Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

Nice song mate, you have a beautiful voice! :-D lol. The words are this cab was rare though..... Unless you 'mericans have a different version ;) lol. Thanks mate :-D Not our Mother's Day tday though, twas in march. But thanks.

Have you sent your mum a lovely card telling her how grateful you are f everything she's done f you over the years and how she s been the best mum you ever could of hoped for? Rotflmao!!!!!
Mothers Day is on different days in different contries? lol I just said to K, (though I'm surprised he payed attention to me since he's watching the F1 race lol) did you know mothers day isnt on the same day around the world?! and he says '..........I didn't know Mothers Day was anywhere but America' hahahaha. ohhhhh silly 'murr-cans ;)

It might be rare and not weird IDK Id have to look up the lyrics buuutt.....don't fight me on this lol

Have you sent your mum a lovely card telling her how grateful you are f everything she's done f you over the years and how she s been the best mum you ever could of hoped for? Rotflmao!!!!!
I did lol and inside the card I included a poem.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hope that an 18 wheeler
runs over you.

:clap: twas a beautiful moment.

oh southpark. you're always good for a chuckle.

This is actually the second time this happened lol you talk about 'Jolene' and I hear it later on TV, you ask if Ive ever heard the word minge, and then later I hear it on TV lol

LOL - I just got around to watching that link I couldnt watch the other day. I wish we had that show, looks to be a good one. I was a fan of Justin Bieber is nothin but a crack attic hahahaha. Sometimes peoples idiocy with common knowledge just makes me giggle lol. Crack ATTIC instead of ADDICT is funny, but when peop-luh (lol) cant use the correct form of to and too .... makes me NUTS lol. I also snickered every time they said Gery Baboona lol. what a name man lol

K randomly said to me last night "so whats up with your forum friend Chandy? Is she married? Does she go to school? Does she work? Whats the deal?" lol
so first allow me to ask if it irritates you that I call you chandy instead of charlene which is know...your name lol
And now....are you and your fella married? lol Is your fella the baby daddy? (and i mean no offence by that, just over here, its not uncommon that the baby dad is nowhere to be found and another has manned up in his place) Do you go to school? Do you work? What do you do? lol
I feel like its bad that we don't know this about each other lol
I'm not married...not even engaged...just cant get him to put a ring on it lol We've been together for a little over 4 years and believe it or not...I met him online. The best thing to ever walk into my life and where do i find it? The internet. I'd seen an add on the side of my FaceBook for this dating site called OkCupid. So I fill out a profile and am BRUTALLY honest about my life situation and here I am thinkin 'oh no ones gonna be interested in a 23 year old, with no education, barely a job, no car, and lives off her daddys love seat.' but low and behold - after...I wanna say...meeting 3 guys (all of which were EXTREME creepers) I got a message from K. We went out..and as they say, the rest? It's history lol.
I have 0 children...but Im 98% sure you know that of me already lol
I don't go to school. Actually....I didn't even graduate lol (Im not sure how the school systems work over there, but here it goes Pre-K, K, 1-12. 9th grade classman are called freshmen, 10th are sophmores, 11th are Juniors and 12th are seniors. Then you graduate then its college. and depending on the area, 1-4 is Elementary School, 5-7 is middle school and then 8-12 is high school.) I dropped out of high school 3 months into my junior year. That was like..2003 about to be 2004. I would've graduated in 2005..I did end up getting my GED, (which i just googled and found you dont have it in the uk so this is what it says when you google GED lol - GED is a trademarked acronym used for the General Educational Development Tests, a battery of examinations administered by states and jurisdictions to measure the skills and knowledge similar to a high school course of study. So basically, its a set of 4 tests for each of the 4 basic subjects - English, Math, Science, and Social Studies and you have to write one essay. the tests cover the general basis of what you would've learned of the course of your high school education...had you stayed long enough to graduate lol I got my GED in 2011. School is overrated lol
You know that I work obviously since we had that 7-11 conversation lol

I think Ive covered all the bases I wanted to cover

that was CLEARLY a lie lol. I just saw your comment on the flip flops on fb. I use facebook not for the normal reasons people use it lol I use it to stalk people lol Like finding people you hated in high school, then creep around their pictures and laugh at how fat and ugly they've gotten hahahaha (that did backfire on me once though lol) I hardly ever get on and update anything lol throw out the occasional "like" and thats about it lol. so my response to said comment is- ha! Thats why I contemplated asking for your address, I actually have blues clues AND sponge bob ones lol
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I did lol and inside the card I included a poem.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hope that an 18 wheeler
runs over you.

