Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

:coffee2:Well, I was gonna get caught up here real quick-like, but it's taken so long to get through the (sh-)explosion that went off the last few days or so, I'm out of time! :roflcry: ...good stuff, GF... you and Mz. Chander's are a total hoot! :smoke: *** I'll catcha later tonight, after I make dinner and such,...including B-Ball! *** Gaahhh!! Another grow thread?! :help: :grin:
lol well since Chandy and I have cluttered up this one with banter, thats how this one will stay. And since AM2 has been harvested, and that was the title of this one I figure why not just make one grow journal that will get all of my plants and plants to come hahah you will only need to keep track of one grow journal waira, no worries ;)
So its settled. I shall start a new journal and this shall be reserved for our off the wall banter =)

Wahay!! :-D At least this way your plants can get the care and special treatment they deserve. But mostly they can stop hogging our thread ;) haha.

My nephew iss.....jesus, 9 or 10 now? Im not sure, I haven't seen or heard about him since he was 4.
(ive got a pretty fucked up family lol. My older sister is 31, has 4 kids, with 3 different guys. she tells them she cant get pregnant, gets knocked up then sucks them dry until they catch on. Then she finds a new one, and the vicious circle of my sister repeats itself. Only this time, she moved halfway across the country, abandoning her 1.5 year old son, left him with his asswipe father who never lets anyone see the kid. So the last time anyone saw him, he was 4, and my older sister wants to cry and be upset that the kid has NO idea who she is. Perhaps if you were any kind of decent human being, you wouldnt have up and abandoned your fucking 2 year old lol IJS)

OMG!! This is getting freakily similar now! Are you sure you live in America and not a parallel universe!!?? Have a quick check in case you didn't realise!! lol. My sister is also a fucked up nephew loser!.... She's also incest!!!!!!!! :-o (That ones shocking f me even by my families standards. but thats another story! lol) <--- is it dodgy t lol after real life incest? LOL! Dont think theres a lot else t be done in these situations!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Anyway enough o the I word... and lols. On t the nephews ill never see because my sister is a lying, accusing, neglectful, horrible, sick excuse f a human being!!!!!
My sister went in t foster care when she was 15 (cus she's mental and loves nothing more than t accuse people of rape/sexually abuse/etc). Every time we saw her shed always say she was pregnant yet never was. One time she turned up with a scan picture t prove she was actually with child and hadn't lied f about the 57th time. Her fella (J) was a simple lad but loved C and wanted t make it work. C had wanted a baby forever and the fam thought this might be the thing that changes her mental ways. WRONG!! Within a few weeks of giving birth t M (who i only met once because she wouldn't let me see him) she was accusing J of rape!!!!!!!! :-o Hes definitely not a raper and she's got form from the last 8+ accusations she's made on people f us t know she's a bullshitter. But social services (child services where your at) gave her a choice. They basically said, "you've accused this man of rape so theres no way we can allow him t be near a child. Yo either leave J and keep M or you stay with J and we take M in to care until he gets adopted." Well C being the absolute fuck up of a person she is said, "J is the love of my life, ill never leave him, well be together forever, i can always have another baby." And thats how M went :( A few years later she met a different J in the YMCA and within about a month got pregnant with D. They got a house together but she still had social services waiting in the wings in case it all went tits up. Which it did. She's a proper lazy cow and never got off her arse t do anything. House was always a mess, D never had clean or fitting clothes and was riddled with nits, he didn't even walk until he was nearly 2 because she would never try t get him to. He just sat in his car seat all day in front o the tele not learning t talk or anything. Just under a year of having D she got pregnant with T. She was well horrible t D and a proper shitty mum but was a better (<-----used very loosely) mum t T.
SS (social services) had already seen the disaster she made of Ds upbringing so they asked her if she wanted them t take T in t temporary care while she sorted her shit out. (she handout sorted it out f 2+ years why would she bother now) but she agreed even though we all told her shed never see him again if she did it and that was T gone then. Within 6 months C and J had split up and D was taken in t care. J got his own place so D could live with him but C said shed rather no one see D than just J so she kicked off. Spouted loads more abuse stories abuse and domestic violence so J wasn't allowed t have D either. T and D were in foster care together f a bit but it was just before Ts 1st bday that he got taken so not much damage had been done so he got adopted really fast. D is still knocking about the care system somewhere now poor lad. Even though i hate ive not seen them f years (they would be 7, 9 and 12 now!) Id prefer that t them living with C and ending up as fucked up as she is. With the joys of facebook and things now though i know ill see them again. Just hope they find their dad first and not Chrissey or they'll never want t meet any of us after that experience!! Not spoke t her in years but last i heard she's pregnant again :-/ You'd think after losing so many kids (and the incest) already there should be a legal way t get her sterilised but apparently its against human rights! :-/ But anyways........ the moral of this ridiculously long story was that we both have fucked up sisters who left us nephewless. So yeah. SIMILARRRRR!!! lol.

