Well mysetup so probably a lot more complicated than it has to be but it’s simple now. In my Autocob room I have a larger 30 gallon reservoir with a pump connected to a timer. The timer kicks on the pump every 3 hours for 5 minutes. This feeds an elevated bucket above my plants. To prevent the bucket from over flowing I have a larger return line going back to the 30g res. This keeps the the bucket filled and always well mixed. I can go 2 weeks in full flower off 30 gallons of water and never have to touch a single thing.
This elevated bucket has a 8mm hose connector. Along the back wall I ran a 8mm main line with tee connectors to each plant that’s run through a 8mm-3mm shut off valve. From that the 3mm line goes to each sensor. What’s nice about this is I’m not stuck running all the blumats as they are all controlled individually. At the end of the line I have another valve that I use to purge the min line weekly. This helps with clogs
In the Autocob room I just have a smaller tote that I used as a reservoir. In it I ran an air stone which caused all sorts of problems .i was constantly adjusting the sensors and all it was was continuous air in the lines. With the above setup the bucket never has that direct air going to it. But the reservoir is staying fairly oxygenated by having air stones in it.
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