:clap: twas a beautiful moment.

What a beautiful poem!! Brought a tear t my eyeballs!! lol.
I usually buy my mum a ten bag o weed f christmas, bdays, mother's day, etc but i rang her a week or so before our mothers day and she told me outright she wanted some really accurate weed scales f mothers day :-/ Shes lucky t get anything yet still demands stuff. Sounds harsh but when i buy her a mothers day card i make sure its one that doesnt lie. Eg 'you mean the world t me' 'your the best mum there ever was' 'couldnt be without you' 'blah blah blah' No way! Shes never been any of these things so she defo doesnt deserve a card saying them. Usually just get her a jokey one about drink..... being as shes an alcoholoic theyre quite fittin, lol.


oh southpark. you're always good for a chuckle.

This is actually the second time this happened lol you talk about 'Jolene' and I hear it later on TV, you ask if Ive ever heard the word minge, and then later I hear it on TV lol

Cant actually hear a word o this vid mate. Im completely deaf in my left ear and partially deaf in my right (meningitis when i was a toddler). Dont talk funny and can still hear people and that but i have t look at peoples mouths f the most part t hear what folk are saying. As soon as someone puts their hand in front o their mouth or sutin its like theyre talking mandarin, lol..... so crackly cartoons are an issue as theyre mouths dont do what theyre supposed to, lol.

LOL - I just got around to watching that link I couldnt watch the other day. I wish we had that show, looks to be a good one. I was a fan of Justin Bieber is nothin but a crack attic hahahaha. Sometimes peoples idiocy with common knowledge just makes me giggle lol. Crack ATTIC instead of ADDICT is funny, but when peop-luh (lol) cant use the correct form of to and too .... makes me NUTS lol. I also snickered every time they said Gery Baboona lol. what a name man lol

DIS GUY MUST BE A ALIEN OR SUTIN!!! :-D I always use the word sutin instead of something now since watching that, bet some peopl think im as retarded as Jerry Baboona, lol.
Hes such a meeny bo beeny turd poo poo face!!!! Lmao!... .and a crack attic... with strangly long fingers!! haha.

[/QUOTE]K randomly said to me last night "so whats up with your forum friend Chandy? Is she married? Does she go to school? Does she work? Whats the deal?" lol
so first allow me to ask if it irritates you that I call you chandy instead of charlene which is know...your name lol[/QUOTE]

Were not married but its a regular occurence where we are t have a bastard :-p lol. I do intend to one day but weve got better things t spend out money on.... thats if we actually had any money but we dont :( Poor as Peter of the Alphabet... poorer even, lol. My fella was working at Bentley until a few months ago but he got let go cus he was only agency but hes now setting up his own graphic design business, so hopefully our poor streak will be over soon and we can actually buy ourselves nice things. the wedding can wait, want t be a fiancee f a few years first cus its got a better ring to it than "the wife", lol. Not that were actually engaged yet. Thats where the poorness comes in again. Im a stay at home with Jackhammer f the now. He starts nursery in January so will look at getting another job then. Want t enjoy this wee bit o time off before i have t work f the rest o my life, lol. Hes such a clever kid aswell man. I know most people say that about their kids but im raising a little genius... if he was an idiot id say it, lol. Was his 2nd bday in december and he can count t 20, knows all his shapes, loads o 3D ones, most his colours. Speaks absolutely loads aswell... puts most 4 year olds t shame :-D Hes a proper brill lil lad :)

And now....are you and your fella married? lol Is your fella the baby daddy? (and i mean no offence by that, just over here, its not uncommon that the baby dad is nowhere to be found and another has manned up in his place) Do you go to school? Do you work? What do you do? lol

No offense taken my friend :) Most people round these parts are shocked when i tell them my fella is the father of my child also, lol. So yeah fella is my baby daddy. We were only together f a couple o few months before i got an unplanned bun in the oven but its all worked out :) Would o liked us t have a bit more time as a couple before we had a kid and no money and stuff but what can ya do. Weve got all out baby making out the way now though so come 40 we can relive our youth again, lol. Defiitely dont want any more though. Siblings are overrated anyways.... jsut look at our family trees, haha. Having just the one can bring him up how he deserves. Aint one o them soft mothers who gives their kids everything cus they never had owt either. Ive had friends parents who were like that and most o them kids turned out shits, lol. Like t think (so far anyways) ive found a happy medium between being a knob and being a soft twat who brings up spoilt knobhead kids :-D