Well..considering your childhood was so depraved, lol, Im not all that surprised you just now got to uploading a youtube video lol I used to be OBSESSED with making videos when i got my first digital camera. Then a few years later I had a webcam and nothing better to do so I video blogged my life lol so Im sure you can imagine the time that was spent, and laughter that was expelled watching them lol. Theres a bunch of videos of me and my feller playing Guitar Hero that were pretty hysterical...and theres a 3 part series of my younger brother and I smoking a joint out the window at my dads old apartment..watching them may have been the most comical part lol

Haha. Another thing that makes me wish i had decent siblings, i got gifted with arseholes!! haha. A 3 parter! Must o been a mahoosive spliff! lol. A video blog of your life sounds amazing! If only id done the same would could compare our past selves, haha. God damn my cheapskate mother!!! What level you at on guitar hero? Im hard f the most part (<---- hee hee) but can rep the occasional (2) expert, lol.

I will indeed share the Karma Chameleon song with you. But you HAVE to promise to sing it out loud to the tune so its more entertaining lol. *AHEM* "Auuuuuuuuuutumn autumn autumn autumn autumn the puppy doooogggg, you bark and growl, you barrrrkk and growwwllll, lovin' you'd be easy if youd just listen to meeeee. bones food and trees, bones food at treeee-heeees" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH.

I did it aloud without tellin my fella (who also happend t be a J) in advance and he just Cool Story Bro'd me! Haha.

I get my song making up talent from my dad lol and since this has been designated as the lauren and chandy banter thread, lol -
here's one of his favorites haha "once I went a-walkin...down a dusty road....wasn't lookin where I was walkin...and stepped upon a toad. Well I mashed his little head, his legs they were a kickin, but you can still put him on a stick...and call him finger lickin'!" :roflcry:
Have you ever heard the old nursery rhyme song? If not it goes "I had a little monkey his name was tiny tim. i put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim. well he drank up all the water, and he ate up all the soap. and every time he tried to talk he had a *hiccup* bubble in his throat!"
Then he and I made up a second verse - "Well ya see that little monkey, whose name was tiny tim, i put him in the bathtub, but he didnt know how to swim. he fled around in the water, and he kept on goin down...and then that little monkey...choked and then he drown!" :roflcry:

LMFAO!!!!!!! Never heard any o them songs before but i shall definitely be teaching them Jack! Monkey drownings a defo good way t teach kids about death and life and all it entails! haha. Im sure you've heard this one but its one o my faves from primary school.... and i don't have a memory capable of knowin anything else other than this at this present moment i time! lol.

Milk (points at boob) milk (points at other boob) lemonade (points at vag) round the corner chocolates made (flips round and points at booty) :-D Jack loves that one.

ohhh mann. thats enough of that. lmao.

