Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

lol cappy-ten howdy! the exorcist? Scares the shit outta me to this day, lol

she got offline and never emptied it. that bitch better get back it's only 8pm over there lol
lol cappy-ten howdy! the exorcist? Scares the shit outta me to this day, lol

she got offline and never emptied it. that bitch better get back it's only 8pm over there lol

Haha, indeed madame, here I am, Captain Howdy in the flesh, back to scare the pants off you once again


I used to watch it all the time and actually found most of it quite amusing.... Now I'm a little older though, yeah, it's a hellishly twisted movie. Love it :)

My bets are she's watching Britain's Got Talent ;)

:Sharing One:

lol whhhyyyy would you do that to me?!? lol that is the scariest face. Ever.
Remember those videos that went around in the 90's that for the first 2 minutes it was normal and youre all into the song/video, and then all of the sudden it turned into a giant exorcist face screaming?
Thats what you just did to me...wheres that damn dislike button....LOL

The first time I saw the movie I was probably 12, and it scared the pants off me but I enjoy a good scary movie, so a few years later when I found out one of my friends hadn't seen it, we went to BlockBuster (ahhh the days lol) and rented it.
HOWEVER. what I was unaware of is that I had seen some sort of 'edited' version. That very face, my good sir or ma'am lol, was 100% NOT in the first version I watched..the first few times it flashed I honestly thought I was hallucinating and it scared the hell out of me lol
I will NEVER get the image of Reagan doing the crab walk down the stairs out of my head. jkl;asdj;lkxfn hk;dafphb haha
CHANDY- empty your AFN inbox so i can send my reply to you lol

Haha, I've literally just sent her a messaging saying the same thing.... Who's gonna get their message to Chandy first ;)

:Sharing One:

Hey gang :-D "AFN smoke out" Im back in da hood f realz kidz and Gs or sutiiin :smoke:

I was not watching Britains Got Talent...... although i do have it recording on Sky+ becasue i heart it so much!! :-D lol.

Ive been feeding my baby girls... although theyre not babies anymore :all grown up: <3 xxxx <3 bitches!!! lol.
4 litres each the greedy bastards. Taken me about 2 hour.... foolishly had a spliff before hand as the kids gone t his grandparentals f the eve (leaving me t spend this fine saturday with a few ales and a few spliffs talking t you lovely bunch o coconuts..... didilly dee, see them all standing in a row, 2 3 4, big ones, small ones, ones as big as your head! lmao ) and kept forgettin what i was doing..... as you do. So yeah... took long, lol.

Hey Cap'n :) I gave them Boost as i thought you were being ignorant ;) lol!! Back o the net or have i thrown the match? lol.

[QUOTERemember those videos that went around in the 90's that for the first 2 minutes it was normal and youre all into the song/video, and then all of the sudden it turned into a giant exorcist face screaming?[/QUOTE]

Them days were the noughties f me!! lol.
ok chandy.

sometimes I feel like you forget Im a silly american lol I must have to google AT LEAST once, every time you post LOL
the years between 2000 and 2009. got it lol.

lol chandy be back in the hood, yo.
iiiiiin west philadelphia born and
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, And all shootin' some B-ball outside of the school....I could keep
When a couple o guys they were up t no good, started making trouble in my neighbourhood! I got in one little fight and my mum got scared she said, "Your moving with your Aunty and uncle in bel air!"......... I did keep going! :-D lol
I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was weird but thought man forget it yo homes, to bel air! do do do do do dooooo i pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and i yelled to the cabby yo homes smell ya later. looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne, as the prince of bel air.

:clap: hooooraaaayyyyy! lol

ps- happy mother's day chandy:)