I feel like its bad that we don't know this about each other lol
I'm not married...not even engaged...just cant get him to put a ring on it lol We've been together for a little over 4 years and believe it or not...I met him online. The best thing to ever walk into my life and where do i find it? The internet. I'd seen an add on the side of my FaceBook for this dating site called OkCupid. So I fill out a profile and am BRUTALLY honest about my life situation and here I am thinkin 'oh no ones gonna be interested in a 23 year old, with no education, barely a job, no car, and lives off her daddys love seat.' but low and behold - after...I wanna say...meeting 3 guys (all of which were EXTREME creepers) I got a message from K. We went out..and as they say, the rest? It's history lol.
I have 0 children...but Im 98% sure you know that of me already lol

FIRST THINGS FIRST!!!!..... WHat the bloomin heck is daddys love seat??!!!!!!! lmao. Sounds like sutin my sister would be in to, haha. Online ay, fair play. I guess its easier t put everythig out there on the tinterwebs than it is t tell someone your life story in the pub, lol. Ive got an aunty who met someone online about 10 year ago and theyre married with a kid now, goes t show it isnt only f mentals and pervs, lol. I had a gander at online dating after i split up with my ex but got sent that many sleazy messages and pics of ballbags i sacked it off, lol.

I don't go to school. Actually....I didn't even graduate lol (Im not sure how the school systems work over there, but here it goes Pre-K, K, 1-12. 9th grade classman are called freshmen, 10th are sophmores, 11th are Juniors and 12th are seniors. Then you graduate then its college. and depending on the area, 1-4 is Elementary School, 5-7 is middle school and then 8-12 is high school.) I dropped out of high school 3 months into my junior year. That was like..2003 about to be 2004. I would've graduated in 2005..I did end up getting my GED, (which i just googled and found you dont have it in the uk so this is what it says when you google GED lol - GED is a trademarked acronym used for the General Educational Development Tests, a battery of examinations administered by states and jurisdictions to measure the skills and knowledge similar to a high school course of study. So basically, its a set of 4 tests for each of the 4 basic subjects - English, Math, Science, and Social Studies and you have to write one essay. the tests cover the general basis of what you would've learned of the course of your high school education...had you stayed long enough to graduate lol I got my GED in 2011. School is overrated lol
You know that I work obviously since we had that 7-11 conversation lol

School history.... similar! Here we have primary shool til 11yrs (1-6) then high school til like 16ish (7-11) and then sixth-form which is basically year 12 but people can either do that or go t college. In the olden days it was primary, middle and high school but nobody does that anymore... except some backwards towns, lol. Year 10 people do their GCSEs with is there basic English, Maths, Science and 3 options. You pick your options in year 9 which i did but then i got put in foster care f 10 months. Went t yet another new school and moved back in with mum during the summmer hols. Was supposed t go in t year 10 in the September (i would o been 15) but social worker thought it would be best if i went t college t do my GCSEs. The only time i would of gone t a school at the start of the school year and wasnt allowed. After a couple o months at college i realised it wasnt even a GCSE course i was doing!! Just some shoddy fake course f thickos who did shit in their GCSEs. So i know have no qualifications :-/ Was well clever at school aswell. Got bullied a lot and had n friends so i had nothing else t do but pay attention!! lol. Social workers a dick f not letting me do my GCSEs!! Even know when i go t apply f a job employers want t know what i got in my GCSEs and i have t tell them i didnt do em. Makes me seem like an imcompetent modern... thats when they start asking questions like, "Can you Maths and English?!!" Really angers me man. People have said t me why sont you go back and do them but ive forgot pretty much everything i ever learnt at school.... the stuff they test you on anyways. Ratio of PI and Shakespeare, fuck that noise!! My mind has well surpassed caring about that information!! lol.
After that crappy course ended... f which i got NO qualifications i went and did childcare... bein as it was one o the only things i could do with no qualifications. Ive always loved kids anyways but after 3 years of childcare qualifications and training in a nursery............................................... i got in trouble with the law.... a few times. Nothing major. Slight violence, drunk and disorderly, posession (went a bit off the rails at that point in life) but that put an end t my career in childcare because you have t disclose all convictions, even spent ones, so given the choice between a drug takin, violent drinker or someone without a record an employers obviously going t go with the safe option. Im destined f a job in Aldi it seems. Spend a little, live a lot (their catchphrase) lol.

I think Ive covered all the bases I wanted to cover

that was CLEARLY a lie lol. I just saw your comment on the flip flops on fb. I use facebook not for the normal reasons people use it lol I use it to stalk people lol Like finding people you hated in high school, then creep around their pictures and laugh at how fat and ugly they've gotten hahahaha (that did backfire on me once though lol) I hardly ever get on and update anything lol throw out the occasional "like" and thats about it lol. so my response to said comment is- ha! Thats why I contemplated asking for your address, I actually have blues clues AND sponge bob ones lol

Im constantly losing phones and because ive moved about so much i always lost people from my past. Thats why facebook was such a joy... never again would i lose another friend t my clumsiness. Although ive been on facebook f about 7 years now and i hardly ever speak t anyone :-/ I mainly use it as a photo album f all me pics of Jack... and my nephews before they got taken away. SAgain with the phone losing... if it wasnt f facebook i wouldnt have any pics o the boys now. NEED SOME SPONGEBOB FLIP FLOPS IN MY LIFE!! lol.

So thats some more about me :-D (Said in song -------->) "Getting t know yooouuu, getting t know all about yoooouuuuuu!! :-D Theres still jobs t go through.. .theres been a few.. but i need a spliff break right now! Been writing this reply f about 4 hour but keep getting distracted by the kid and dinner and dishes and the kid and fags and brewing up and the kid and tele and the girls and gettin the kid t bed and tidying....... and the kid, lol. Tis 9pm now and time f a much needed, first o the day can you believe, spliff :-D Hoo rah!!!!!! Here, have some :) :Sharing One:
Cant actually hear a word o this vid mate. Im completely deaf in my left ear and partially deaf in my right (meningitis when i was a toddler). Dont talk funny and can still hear people and that but i have t look at peoples mouths f the most part t hear what folk are saying. As soon as someone puts their hand in front o their mouth or sutin its like theyre talking mandarin, lol..... so crackly cartoons are an issue as theyre mouths dont do what theyre supposed to, lol.


lol wtf man how random are the coincidences in our lives. This sounds like the perfect opportunity to go over the grocery list of medical issues lol.
From the womb - lol

I was born with a vascular malformation. AKA a benign tumor. It was above my left eye. Back in the mid 80's when I was born, they didn't have the same technology as they've got today. The doctors used to hang me upside down by my ankles to watch the blood rush to my head to see what would happen, until I was about 3. Then one dr mentioned the option of surgical removal but since I was still so young no surgeon would go near it because of the odds it would grow back as I continued growing.
So my parents made the decision that they would just leave the decision up to me when I was old enough.
So I trudged through the first 12 years of my life being known not as Lauren, but as Quasi Moto... by everyone. My own family included called me Quas. I was teased in ways that you cant even begin to comprehend. So when I was 12, I decided that was it, it had to go. So I saw a plastic surgeon who after a slew of cat scans and MRI's told me that he could in fact remove the hemagioma, and in fact, had removed many in the course of his career. However, the vascular 'mass' had become intertwined with the nerves on that side of my face, and there was a chance that while trying to remove it all, they could end up paralyzing the entire left side of my face.
I decided that was a risk I was willing to take.
They ended up not taking the entire mass because of its size, but did end up paralyzing part of the left side of my face (I can't raise my left eyebrow now, but everything else still works lol) So then when I was 17 (part of the reason I ended up dropping out of school. my surgeon was where my dad lived and at this point in time he'd already kicked me out and I was living with my mom 1,000 miles away) I decided that enough of it had grown back, and since I was basically done growing that I would have another surgery. Majority of people don't even notice now. i still do. *shrugs*

I had Scarlet Fever when I was 14.
I was diagnosed with Psoriasis at 15.
I had lymes disease when I was 16.
I had meningitis and was on my death bead, quarrentined in the hospital for 10 days when I was 17.
I was diagnosed with duoudenitis (Idk how to spell it lol but is basically ulcers in the intestines.) when I was 18.
*I was plagued for years with what they told me was 'Bells Palsy' (half of the face randomly becoming paralyzed) every few months.
*I had double vision every few months for years.

Then when I was..23 I think, I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. The last 2 things have a * because my neurologist said he thinks those 2 things were directly related to the MS. Said people don't get bells palsy once every 3 months that it was more than likely a relapse. The doctors would do an MRI but never with contrast, which was why I was diagnosed any earlier (apparently the contrast makes the lesions that occur on the brain during a relapse light up like a lite brite lol). *shrugs*

Im tellin ya, I was dealt a shitty hand from birth and it really takes someone who was also dealt a shitty hand to understand. My fella tries SO hard to understand where Im coming from, why I react to certain things the way I do and such. But he just...cant. Because we're from two COMPLETELY different walks of life. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. You can't relate with someone when you don't have similar experiences. you know?

Jackson was born in December? I was too! what day? lol
If you need sponge bob flip flops in your life, you gottem sizta. lol What size are his teeny feet? lol or..what size will they be by the time he'd be able to wear them? LOL

Im constantly losing phones and because ive moved about so much i always lost people from my past. Thats why facebook was such a joy..
Im not losing phones, just moving entirely too much to keep track/keep in touch with every one lol. I 'd been a search for my old bestie from the 4th grade for years but could never find her. But in my travels found A LOT of people whom I had hated growing up. the kids that made my life a living hell. And they were all fat and ugly with a bunch of kids, a drug problem and in and out of jail, so that had always made me feel really good about myself lol (is that fucked up? hahaha) well then one day, id FINALLY found the old bestie Id been looking for. HOWEVER she was NONE of those things hahah. This girl. *smacks head* is REEEEEEEEEEFUCKINGDICULOUS.
like....ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! lol you're supposed to make me feel GOOD about myself, not complete shit lol (and yes, that really is her.)
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WOW! Your healths been a tad shite ain't it ms modo :-p lol. Sorry man!.. Couldn't help myself!! I have defo not had that many issues. Healths bin pretty good bar meningitis and shoddy eyesight! I did once have sutin wrong with me that meant I had t have my legs strapped in the air f however long. Cudnt tell ya what was wrong with me tho, mums very hazy with the details. More than likely bladdered at the time... The yooj! Hope all your issues ain't a sign o things t come or in done for!! Lol.
Pregnancy wasn't very enjoyable health wise. Constantly ill, zero stamina and the birth didn't go to well. I always figured (from tele and such the like) that contractions started far apart and got closer together and more painful over time! WRONG!!!!! I awoke at about 5.30am with bad back ache. Figured it can't o bin the kid cus it didn't hurt that much... Wrong again! Within 3 mins was on all fours in excruciating pain. Tried waking jay but he'd been on the lash that night and had only been in a bout 40 mins and was in an ale coma. My contractions lasted f like 2 n a half mins and were only a minute apart...... Every time!!! This lasted f 3 days!!!! :-o Eventually the hospital let me be admitted. They wouldn't let me have any pain relief though cus I wasnt dilated enough!! Eventually they popped my waters f me Nd after A short while gave me gas and air... It works... But not much. I only realised it was working when I stopped taking it and fuck me the pain was ridic. Eventually I ended up havin epidural cus I cudnt cope anymore! And then I felt nothing at all, cudnt even tell I was having a contraction :-D Happy days. That epidural was the best thing I ever did cus as jack made his exit he gave me what's known in the medical world as....... A 3rd degree tear t the sphincter!!!!! :-o Thank god I didn't feel that mother rip! The doctor who came t look at my broken bumhole was foreign and explained it like this, "You bum is a like doughnut, and your baby has big bite!" A lesser sensed person might have assumed their newborn had actually tried t take a piece out of em with their tiny gummies, lol. And that's when the most undignified moment of my life happened (cus child birth and torn sphincters ain't the worst, lol) I had jack at 9.40pm and they eventually decided t take me f my anal surgery t fix my bloody ring piece at 1am. As I'd had epidural t have jack they just left it in me til surgery so I was awake f the while process. And although I dint feel pain... I did indeed feel.... EVERYTHING!!!!! Could feel fingers in my arse poking bits o skin back in and the tug of the stitches as the surgeon tightened them.... Was the most bizarre surreal weird hour of my life ever! Really overshadowed the joy of just giving birth!! And that wasnt the end of the anal issues!!! Because my bum muscles didn't work at all because I'd bin stitched up (I now most defo have the tightest bum ring in the world, lmao) I had t take laxatives so as not t re-rip myself a new one with a hefty log and I also had no control over my flatulence. I assume our bums hold farts til there a good size t let go without us even knowing because this was not the case with me. Had loads of family and friends an that coming t see my lovely wee bairn and the farts just did not stop coming!!! Was an almost constant stream of really raspberry sounding farts that I had absolutely no control over. Goes without sayin out visitors didn't stay long!! Lmao! It wasn't all fun and games though. Ridiculous pain f about 8 weeks and couldn't sit down at all hardly and getting t sleep was a nightmare. Just what's needed when you've got a newborn waking up ALLLLLLLL the time!! Didn't have a poo f almost 2 weeks cus everytime I went t the toilet I'd cry my eyes out at the thought of ripping myself open :( The joys of childbirth ay!! So many people told me of the high chance of pooing myself when the kid comes out but no one warned me of broken bums!' Also.... babies are supposed t save up their poo til they come out and then their first ones are some thick tarry black shit. not our jack. he came 3 days after due date and decided t poo while he was still inside me about 5 hours before he was born! twat! talk about adding insult t injury or inhury t insult as it was in jackhammers case! lol. Thats the main reason im sticking with the one. no way im puttin myself through that again and its guaranteed t be worse with another as jacks already caused everlasting damage!!!!!! So yeah.Not a patch on what you've been through but that's the most extreme health I've had t my memory so there ya have it, lol. That fateful day was 12th btw, lol. He's in kiddy size 6 but don't know whether your sizes are the same over there. I'd google it but if I tried doin 2 things at once on this phone I think it's explode!! I have t wait f it half hour t catch up with the message I'm writing piece o crap!

Of course the moving thing too. I've searched loads f my old mate from primary (Samantha James it's me if your reading this :-p ) but t no avail. We were best mates til year 5 of primary then my incest sister told her I wee'd the bed and we unfriended and then she moved before we made up :(
I use t love visits t Stafford when I came of age because all the knobheads that used t bully me were all fat with millions of different kids by different men and I was none o them things :-D Mwahahahaha!!! Tis defo not fucked up!... Them bitches got what they deserved!! Lol. That bird is hot t trot. See she got what deserved, she was nice t my bezzie and she's reaping the rewards with that sexy bod... And face!! Dya think this means that if we're good t each other f a while well become a pair of hot sexy bitches?!! Wishful thinkin I know but one can but dream! Haha.
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ok, so Im not an artist, but... he's 2 so I don't necessarily care lol

Completely forgot to reply to your last post haha I read it in the car yesterday on the road (was helping my Dad move) and completely forgot by the time I'd gotten home and replied to the PM lol so I will reply here shortly, but I wanted to upload that picture for you before I forgot and deleted it lol
WOW! Your healths been a tad shite ain't it ms modo :-p lol. Sorry man!.. Couldn't help myself!!!
no worries, I forgot to say feel free to laugh lol provided you're not laughing at the fact that I was tormented for the first 14 years of my life lolI have defo not had that many issues. Healths bin pretty good bar meningitis and shoddy eyesight!
^^ I noticed we both wore glasses, are you super blind? lol I put my bfs glasses on and I've got vertigo for the next hour lol My sight isnt that bad...just astigmatism. I can go without my glasses and really only need them when I drive or am on my computer. I just really prefer not to lol
I did once have sutin wrong with me that meant I had t have my legs strapped in the air f however long. Cudnt tell ya what was wrong with me tho, mums very hazy with the details. More than likely bladdered at the time... The yooj! Hope all your issues ain't a sign o things t come or in done for!! Lol
Well. As far as I know the only health issues I have now are the ms and psoriasis. A lot of the time, I don't even remember that I have the MS. I take medicine to help prevent relapses and further damage to my brain. And my neurologist told me that the odds are on my side with it since I'm a young white female. *shrugs* like my dad said to me when I first found out - ain't no use in crying over milk that ain't spilled yet Laur. At the time I thought it was a really dick thing to say to your daughter who called you up crying because she just found out she had a debilitating disease, but then as time passed I realized it was more of an encouraging statement then anything. Cause he's right. Why cry and dwell on something that hasn't happened yet, you know? He can relate though, he's got muscular dystrophy and at this point, can barely walk lol so he knows not to dwell on what might happen and enjoy what you got while ya still got it. Smart guy, that dad o' mine lol
Pregnancy wasn't very enjoyable health wise. Constantly ill, zero stamina and the birth didn't go to well. I always figured (from tele and such the like) that contractions started far apart and got closer together and more painful over time! WRONG!!!!! I awoke at about 5.30am with bad back ache. Figured it can't o bin the kid cus it didn't hurt that much... Wrong again! Within 3 mins was on all fours in excruciating pain. Tried waking jay but he'd been on the lash that night and had only been in a bout 40 mins and was in an ale coma. My contractions lasted f like 2 n a half mins and were only a minute apart...... Every time!!! This lasted f 3 days!!!! :-o Eventually the hospital let me be admitted. They wouldn't let me have any pain relief though cus I wasnt dilated enough!! Eventually they popped my waters f me Nd after A short while gave me gas and air... It works... But not much. I only realised it was working when I stopped taking it and fuck me the pain was ridic. Eventually I ended up havin epidural cus I cudnt cope anymore! And then I felt nothing at all, cudnt even tell I was having a contraction :-D Happy days. That epidural was the best thing I ever did cus as jack made his exit he gave me what's known in the medical world as....... A 3rd degree tear t the sphincter!!!!! :-o Thank god I didn't feel that mother rip! The doctor who came t look at my broken bumhole was foreign and explained it like this, "You bum is a like doughnut, and your baby has big bite!" A lesser sensed person might have assumed their newborn had actually tried t take a piece out of em with their tiny gummies, lol. And that's when the most undignified moment of my life happened (cus child birth and torn sphincters ain't the worst, lol) I had jack at 9.40pm and they eventually decided t take me f my anal surgery t fix my bloody ring piece at 1am. As I'd had epidural t have jack they just left it in me til surgery so I was awake f the while process. And although I dint feel pain... I did indeed feel.... EVERYTHING!!!!! Could feel fingers in my arse poking bits o skin back in and the tug of the stitches as the surgeon tightened them.... Was the most bizarre surreal weird hour of my life ever! Really overshadowed the joy of just giving birth!! And that wasnt the end of the anal issues!!! Because my bum muscles didn't work at all because I'd bin stitched up (I now most defo have the tightest bum ring in the world, lmao) I had t take laxatives so as not t re-rip myself a new one with a hefty log and I also had no control over my flatulence. I assume our bums hold farts til there a good size t let go without us even knowing because this was not the case with me. Had loads of family and friends an that coming t see my lovely wee bairn and the farts just did not stop coming!!! Was an almost constant stream of really raspberry sounding farts that I had absolutely no control over. Goes without sayin out visitors didn't stay long!! Lmao! It wasn't all fun and games though. Ridiculous pain f about 8 weeks and couldn't sit down at all hardly and getting t sleep was a nightmare. Just what's needed when you've got a newborn waking up ALLLLLLLL the time!! Didn't have a poo f almost 2 weeks cus everytime I went t the toilet I'd cry my eyes out at the thought of ripping myself open :( The joys of childbirth ay!! So many people told me of the high chance of pooing myself when the kid comes out but no one warned me of broken bums!' Also.... babies are supposed t save up their poo til they come out and then their first ones are some thick tarry black shit. not our jack. he came 3 days after due date and decided t poo while he was still inside me about 5 hours before he was born! twat! talk about adding insult t injury or inhury t insult as it was in jackhammers case! lol. Thats the main reason im sticking with the one. no way im puttin myself through that again and its guaranteed t be worse with another as jacks already caused everlasting damage!!!!!! So yeah.Not a patch on what you've been through but that's the most extreme health I've had t my memory so there ya have it, lol.
...................blink blink blink.......PMLMFAO (pissing myself I don't know that I have ever laughed and cringed simultaneously....until reading about your childbirth. lol I still think that babysitting is the best form of birth control but I think it may be that story LOL. Like...Im a girl so I clearly have that want to be a mother, Labor...ahhh *cringes* I just can't imagine. And on top of that, I used to weigh 190 pounds (idk if you weigh yourself in KG over there so just in case thats a little over 86KG lol) and now I weigh 110 pounds (49.9 kg) and I dont ever want to be that fat again lol plus you have to give up all the good stuff....caffeine, nicotine, pot lol and then Id end up resenting the kid...I think I'll adopt a china kid before I subject myself all that noise lol

That fateful day was 12th btw, lol. <-- I'm the 5th He's in kiddy size 6 but don't know whether your sizes are the same over there.the sizes are absolutely different. but I found this shoe size converter chart thing lol Im assuming Im looking at the UK size and not Euro sizes making him a toddlers size 7 here...but id check that link if i were you lol I'd google it but if I tried doin 2 things at once on this phone I think it's explode!! I have t wait f it half hour t catch up with the message I'm writing piece o crap!