And me moving to England does what? Other than bringing me close to my BFF, it does nothing except cost me more money lol <3

Nothing at all really. Weathers shit. Cost is shit. Food is shit. Im not though. When jacks all grown up i can leave this life behind and move t America t be with my bezzie!.... So long as your BF wont get gel ;) haha. Id be on my way now if i wasnt such a pauper. lol.

TO ANY RICH/WELL OFF/GIVING FOLK READING THIS - If you can see how wrong it is me and my dear friend being apart like this and would like to pay for/organise a union in the Americas then i will allow it :-D

- - - Updated - - -

oh and i keep forgetting to ask you cause im a stoner lol Did you get Boy Meets World over there??

We did but i never watched it. Was too grown up f me when i was a yoot. Preferred cartoons.... or what little cartoons we had on our 1-5 channels, haha.

PS - Is that profile pic you?..... or hansen?!! Lmao! :crying:
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hahah thats def. an old picture of taylor hanson in his infamous pot leaf sweater...though I guess I should change it since you can hardly see the pot leaf, which actually takes away from the main point of it being my user pic lol here's the original...cause I know you were just DYYYYYING to see it ;P Im not even sure when this picture is from...looking at him, Id go with 04 maybe 05 lol can you believe this man has FIVE kids?! lol like I shit you not, all are married with kids, but Taylor wins on sheer number lol
View attachment 349597 I'm looking around here, and Im preettttyyy sure Im still in America, lol Are you sure you're in England? Maybe we had a 'freaky friday' experience but our memories were wiped in the process lol. Its a little nutty how much we have in common, from growing weed to having shitty newphew stealing sisters lol. Ready for the fucked up family saga to get just a little more fucked up?
You know how they say all it takes to have a daddy is a sperm doner. Not everyone can be a father? Yea well they really need to come up with a similar sayings about mothers. Cause I'll tell ya what, Ive hardly had any resemblance of either for 27 years. You see. My mom used to like to uproot the entire family (Im one of 4 kids, one older 2 younger) and move every two years. almost like clock work. I had been in and out of 8 different school districts by the 5th grade. To make an EXTREMELY long and complicated as short as possible : when I was 13 my mom up and decided one day out of the blue that she wanted a divorce telling my dad 'get out and take your 4 kids with you'. So one day my dad came to me before school and told me what was going on. Said he was going to stay with his sister, my aunt, at her house at the beach until he could figure out a place to live so he could get my younger sister and brother. my older sister J (the no good ass wipe sister) was 17 and wanted to stay with her boyfriend at the time. It was a long, agonizing and heartbreaking 16 hour drive. My dad didn't even cry at his own mothers funeral, but for the first and ONLY time ive ever seen, he cried. This man bawled like a baby. For the entire drive. But before we even had time to take our coats off at my aunts house, my little sister (A) was on the phone crying saying 'daddy you have to come get us, mommy said she doesnt love us and doesnt want us around anymore.' ON THANKSGIVING DAY. What kind of human being looks their 5 and 6 year olds, dead in their eyes, and tells them you don't love them and don't want them anymore?
Ready for another mother of the year award?
My dad ended up kicking me out shortly after I turned 15 when I told him that I thought I was gay and that I had a girlfriend. Now, if you ask HIM he would have told you he kicked me out becacue 'I don't care if she wants to lick a pussy or suck a dick but if you want to live in my house youre following my rules'. So he called up my mom halfway across the country, to see if she would take me in. Told her he would put me up as a ward of the state (meaning that I would be under the custody of the government..basically the same thing that happened to your nephews) if she wouldnt take me in. So she ends up saying fine and allows my little sister A to come and live with her and her new husband. Why youre wondering? BECAUSE SHE REALIZED SHE'D GET CHILD SUPPORT FOR TWO KIDS. We hardly saw her and I was essentially left to fend for myself AND A.
but wait. theres more.
When I was younger I used to be a cutter. It started when shit started going down hill with my dad after I told him about my girlfriend. So like..14, 15. Then when I was living with my mom, I got depressed, lost about 40 pounds (I used to be a fat kid lol) and the cutting kept escalating. One time, I walked to her room in the middle of the night, crying hysterically, giant gash in my arm all the tissue exposed, bleeding profusely - CLEARLY needed stitches. She opens her bedroom door and in between all the sobbing, I managed to get out 'mom, I think I need help'.
Her response? PUT SOME GAUZE ON IT AND GO BACK TO BED. YOURE GETTING BLOOD ON MY FLOOR. and proceeds to close the door and return to whatever was more important than YOUR DAUGHTER.
:no: really?!?!
The woman is so fucked up, its ridiculous. Then I get diagnosed with RRMS (relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis) like 2-2.5 years ago and then all of the sudden she wants to play 'mommy'. Im sorry that you have randomly decided to pretend like you give two shits after 10 years of not getting a birthday card or a call on Christmas but you probably should have been my mom when I needed one.
It's terribly unfortunate that you never watched boy meets world, cause its possibly one of my all time favorite shows. In the last 3 years, Ive gone from pilot to finale at LEAST 10 times. I can quote the shit out of any episode lol

