generally be used well diluted for the majority of application.

So yeah MC + Calmagpro(same here, i wish the calmag had 0 nitrogen), and Bud Explosion at a minimum.
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Don't you think that these guys may know something you don't?

I saw major P deficiency which came on strong and fast, while simutaneously tickling the edge of nitrogen toxicity. :shrug:
Maybe i fucked up my test grow?? But i can't see how I did, considering all i was using was 3-4grams per gallon of MC when the P deficiency showed up fast and strong.
" Bud enhancers/bloom boosters" are just a way for nutrient companies to pick your pocket, If not, why aren't these things already in your nutrient??? Even worse, some of these do work..... because they put illegal growth hormones and PGRs in them. No one seems to check up on them so they get a way with it. You plants chooses what it needs and when it needs it, this whole idea you can force feed your plants anything is a total myth. Go the Greenleaf's home page. I bet they state at least 10 times, YOU DON'T NEED ANYTHING ELSE! Don't you think that these guys may know something you don't? Adding pk is a waste ot time and money and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. And NO, your anecdotal "evidence" won't cut it. Show me the science!

Take a look at plant science yourself. Look at how plants take in nutrients and you'll soon discover that nutrient companies have been bullshitting you for years! You don't see commercial flower growers using all this crap. I'll guarantee you that Megacrop on its own will give you and outstanding grow, if you do your part right!
My experience with free sample of MC. I apologize for not taking pics but i'm a new grower and was more concerned with my 3 other plants which were on GH nutes.
I was testing MC and downsizing to a 2 gallon pot in coco and perlite with a 400w at the wall china led. And No boosters nor additives. I used cal mag from 1-2 ml adjusted as needed and followed the feed recommendations of MC all the way through and was feeding 6g of MC with no ill effects that my novice eyes could see. I yielded 83 g. Dry quality bud.
@BigSm0 man I have so much positive feedback on ur last post to add to it. Totally agree with you, but I do feel it needs lil bud explosion to it in flower, even if u start with the sample 230g bag say add 20-30g bud explosion to it and it would be tits.imo only cause if you back off in flower because of the nitrogen then ur also backing off of the PK in the mix as well since it's a all in one mix, imo from my grow, but I do have cobs at 5" from my autopot grow and not one burn issue at all.

I forgot to add that I did use bud explosion. Honestly didn’t see much difference. I was expecting a lot more buds than normal.
To be honest I base my opinion off of living on a working farm from livestock to 12000 of crop fields that I've planted since I was 5 and learning from gpa and dad and the real major nutrient companies who supply major growers and im looking for a full balance of nutes say 14-14-14 or 12-14-12 14-12-13 something that only moves up/down by one or two numbers so I can feed my plants when they say they need it but this way I know the ratio is full balance across the board, based on soil content and a plants intake range. Imo also the BE and candy were the only ones i believe that didn't say weren't needed with the MegaCrop, unlike the others, this just my opinion. Once I went above 6g/gal flower growth slowed way down and veg growth picked way up, so to balance it out I would like to even the npk up so I can mix more or less to be retaliative to the size of plant I want in the end. Imo.
Creme de la chem. Major lollipopping. This girl is on major estrogen boosters :rofl:



When I checked the flow I noticed a root growing inside the line that as atleast 9 inches long. It wasn’t there the other day.
On a another note I want to know why in a good way that I can literally plug 2 Chinese full spectrum led 600w in my indoor tent and with my house air temp being 66 with these lights it will push to mid 80s in the tent and RH to 60+ but with 2 3500 auto cobs from that my tent won't get above 77 at all I've tried and RH stays right on 50- a couple, but that's it. @BigSMo you have me just ecstatic know and see the purple phenos I have going truly becoming purple during flower instead of dropping temps at the end like before to try and get it, now if it's a purple phenos it just does it look like I always saw in GPA's high times magazine I would read as a kid.
@BigSm0 I have a question for you. What is the overall cone angle of a single autocob. I want my cone angle to cover a 2 ft diameter canopy area and want to figure out at what height the autocob would need to be to achieve that coverage. Right now I just have my autocobs all the way to the top of my 5 ft tall tent and let the girls grow up to them. I have outstanding results this way but would like to get as close as possible without getting outside the cone angle. Another question, do you think there is such a thing as a light saturation point when adding more light does not increase growth? Seems like some of these growers would be hitting that point with number of autocobs they run in such small areas.:dragon3:
@Heavily Medicated

The point at which a plant cannot utilise any more light is known as "Photoinhibition". Every plant species has such a point. For weed, the indications are that this point is reached at a DLI of 35, then there is not enough CO2 to allow any more photosynthesis at such high light levels. For further photosynthesis to occur, additional CO2 must be provided.
DLI can be reached by an infinite variable between light intensity and time, for instance, taking 20/4 as the daylight split, it needs 486 PPFD to get to 35 DLI...that is about double the Autocob at 20 inches height..