Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

lmao I agree. However you guys probably get cooler stuff. My boyfriends job sent him to Japan twice and they have mcdonalds there but they have sammies *sandwiches/burgers* that we dont ...besides - mc donalds isnt even that good.

we do however have lots of options for getting your grub on here. My favorite place for a fast food burger though is Burger King. Flame broiled deliciousness =P Do you have a 7-11 near you? I know they are world wide...and please dont get it twisted lol I am by NO MEANS suggesting you get food from a 7-11, lol, only reason i brought it up is cause I work at a 7-11 haha.

I dont watch any of the shows you mentioned..hawaii 5-0 hahahahahahahahaha I havent heard that name in YEARRRSSS lol Cant say i ever watched it either, it was a bit before my time ;) you want real american TV for the deranged? lol

Family Guy - [video=youtube;U_sKX4Lzdxc][/video]
omg ahhahahahahahah this episode is SO old, but hilarious in every sense of the word...but probably shouldnt be lol

South Park -
ha...haha..hahahahahahaha why is toilet humor SO... humorous? lol

then again, Im horrendously easily entertained ;)
lmao I agree. However you guys probably get cooler stuff. My boyfriends job sent him to Japan twice and they have mcdonalds there but they have sammies *sandwiches/burgers* that we dont ...besides - mc donalds isnt even that good.

we do however have lots of options for getting your grub on here. My favorite place for a fast food burger though is Burger King. Flame broiled deliciousness =P Do you have a 7-11 near you? I know they are world wide...and please dont get it twisted lol I am by NO MEANS suggesting you get food from a 7-11, lol, only reason i brought it up is cause I work at a 7-11 haha.

I dont watch any of the shows you mentioned..hawaii 5-0 hahahahahahahahaha I havent heard that name in YEARRRSSS lol Cant say i ever watched it either, it was a bit before my time ;) you want real american TV for the deranged? lol

Family Guy -
omg ahhahahahahahah this episode is SO old, but hilarious in every sense of the word...but probably shouldnt be lol

South Park -
ha...haha..hahahahahahaha why is toilet humor SO... humorous? lol

then again, Im horrendously easily entertained ;)

Seriously though mcdonalds is like the best this country has t offer f fast food! We used t have wimpys but they died out a while ago. We do have burger kings but ive never lived anywhere near a burger king in my life, they always seem t be on motorways and no one in my family has ever drove :-/ Ive had one twice. Dont think them and maccies differ much meself. McDonalds chips are the ones though. Ive got a mate who went to america and he said the biggers over there were like 3 times the size of the ones over here.
We dont have 7-11s in this country. Is it just a shop or or sutin else?
Its a new version of the old one. Been going f about 3 years now me thinks with the delectable Steve McGaratt, phwoar. A smile t jizz over!! haha. Nick "the grimm" burkhardt aint too awful on the eye either :-p
Ive watched pretty much every episode of family guy, love it. American Dads the one f me these days though. Non stop laughs!!

I have a clip t show you...

Its off a topical comedy show "never mind the buzzcocks" and has a different guest host every week. This particular week it was hosted by Adam Bug and he does a section reading off funny youtube comments. The bit at about 2 mins ish makes me PMSLLMAO everytime i watch it!!!!.... Dont skip though. You need the build up, lol.
I didn't know who Steve McGaratt was so I googled him lol. indeed, he is rather easy on the eyes. Had to google the other guy too and....meh. not really my cuppa tea lol Now, Jake Gyllenhaal?
yes please lol I'll have a little bit of Channing Tatum too, but only as an appetizer lol taylor hanson is the main dish, and then mr gyllenhaal for dessert ;)
I'm not too into the whole "show off" type guy. Keep your muscles in your shirt, Im alright with out lol Don't get me wrong, Im not looking for A LOT of extra cushion for the pushin', lol, but I def. don't want to be grossed out by and afraid of the bulging blue vein poppin' out of your neck lol.