speaking of shows ... we get whats called "BBC America" here, which my boyfriend watches a lot (hes a top gear nerd).
I don't know if you've had this show for a long time or what, but thus far, we've only gotten one season.
Dangerman: The Incredible Mr.Goodwin.
I need your input on that show before I go any further lol
hahah thats def. an old picture of taylor hanson in his infamous pot leaf sweater...though I guess I should change it since you can hardly see the pot leaf, which actually takes away from the main point of it being my user pic lol here's the original...cause I know you were just DYYYYYING to see it ;P Im not even sure when this picture is from...looking at him, Id go with 04 maybe 05 lol can you believe this man has FIVE kids?! lol like I shit you not, all are married with kids, but Taylor wins on sheer number lol
View attachment 349597 I'm looking around here, and Im preettttyyy sure Im still in America, lol Are you sure you're in England? Maybe we had a 'freaky friday' experience but our memories were wiped in the process lol. Its a little nutty how much we have in common, from growing weed to having shitty newphew stealing sisters lol
.......and now we ave shoddy mothers in common! Yours is most defo a lot shoddier than mine though!

Ready for the fucked up family saga to get just a little more fucked up?
You know how they say all it takes to have a daddy is a sperm doner. Not everyone can be a father? Yea well they really need to come up with a similar sayings about mothers. Cause I'll tell ya what, Ive hardly had any resemblance of either for 27 years. You see. My mom used to like to uproot the entire family (Im one of 4 kids, one older 2 younger) and move every two years. almost like clock work. I had been in and out of 8 different school districts by the 5th grade.
My mum also moved me around eeeeverywhere!! We lived in my first house til i was 11 (we lived in one til i was about 3 but dont remember it) and then we moved away from everyone id ever known but mum didn't even tell us we we're moving. We went t stay at one of her boyfriends (<-----turned out t be a paedo) "friends" house f the weekend... which turned into a week... which turned into 2 weeks.... which turned into all our stuff being brought t our so called new house in a van before she told us thats where we were going t be living. Shitty Stoke-on-Trent (thats why ive always had a not so secret hatred of stokies and oatcakes,lol). Didn't get t say goodbye t any of my friends or family :( After a year there we moved to a new place with a new school (which id never go t at the staart of the school year so i found it really hard t make friends and got bullied ALOT) every year. My list of schools and houses is as long as this thread!! haha.

To make an EXTREMELY long and complicated as short as possible : when I was 13 my mom up and decided one day out of the blue that she wanted a divorce telling my dad 'get out and take your 4 kids with you'. So one day my dad came to me before school and told me what was going on. Said he was going to stay with his sister, my aunt, at her house at the beach until he could figure out a place to live so he could get my younger sister and brother. my older sister J (the no good ass wipe sister) was 17 and wanted to stay with her boyfriend at the time. It was a long, agonising and heartbreaking 16 hour drive. My dad didn't even cry at his own mothers funeral, but for the first and ONLY time ive ever seen, he cried. This man bawled like a baby. For the entire drive. But before we even had time to take our coats off at my aunts house, my little sister (A) was on the phone crying saying 'daddy you have to come get us, mommy said she doesn't love us and doesn't want us around anymore.' ON THANKSGIVING DAY. What kind of human being looks their 5 and 6 year olds, dead in their eyes, and tells them you don't love them and don't want them anymore?

Thats heartbreaking man!! :( I cant understand how people can say such heartless things t their own kids man. Before i had one o my own it was unthinkable but now i have it seems even more ridiculous. My kids a knobhead sometimes but no matter what shits going on in life id never say or do anything t hurt him. Some people just aint capable parents! How olds your mum? If she's anything like mine she reckons she got tied down with kids too young and never got t lead the life she wanted to...... my answer t that is you're the one who didn't use protection, morning after pill, abortion. Dont take it out on me f the rest o my life because you put it about. Id never tell her that though. Shed put in me hospital! lol. My mums well hard! She's known about our many towns as a bit of a scrapper, lol. Not anymore mind. The last 5 years have really done her in. She's been an alchy since we've been born and its finally taking her toll. She's only 44 and she's well haggard. Got loads of health problems and stuff but she swears blind its nothing t do with the ale :-/

Ready for another mother of the year award?
My dad ended up kicking me out shortly after I turned 15 when I told him that I thought I was gay and that I had a girlfriend. Now, if you ask HIM he would have told you he kicked me out because 'I don't care if she wants to lick a pussy or suck a dick but if you want to live in my house you're following my rules'. So he called up my mom halfway across the country, to see if she would take me in. Told her he would put me up as a ward of the state (meaning that I would be under the custody of the government..basically the same thing that happened to your nephews) if she wouldn't take me in. So she ends up saying fine and allows my little sister A to come and live with her and her new husband. Why you're wondering? BECAUSE SHE REALIZED SHE'D GET CHILD SUPPORT FOR TWO KIDS. We hardly saw her and I was essentially left to fend for myself AND A

Was you a bit of a slag inviting loads o women back t your love shack f some romancing without papas permission? :roflcry: Lmao!! So you were reunited in the end and lived happily ever after is it? :-p :no: lol. Wankers aint they. Child support sounds like my old dear. She kicked me out when i was 17 (3 weeks before christmas) because shed stopped receiving Child Benefit. To be honest though that day was the best day of my life! Better even than the birth of the kid. Seriously!! It was my first day of freedom and ive never felt more alive than the moment i walked out that door and she actually let me go! She was a horrible mum. I was always the one having t look after my sisters, do all the housework, cook, absolutely EVERYTHING while she was either in bed getting mullered or in the pub getting mullered. I had to be in f 9pm every night even when i was 4 months off my 18th bday just so she could go the pub and id be in to have my little sister, who was a little shite! (all i ever heard from her was. "YOURE NOT MY MUUUUUUM!!!!" Constantly!

But........ regardless of all the shit i wouldn't change any of it because its made me the person i am today (slightly deranged, haha) and its allowed me t take the roads that have led t where i am now...... A town i moved to by accident (the only place since my first house thats ever felt like home), the man i love, the in-laws of my dreams and a brilliant, clever, crazy, funny little boy of my own i get t bring up the way he deserves... and a grow in the bedroom, haha. So if i had t do it all again t be where im at now i would....nt, lol. No i would. Or would i?... Yep. Am i sure? Pretty sure. No i defo would! lol. Also ive got a few parenting tips from my mum..... what not t do, haha. Do them things and i cant go far wrong surely, lol.

but wait. theres more.
When I was younger I used to be a cutter. It started when shit started going down hill with my dad after I told him about my girlfriend. So like..14, 15. Then when I was living with my mom, I got depressed, lost about 40 pounds (I used to be a fat kid lol) and the cutting kept escalating. One time, I walked to her room in the middle of the night, crying hysterically, giant gash in my arm all the tissue exposed, bleeding profusely - CLEARLY needed stitches. She opens her bedroom door and in between all the sobbing, I managed to get out 'mom, I think I need help'.
Her response? PUT SOME GAUZE ON IT AND GO BACK TO BED. YOURE GETTING BLOOD ON MY FLOOR. and proceeds to close the door and return to whatever was more important than YOUR DAUGHTER.
:no: really?!?!
The woman is so fucked up, its ridiculous. Then I get diagnosed with RRMS (relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis) like 2-2.5 years ago and then all of the sudden she wants to play 'mommy'. Im sorry that you have randomly decided to pretend like you give two shits after 10 years of not getting a birthday card or a call on Christmas but you probably should have been my mom when I needed one.

That is fucked up man. Pretty sure even my mum would of taken me the hospital if sutin was wrong.... although there was that one time, lol. There wasn't really. Its official, your mums the worst. Bad times!! lol. At least my mum has the decency t stay shit, haha. Whats the relationship between you guys now? I speak t my mum about once a month but have t have about 5 spliffs before i ring her because it aaalways ends up in an argument so i try and keep it as short and sweet as possible.
When i found out i was pregnant with Jack she told me she wanted t be a better nan than she was a mum. She hardly ever sees him. I used t have t travel the 2.5 hour bus journey with a newborn and all his stuff but after a year of that i told her the next time she could come t me and wed take it turns because i was sick of having t sit on a bus f 5 hours spending money we havent got on bus fares just t sit in the pub with her and her mates all day. Well it was just before his 1st bday i told her this.... she saw him next 2 weeks after his 2nd!!!! :-/ Every time she said shed come shed have no money or some drama would be going on. any old excuse. The worst thing is i told her all the families were going t get together f a gathering on Jacks 2nd because no ones really met each other and it would be a nice way t celebrate. Could take some photos of everyone together f when jacks older and stuff..... yet she even made ane excuse f that day. But fuck her. She's the one missing out not us and hes got 8 other grandparent that he sees regularly anyways so when she's the nan that gets forgotten about by her grown up grandkid thats her issue. Social servies told her she could have Dexter and Theo if she quit the drink and she couldn't do it. Some people just love other things more than family... but each t there own i guess, lol.

It's terribly unfortunate that you never watched boy meets world, cause its possibly one of my all time favorite shows. In the last 3 years, Ive gone from pilot to finale at LEAST 10 times. I can quote the shit out of any episode lol

speaking of shows ... we get whats called "BBC America" here, which my boyfriend watches a lot (hes a top gear nerd).
I don't know if you've had this show for a long time or what, but thus far, we've only gotten one season.
Dangerman: The Incredible Mr.Goodwin.
I need your input on that show before I go any further lol

BBC America!! lmao. Never heard of it. Top Gears been on f absolutely years man!! You should find one o the old ones on youtube, jezza had some right funky hair in the day! lol. Tis a brilliant show! Best thing on the box. And neither have i ever heard of Dangerman Goodwin!!! haha. Are you sure its the real BBC and not fake English programmes on BBE or sutin? lol. Whats dangerman sayin anyways? Yay or Nay?

Just googled BBC america. I watched the first episode of In the Flesh the last night and i watched the last series of Orphan Black (which is brilliant imo) and i've yet t watch the first episode o the new series but i've got it recorded :) Yo watch either o them?
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BBC America!! lmao. Never heard of it. Top Gears been on f absolutely years man!! You should find one o the old ones on youtube, jezza had some right funky hair in the day! lol. Tis a brilliant show! Best thing on the box. And neither have i ever heard of Dangerman Goodwin!!! haha. Are you sure its the real BBC and not fake English programmes on BBE or sutin? lol. Whats dangerman sayin anyways? Yay or Nay
Just googled BBC america. I watched the first episode of In the Flesh the last night and i watched the last series of Orphan Black (which is brilliant imo) and i've yet t watch the first episode o the new series but i've got it recorded :) Yo watch either o them??
No, I've never watched them but I DID see an ad for Orphan Black watching, probably top gear lol
*GASP* YOU'VE NEVER SEEN DANGERMAN??!! Its an absolute must see for deranged minds such as ours lol. He's a dare devil/stunt man. And not daredevil/stunt man as in Evil Kenevil 'lets see how many cars we can jump on this motorcycle'; daredevil in the sense of this man has to be absolutely one MILLION percent out of his ever lovin' mind to do some of the shit this guy does.
For a bit of a teaser to make you watch it- hahah
In this clip he's got to escape from a straight jacket while hanging hanging upside down from a burning rope from the top of the London Eye
Are you sure its the real BBC and not fake English programmes on BBE or sutin? lol
it comes on your favorite channel (Sky) lol heres the ad ;P

The weirdest part? He looks freakishly similar to my boyfriend lol like you wanna talk about twins? lol and K (my boyfriend) is also an adrenaline junkie like danger man. Not quite to the extent that Mr.Goodwin seems to like it but kurt finds his in driving. He races cars in his spare time and has won all kinds of awards and shit for racing. He was actually just on TV here (SpikeTV...its supposed to be like...'the guy channel' lol) on a reality show to become a professional race car driver. he got an all expenses paid trip to the MTV studios to compete. how'd he get that chance? PLAYING FUCKING VIDEO GAMES lol. I remember you saying you were an x-box gal however you won't find him playing much other than GranTurismo or some stupid tank game he plays lol But GT is for the ps4 and the the tank game, i'm pretty sure is online. He's got some ridiculous (and unnecessarily so) set up ...almost exactly like this - gtu-_-tx-1.jpg but he's got 3 monitors set up in front of him. Cause whats a sim without monitors? lol Hes absurd. But I love it as Im a bit absurd me damn self lol

momma drama- If she (my mom) had pushed me out when she was 16 I could understand. But she was in her early 30's. Jeez...she's gotta be, what, like 54 now...or is my dad 54 and my mom is 53? it doesnt matter lol
Would you like to hear how my parents met? Its worth the read, I swear lol
So the story goes....
My dad was in the army, and thats where he'd met my mom. The circumstances they met under? All the guys on the base had a drawing and who evers name got drawn, got to go out with 'the base whore'...which at that time was the woman I now call my mother. When my dad met her parents, even they said to stay away from her that she didnt know how to keep her legs closed...and my grandfather is and always has been, a baptist pastor, so you know if he's saying stay away from his own daughter...ya might wanna listen lol. buuut he didn't, and ended up married to her for 20 years and having 4 kids with her. They made a deal that my dad would stop drinking because he was an alchy and she would close her legs. My older sister J was born, and then my parents end up splitting up for a while when she was i think 1 or 2 years old. Well she was living out of a hotel and one night called my dad crying asking him to come over that she wanted to work things out for the 'family'. So he did, they end up having sex. And then all of the mom is prego. But my dad knows that he used a condom to avoid having another kid just in case things didnt work out. So instantly, it cant be his. I dont remember the entire rest of the story *which is probably a good thing for you as the reader lol* but somehow he found out that she'd been keeping a calendar so she knew exactly when she'd be ovulating and had planned on the whole break up to happen days before she started to ovulate so she POKED HOLES in the condom, through the wrapper so hed be less likely to notice.
And alas - Lauren is born LOL

After a year there we moved to a new place with a new school (which id never go t at the staart of the school year so i found it really hard t make friends and got bullied ALOT) every year.
ugh, tell me about it. Its no wonder to me, what so ever, that I smoke the amount of pot that I do today lol I probably had one of the most traumatizing childhoods (as far as bullies go) e.v.e.r and the awesome part of it all, is I got the shit parents to go with it LOL
My mom and I don't really speak all really. She tried really hard, like I said before, to be a mom when I got diagnosed, but I didnt really want any part in it. You know, now that Im fine and happy with my life, you want to call me on the phone and try to be my mom when I don't need one anymore.

