Indoor Autos in Organic Soil with Tap Water

Day 89 PG - Getting closer New
Day 89 PG - Getting closer...:pop::

Chopped the 99 day PG, wet-trimmed on branches, and into dryer it goes…with low-mid 40s% RH, and mid 70s F in the lung-room it’ll likely only take 3-5 days before debranching and sweating in paper bags before jars/gbs:

Mozzy: My last harvest in GroBuckets was not as great as I hoped for. The roots didn’t make it to the reservoir and the soil was very saturated. So, for my latest grow I’ve been top watering then letting the soil dry out a bit. I still do some bottom watering to keep the reservoir/soil interface moistened. Once the plants are established, I plan to up the bottom watering schedule.
How do you approach watering? Any thoughts or suggestions? Thx, I’d be quite happy with your results, outstanding!
Mozzy: My last harvest in GroBuckets was not as great as I hoped for. The roots didn’t make it to the reservoir and the soil was very saturated. So, for my latest grow I’ve been top watering then letting the soil dry out a bit. I still do some bottom watering to keep the reservoir/soil interface moistened. Once the plants are established, I plan to up the bottom watering schedule.
How do you approach watering? Any thoughts or suggestions? Thx, I’d be quite happy with your results, outstanding!
Thanks, P :toke:. Sorry you had some challenges. I'll give you my current high-level start plans and you can ask questions about things you did different, or anything else you want...:baked:

Not necessarily in order of operations:
-Seeds in dark warm wet paper towel 24-72 hours until they crack.
-Put clean GB together, and fish the air tube down the fill tube with a new air stone attached.
-Fill with good organic soil.
-Top-water the soil with a sprayer until reservoir is about half-full…usually takes about a half hour and ~1.5 gallons per bucket for day 1.
-Using tap water (that doesn't appear to have chromium, based on local water quality reports), but aired-out ~24-48hrs for chlorine reasons, and roughly PH’d to the mid 6s based on the periodic testing color/using GH drops.
-Get buckets into the clean tent and connect air tubes to the pump and turn that on 24/7 for the length of the grow.
-Plant cracked seeds ~½ inch down, spray with water and cover with dome (if environment dictates) until sprout.

I’m working on getting four sprouts up in the next week or so with this method again too.
I’m sure I’m forgetting something so feel free to ask whatever…:cheers:

-Once the buckets settle for a few hours at least, I usually top the reservoirs off day 1 too, and once the plants start really drinking 2-3 weeks in I then top-off the reservoirs as needed (usually daily at that point).
-I think I only top watered 1-2 times this last grow in the first several weeks, and 1 of those was probably molasses water (not positive it helps much in my situation) and when I added a little top soil for trunks.
-Even when daily watering in full veg/flowering, it only takes 2-3 minutes per day usually.
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