@Dabber no pressure or anything but the revival of this thread is on you lol.
It’s been nearly 4 years on afn and I can still say it’s home. The stuff that’s happened in my grow, life and even Cobshop was pretty much all documented here. Over the past year I have had my hands full. It’s been good and bad but as far as growing goes it’s been terrible. Most wouldn’t start over more than once. I mean top to bottom clean and replace everything I could. I have now done it over a dozen times. The only thing I can think of is somehow my seeds went bad. Just enough life to get a few to germinate but days after they are dead. It’s a little depressing watching everyone around me show off record breaking harvests. Soil, water, pots, even the location had been changed. Same results with the same seeds. Fingers crossed!

Sm0 my man, great to see you poking about again! I do recall you have had a shit-lousy 2019, like so many here.. Staff room was like a freakin' soap opera with good folks having sack after sack of shite handed them... So here's to a low-BS content 2020!

You know, you're the 3rd notable person I've seen this last several months with this funky seed germ'ing issue! Some with stock that was fine before, no other significant changes

... I blame Sun spots!
Some folks using the paper towel method have traced the troubles to that,... cheap brands can be more loaded with chemicals than others, but all have residual crap in them. I rinse the hell out of mine if I need to sweat the germ', otherwise it's soak & sow for me...
For older seeds, I've been getting a bit better rates making a soak/germ solution with Ful-Power (pure liquid fulvic), Si, and Superthrive, all in a weak solution: RO water/boiled tap for a little pH buffering action, 2oz ... a few drops fulvic, 1 drop Si, 1 Superthrive,... worth a shot if you fancy!

been some fat-phat harv's out there lately, I get the green envy-

... Take solace in the fact that some of them are using your lights!
About that, I've been off the grows too, it's a seasonal gig for me,... but one of my 'COB's is working on cooking up one of my most favorite orchids which is a deciduous seasonal bloomer, and now coming out of dormancy is prime bloom time. Last couple years it's been shitty, so this year I didn't clown around, I broke out the 3500K and have been bathing the
Clowesia rosea's under it. I was also curious to see how they would respond to this type of light..
... verdict =

spikes are actually longer than usual, great flower count and color! Aroma's are very strong too: these have a sweet grapefruit Pledge (as opposed to lemon), dash of cinnamon-- heavenly! I'll drop a few pics in here when more blooms are open soon,...