I started watching that clip but the man is watching TV and he turned the TV volume up when I started watching it (that dick lol) so I couldn't really hear what was going on. But Im gonna watch it later:)
Did you listen to Prom Night Dumpster Baby? rotflmao.
I didn't know who Steve McGaratt was so I googled him lol. indeed, he is rather easy on the eyes. Had to google the other guy too and....meh. not really my cuppa tea lol Now, Jake Gyllenhaal?
yes please lol I'll have a little bit of Channing Tatum too, but only as an appetizer lol taylor hanson is the main dish, and then mr gyllenhaal for dessert ;)
I'm not too into the whole "show off" type guy. Keep your muscles in your shirt, Im alright with out lol Don't get me wrong, Im not looking for A LOT of extra cushion for the pushin', lol, but I def. don't want to be grossed out by and afraid of the bulging blue vein poppin' out of your neck lol.

I started watching that clip but the man is watching TV and he turned the TV volume up when I started watching it (that dick lol) so I couldn't really hear what was going on. But Im gonna watch it later:)
Did you listen to Prom Night Dumpster Baby? rotflmao.

Steve McGarratt is one hot tomalley :-D Nick didnt do it f me t begin with but after watching a few eps he won me over, lol. Channing Tatum i definitely wouldnt kick out o bed!!! Hes got alluring eyes, lol.
I tell you what does it f me though..... a sexy smile! That is all. If a mans got one o them im won over. I didnt even fancy my fella when we first met, we were just mates f ages but that smile (and his fantastic bum) converted me, lol.
Muscle is defo not my bag. A bit o gentle muscle im all for but if your skin dont go in when you get poked then its just too much.

HOW VERY DARE HE!!!!?!! If i were you id run over and kick him the head. Tell him i said hes a meeny bo beeny turd poo poo face!! (if hed of actually let you watch the vid youd know what im on about!) lol.

I did indeed watch it. Ya know what i thinks funny?............ US v UK fanny. Here its a crude word f vagina. There you say it in kids tv programmes!!! I was only young when i first heard on an american programme and i was well shocked! "YA CANT SAY FANNY ON TELE!!!!!!! THATS WELL RUUUUUUDE!!!!!" Lmao!
I did indeed watch it. Ya know what i thinks funny?............ US v UK fanny. Here its a crude word f vagina. There you say it in kids tv programmes!!! I was only young when i first heard on an american programme and i was well shocked! "YA CANT SAY FANNY ON TELE!!!!!!! THATS WELL RUUUUUUDE!!!!!" Lmao!

wait.....what? lol Fanny is a crude word for vagina there?!
I have NEVER heard that lol I can tell you some crude words I HAVE heard for the word vagina, lol.
Here in the states a 'fanny' is a word for someones butt. Parents teach 'fanny' to their kids when they're real 'aww, you fell down on your fanny!' lol I can't imagine watching a porn and hearing some bitch go 'ooooo yea fuck my tight little fanny' lmfao. it just doesnt sound right. I mean..pussy doesnt sound good either what with pussy cat and all, but...idk hahah I guess im just used to the P word being used lol

and anyway (you ready for this) HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF A 90'S CHILD? Fanny packs? helllooooo lol Idk about you, but I wore a fanny pack on the side of my my FANNNNNYYYY lol

HOW VERY DARE HE!!!!?!! If i were you id run over and kick him the head. Tell him i said hes a meeny bo beeny turd poo poo face!! (if hed of actually let you watch the vid youd know what im on about!) lol.
hahaha I wouldve but then IIIII would be the dick cause 98% of the time I have 100% control of the TV lol Plus hes had a headache all day (he blamed it on a 'weed hangover' from the brownies I made with AM2's trim lol) and 98% of the time it's me that feels like shit and 100% of the time him taking care of me lol so i figured it was only fair ;)

7-11 is indeed a little convenience store. Some of them have gas stations in addition to the store, but we dont. But as a whole, 7-11 has hot dogs, lol. Some premade cold sandwiches. Not much really in the ways of stuff thats already made...and we wont make you anything special, but we've got lots of stuff for AT LEAST 1.5x more money as anywhere else lol. Cigarettes, milk, bread, chips..ramen noodles... tampons... windshield wiper you know. stuff ;)

