Lighting Bigsm0 and the cob addiction

Thanks guys. Grape it is. It’s only going to be 6 in there though. I swear the tent shrunk lol.
Spent all morning searching for the cheapest light I could find that had a 5000w hps equivelant. I stuck out so I’m going to run a few AutoCobs. 4 3000k Autocobs and 4 more in a frame down the middle. I really want to run all singles but they do take time to build and I just can’t do it right now. Maaaaybe

5 gallon bags, promix, perlite and coco.
Since I will be fighting the elements being in an Unheated outdoor building I made a few change over last year. I had some 2” foam insulation from work so I put it below the tent to help insulate the space. I also put boards below to help pitch any runoff forward. Last year I ran photos in here and it was a challenge. During lights out my heater ran non stop as well as the dehumidifier. On days didn’t empty the dehumidifier the tent was soaked. The pitched floor will definitely save time. I set up a 6” exhaust fan connected to a titan thermostat switch. Any warmer days this will exhaust the tent when temps raise above 80f. The dehumidifier will be running but this time with a drain line and not the bucket. I am also running 17.6 watts per square foot which is less wattage than most would but I will be running 24/7. 10,560 watts per day. Same as running 35 watts per square foot for 12 hours per day. As long as there aren’t any complications I should be doing great!
It looks like some type of drome and I bet that it's a bad boy I'd say super bright

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It is, I did rig up plenty of lighting lol. Fun with Electronics. I was down to 2 until a few days when my favorite one went straight for a tree at top speed. It lost signal at 44 mph. Luckily no one was hurt.
It is, I did rig up plenty of lighting lol. Fun with Electronics. I was down to 2 until a few days when my favorite one went straight for a tree at top speed. It lost signal at 44 mph. Luckily no one was hurt.
Lol hey as long as it gets job done is all that matters..I'm not the best with the juice I got lit up one day a few years ago and I try not get into

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Really put my thinking cap on here. Because of the setup as far as space and lighting goes I think I’m going to go with 2 gorilla in the center getting light from the bar and 2 autocobs with 2 double grape on each side as well. The gorilla will get much bigger so being able to adjust the cobs to the shorter plants on the sides will be ideal. It should really show off the adjustability I’m always taking about.