Of course the moving thing too. I've searched loads f my old mate from primary (Samantha James it's me if your reading this :-p ) but t no avail. We were best mates til year 5 of primary then my incest sister told her I wee'd the bed and we unfriended and then she moved before we made up :(<--- HA! BED WETTER! lol sorry. pay back for the ms moto comment lol
I use t love visits t Stafford when I came of age because all the knobheads that used t bully me were all fat with millions of different kids by different men and I was none o them things :-D Mwahahahaha!!! Tis defo not fucked up!... Them bitches got what they deserved!! <-- you know what im sayin? lol damn douche bags Here in 'murrca we've got this day time talk show called Maury. He's known around here as the 'you are NOT the father' guy lol but he also does shows where you have to guess if the guest is a male or a female which are always fun, but then he does 'geek the sheik' where people who were bullied and tormented by people in school pick their biggest bully and they bring them on the show to...basically show off lol like hey. you used to be hot shit in the 5th grade, but now by comparison IM the hot shit lol Lol. That bird is hot t trot. See she got what deserved, she was nice t my bezzie and she's reaping the rewards with that sexy bod... And face!! Dya think this means that if we're good t each other f a while well become a pair of hot sexy bitches?!!y<-- are you implying that we arent already? lol Wishful thinkin I know but one can but dream! Haha.

Excuse me. Sir.

where have you been all my life? lol I thought of you today...twice actually lol

First time was when I went out to check the mail and the mail man had stuffed my 4lb tub of sea grow bloom into my teeny tiny mailbox. Versus actually walking it up to my door like a normal mail man...
The second time was when I was making these reee-donk-ulous chocolate peanut butter brownie...bon bon lookin things lol

So. The moral of this post is not just to make you drool, lol, but seeing as how the sea grow was your
I dont plan on sharing with FB since she'll probably be done in .... eh, ima say 10-12 days, however I will share with auto acid's hairy ass, and I'll share with BigDevil when the time comes and any beebees there after.
I remember you telling me that the N needs to be around 10 at this point, so is the sea grow going to provide enough N without feeding in between with, say some fish goo?
whats the feeding schedule like with this stuff? Because obviously AA is going to need a higher dose/concentration than a plant that just would be just starting bloom nutes....or am I wrong? lol
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ok, so Im not an artist, but... he's 2 so I don't necessarily care lol

Completely forgot to reply to your last post haha I read it in the car yesterday on the road (was helping my Dad move) and completely forgot by the time I'd gotten home and replied to the PM lol so I will reply here shortly, but I wanted to upload that picture for you before I forgot and deleted it lol

Trying to unbold but computer says nay :-/ Feckin technology!!

Thats well nice man :-D Jack loves it.... Mickey Mouse is his 2nd fave guy in the whole wide world... after spongebob of course :) I laughed freely regardless, im a good pal like that see :-D
I am indeed ridiculously blind!! Because my mums shit at being one i didnt got he opticians f the first time til i was 15 and in foster care and bloomin heck!! Felt like id been living in a differnt world f all them years!! Because of being blind and deaf at school i could neither hear the teachers or see the board so i always had t sit in the front of class..... which dint help with them bullies. If someones any furthwer than a metre away from me theyre a blur without my spekcs, and it gets worse everytime i go the opticians!! Ill be blind by the time im 30 at this rate, lol.
No pint crying over unspilt milk... i like it :) Your pops is a wise one. The 2 pieces of advice my dad always used t drill in t me was, "dont get pregnant and dont get fat!" lmao. I failed on the pregnancy thing gobv but at least i waited til a normal age.... the fat oe ive avoided so far. Aint as thin as your ol bez but itll do f me, lol.

KG!! Your making me sick!!.... Stones and pounds all day son!! lol. Bllomin heck you were a fatty bum bum werent ya, lmao!! 7.8 stone is ridic man!! My il sister weighs about that and shes skin and bone!! You need t get some pies in your life ;) haha. Pre jack i was like 9 stone but now im about 10 (thats 140 pounds... not english money :-p ) Childbirth is defo the worst thing about having a kid!! EPIDURAL ALL DAY SON!!!! Tis a very funny story t tell reading back but at the time it was the most horrifying thing id ever experienced... inc things ive watched on tele!! lol.
I still smoked a bit o weed when i was up the duff. Not a lot, like a spliff that id smoke a couple o drags off when i needed it and that would last me about a week. Aint rotted is mind its seems, the cleverest kid ive ever met.... as youll see when YOU SORT THST BLOOMIN WEBCAM OUT!!!!!!! :-D
Your Maury is our Jeremy Kyle or Jezza as hes fondly known :) Whos the daddy? My girlfriend got impregnated my brothersd sons dogs brother.. etc. Thrilling stuff! The people that go on that programme are bloody awful! f the most part they have no teeth, no har, no common sense and no self respect... makes me feel better about my own life though! haha.
I speak f myself but i consider my hot sexy bitchness t cxome from other areas apart from my face.. and body!! lol. I have a hot sexy mind! Beats face all day! Except no one would pay t see my mind dressed up in revealing lingerie! haha.

PS - Who is this sir fellow you speak of? :)