I tell you what does it f me though..... a sexy smile! That is all. If a mans got one o them im won over. I didnt even fancy my fella when we first met, we were just mates f ages but that smile (and his fantastic bum) converted me, lol.
Muscle is defo not my bag. A bit o gentle muscle im all for but if your skin dont go in when you get poked then its just too much.
You know what does it for ME? gorgeous eyes. Doesn't matter what color or the anatomy its attached to, lol. Nice eyes and Im mesmerized . And Im not shy, I'll tell ya lol I've had customers that came into the 7-11 and I will literally forget what Im doing for a minute lol
Jake Gyllenhaal has eyes that you could literally get lost in haha. Just fucking sinking and drowning in them and not even care that you've forgotten to breathe lol I'm also a fan of scruffy guys. The more homeless they appear to be, the more attractive lmao. ok perhaps not THAT much scruff lol're a boy. Boys are supposed to have hair in places girls dont....normally lol
when I first met my boyfriend, he was clean shaven, face and chest. No more of that kids, haha.
Iv heard the vagina referred to as some grim things. Gash was a common one when i lived in the YMCA "Get your gash out" was a regular sentence i heard when living there. Axe wound is another pretty brutal one, lol.
We call our 'butts' bums and when referring t vags t young uns we use mary... and todger or willy f a penis, lol.
Fanny packs are so 80s mate! They were long gone from the scene when i were a yoot.... except f middle aged men. They still love wearing them... and we call them bum bags!! haha.

Will let him of this time then... if it happens again though i wont be happy, lol. Did ya watch it yet?

So 7-11 (J just referred to as the kwik-e-mart, lmao) is basically the US version of Tesco Express in this country. Opens later than normal Tesco but charges extortionate prices.... you robbin bastard!! lol.

Jake G aint f me. Theres sutin about his face that looks a bit downy, cant quite put my finger on it. I aint a fan o them metrosexuals or whatever theyre called. Im all f lads taking care of themselves but theres just no need f them t spend more time getting their groom on than most women..... who take long.
20 mins in and out me, no messing.

My fellas got a ridiculous quantity of hair!!!! His hairy face leads t the hairiest neck youve ever seen which then leads on to a hairy (but not ridiculously so) chest. He never clean shaves just usually leaves stubble but only takes like 3days before hes grown pretty much a full grown beard!!! I dont like it too ridiculous though or when we kiss i end up eating most o his moustache hair!! lol.

The love of my life at primary school (who didnt love me back... oh woe is me, lol) was a boy who had the bluest eyes you ever did see! I always thought wed grow up, hed realise what he was missing and wed make beautiful blue eyed babies together..... and then we moved. I dont remember his last name either or id of hunted him down years ago like the crazy stalker woman i was destined t be! but alas i have no memory so it was never meant t be!! lol.

PS - Have you seen my journal? (the real point o this site, lol) ......i set my fleurs on fire, kind of!! :(
Let's keep it clean lads we have female and elderly members.

My apologies Tang!!! :Sharing One: Shall keep them rudy words at bay from now on. PS we are both ladies... well females at least, lol. It wont happen again squire, Scouts honour! :)
My apologies Tang!!! :Sharing One: Shall keep them rudy words at bay from now on. PS we are both ladies... well females at least, lol. It wont happen again squire, Scouts honour! :)

lol you mean girl guides honour lol.

- - - Updated - - -

My apologies Tang!!! :Sharing One: Shall keep them rudy words at bay from now on. PS we are both ladies... well females at least, lol. It wont happen again squire, Scouts honour! :)

lol you mean girl guides honour lol.
lol you mean girl guides honour lol.

Brownies honour it is then :-D .....not that i ever went. My old dear was to much of a cheapskate t pay f me t go, lol.

....but you have my word.... if you want it. Yes?... Then here it is................................... smegma! (<---- Absolute last one i promise!! lol)

There! :) You have my word and i shall stop with the rudeness :-D Brownies/rainbows/girlguides/scouts/cubs honour!! :salute: