Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

Ummm soooo...
not trying to stir up any drama but...Im a bit confused.

What rude words were used? cause Im pretty sure that anyone who has been or is on this forum, is old enough to hear the word vagina lol. And I'm 99% sure that people have used worse language than us...
It just furthers my point that people really dont pay attention to anything and would rather assume that we're gay males. I dont get it.
unless that comment wasnt meant to be taken seriously...


hahaha- here, a 'bum' is usually used in reference to the homeless lol. And a 'bum bag' sounds like either one of 2 things. 1- Someone just had surgery and now has to walk around with a bag to collect their poo lol or 2- a giant lawn and leaf bag full of the random belongings of the homeless lol.

as for your awful at keeping track of things man lol Told growgirl I was subbed for her grow and have checked in on it like...3 times, max lol but since you said something I did go check it out. very unfortunate about APWC but theres enough time left that she should be ok. You aren't the first to burn your plants, and surely wont be the last lol Last grow I dropped an entire homemade rubbermaid CFL ballast onto mine, so dont feel bad lol
I noticed though that your feller is a computer guy...
theres one more thing to add to the list, so is mine lol
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Ummm soooo...
not trying to stir up any drama but...Im a bit confused.

No need to be confused - just need to re-read post 145 by ... ummm .. you :rofl: hehe

No big issue here, it's just those kind of words are bit off putting (you don't need me to quote that sentence back to you to know what i'm talking about hehe)

While it is Your thread (and that to me says anything goes as long as you're happy and it's within the site rules), the site rules are there to keep everyone happy :)

We're not just being squeeky clean hehe - it's just best for everyone to be ummm "rule abiding" ^_^ - that sounds regimental - we're not, just doing our best!

I didn't read the full posts I don't have time but I did see the swearing which is why I commented. I apologise for mistaking you for a man.
Ummm soooo...
not trying to stir up any drama but...Im a bit confused.

What rude words were used? cause Im pretty sure that anyone who has been or is on this forum, is old enough to hear the word vagina lol. And I'm 99% sure that people have used worse language than us...
It just furthers my point that people really dont pay attention to anything and would rather assume that we're gay males. I dont get it.
unless that comment wasnt meant to be taken seriously...


hahaha- here, a 'bum' is usually used in reference to the homeless lol. And a 'bum bag' sounds like either one of 2 things. 1- Someone just had surgery and now has to walk around with a bag to collect their poo lol or 2- a giant lawn and leaf bag full of the random belongings of the homeless lol.

as for your awful at keeping track of things man lol Told growgirl I was subbed for her grow and have checked in on it like...3 times, max lol but since you said something I did go check it out. very unfortunate about APWC but theres enough time left that she should be ok. You aren't the first to burn your plants, and surely wont be the last lol Last grow I dropped an entire homemade rubbermaid CFL ballast onto mine, so dont feel bad lol
I noticed though that your feller is a computer guy...
theres one more thing to add to the list, so is mine lol He works for the company who made java.

Tramp is our regular word f hobos. A bag of homeless people's stuff! Lmao!! If a tramp were t have a bum bag full of his belongings it would be a bums bum bag of bum stuffs, lol.

I don't feel bad cus it wasn't my fault! I blame the makers o the yo Yos f selling me a faulty product!! Lol.
Boyfriend similarities.... Check.
Family similarities..... Check.
Crappy childhood similarities.... Check.
Incest similarities.... Check.Lol.
Think tangs referring t the words (Sorry again, Tis f explanation purposes only and low in the post so it won't get seen by the masses).... axe wound and gash!! Lol.
Tang - no worries, like I said I wasnt trying to stir up anything by bringing it up...and I suppose that it may'v'e just been better to say nothing.
But Chandyside and I had had a few posts with another member about why men seem to jump all over posts that are clearly written by females, which is where the 'people would rather assume we're gay males' comment came from. So I apologize if it felt like I was attacking you at all.

- - - Updated - - -

Tang - no worries, like I said I wasnt trying to stir up anything by bringing it up...and I suppose that it may'v'e just been better to say nothing.
But Chandyside and I had had a few posts with another member about why men seem to jump all over posts that are clearly written by females, which is where the 'people would rather assume we're gay males' comment came from. So I apologize if it felt like I was attacking you at all.
:jaw: :help: :brow: :grin:...okay, why was I here again..? :roflcry: *** Mz.W' and Chandy, you two are peas in a pod! I'm saddened to see that you both had such ugly trials to grind through so early on,... reading your comments shows what strong hearts and good souls you have, despite all this,... so many others (some I know) would have ended up in far darker places mentally, physically, and never returned,... :hug: :bow: :peace: .... Mz. W' has been killin' me from day one! :roflcry: I don't feel the language thing was something personally I would have barked about, but too late now, huh! :dunno: ...but, it was a bit intense there, you gotta admit,... I guess some of this is best kept in PM's,... not all hearts are as open as yours have been in conversation here! Indeed, it is a "public" place of sorts, I guess is why eyebrows where raised some,... and other perv's may get unsavory satisfaction from reading such juicy bits! :wiggle: :pimphand: ....your safety and some level of privacy is a concern for us "staffers"... :tiphat:
>>> Well, I see no new info/pics on the FB,... LOL!- how about them trich's? If they're still clear or mix of cloudy/clear, you may have a couple weeks yet, so a little hit of Ca-Mg would be okay,... maybe molasses is the ticket for this- mild, and the soil herd will love it, help snarf up the last of the nutes as you approach harvest time!...
>>> AM2 looks great GF! Is she dry yet? -had a taste yet? Nice job on these girls, you're learning a lot, fast, and interested in getting better,.. more than I can say of many others here,.. Makes me a happy Mod! :smoke: ..believe me, if I wasn't,.. I wouldn't bother...
*** I'm really spread thin here now,.. lots of missing folks at HT,...other staff issues,... and life at home with Pops (92!) is pretty demanding, so bear with my lapses!.... Okay, Giants are playing, and my brain requires some sports fermenting, along with some sampling of a couple nugg's gifted to me for evaluation! ...... Cheers luvie! :grin:
The many faces of Monsieur Waira! Lol.

Strong hearts and good souls <3 Beautiful. Warmed the cockles o me heart :) lol.

She's a brilliant bird isn't she.... Like the non incest sister I never had, lmao!!

I see it as a reminder people with less addled minds than ourselves might have not appreciated where the thread was going so no offense taken :) ......although if people have read this far don't think there's anything else we could say at this point any more shocking (<-------massive lie obv! There's plenty more juicy bits t feed the minds of the pervy paedos, haha).

PS - There's no place on this banter thread f your weed talk, save it f the journals ;) rotflmao!!
Mz.W' and Chandy, you two are peas in a pod!

ahah oh man, waira, you really dont know the half of it lol She is literally like the sister I never had. Separated at birth and ended up on different sides of the world; meeting by chance by way of Ms. Mary Jane ;)

I cant believe you actually went through and read all of that lol even if you were just skimming, it must've taken forevverrrr lol did you have a migraine at the end? LOL

so many others (some I know) would have ended up in far darker places mentally, physically, and never returned
but there is SO much that goes on behind closed doors, you know? Personally, through all of the bullshit Ive been through in my short 27 years, most of it happening during my youth/tween years, has damaged me in ways that I cant even get into, because this would turn into a publishable novel, lol and has left me fucked up in the head....its a little twisted really... I can trust a complete stranger like I've known them for my whole life and yet the best person to ever come into my life I dont trust as far as I could throw him. For no reason other than for my whole life i've been shit on by everyone who has crossed my path, my own parents included.

Well, I see no new info/pics on the FB,... LOL
lol I told you it was in my NEW GROW JOURNAL lol this has been nothing but a bull shit 'chandy and mz. w banter' thread for quite some time lol so go over there (link in the sig and a few posts back) if you haven't already. She's started to turn REALLY purple. Like..way more purple than AM2 ever did. I keep telling myself that she can't be almost done because her buds aren't very big....buuutt....considering the trouble she had, with her whole 'disappearing act' and all lol, I reckon her yield couldve been disgustingly compromised.
> AM2 looks great GF! Is she dry yet? -had a taste yet? Nice job on these girls, you're learning a lot, fast, and interested in getting better,..
Thank you! Yes, she is dry and in jars curing. Yield was....what,almost 47 grams? Not bad considering I was lucky to pull nearly that from my first and photo grow. I made budder with her trim and with the budder I made mac and cheese and chocolate peanut butter chip brownies ;) Got a nice buzz that night....the boyfriend said he was toasted *though he doesnt smoke near as much as I do.
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