Ug. I need an eye ball break lol
No, I've never watched them but I DID see an ad for Orphan Black watching, probably top gear lol

Tis quite good. Mixes is up from other stuff. One woman plays pretty much all thee characters with different personalities and things.... the kicker....... they're all clones and dont know!! Pretty good. Yo u should watch it so we have sutin current t discuss, lol.

*GASP* YOU'VE NEVER SEEN DANGERMAN??!! Its an absolute must see for deranged minds such as ours lol. He's a dare devil/stunt man. And not daredevil/stunt man as in Evil Kenevil 'lets see how many cars we can jump on this motorcycle'; daredevil in the sense of this man has to be absolutely one MILLION percent out of his ever lovin' mind to do some of the shit this guy does.
For a bit of a teaser to make you watch it- hahah
In this clip he's got to escape from a straight jacket while hanging hanging upside down from a burning rope from the top of the London Eye

it comes on your favorite channel (Sky) lol heres the ad ;P
Yo a Americans and your unknowingness of English stuffs, lol. Sky is our broadband, tv, phone provider and they also have some channels of their own. But not watch, but watch is on Sky... the provider not the channel .Now im confused, lol. Ive got it on f record anyways :-D I havent got Watch on demand (if you know what that means, lol) but ive got the next, an just my luck, the last episode on f record on Tue :) Yay.

The weirdest part? He looks freakishly similar to my boyfriend lol like you wanna talk about twins? lol and K (my boyfriend) is also an adrenaline junkie like danger man. Not quite to the extent that Mr.Goodwin seems to like it but kurt finds his in driving. He races cars in his spare time and has won all kinds of awards and shit for racing. He was actually just on TV here (SpikeTV...its supposed to be like...'the guy channel' lol) on a reality show to become a professional race car driver. he got an all expenses paid trip to the MTV studios to compete. how'd he get that chance? PLAYING FUCKING VIDEO GAMES lol. I remember you saying you were an x-box gal however you won't find him playing much other than GranTurismo or some stupid tank game he plays lol But GT is for the ps4 and the the tank game, i'm pretty sure is online. He's got some ridiculous (and unnecessarily so) set up ...almost exactly like this - View attachment 349640 but he's got 3 monitors set up in front of him. Cause whats a sim without monitors? lol Hes absurd. But I love it as Im a bit absurd me damn self lol

My fella loves nothing more than t sit at the comp all his free time but an adrenaline junkie he is most defo not!! I shall be thinking of you and your beau when im watching ol dangerman, lol. Would love sutin like that sat in my living room but all out space is taken up by toys and highchairs and toddler shite... and were paupers, lol.

momma drama- If she (my mom) had pushed me out when she was 16 I could understand. But she was in her early 30's. Jeez...she's gotta be, what, like 54 now...or is my dad 54 and my mom is 53? it doesn't matter lol
Would you like to hear how my parents met? Its worth the read, I swear lol
So the story goes....
My dad was in the army, and thats where he'd met my mom. The circumstances they met under? All the guys on the base had a drawing and who evers name got drawn, got to go out with 'the base whore'...which at that time was the woman I now call my mother. When my dad met her parents, even they said to stay away from her that she didn't know how to keep her legs closed...and my grandfather is and always has been, a baptist pastor, so you know if he's saying stay away from his own daughter...ya might wanna listen lol. buuut he didn't, and ended up married to her for 20 years and having 4 kids with her. They made a deal that my dad would stop drinking because he was an alchy and she would close her legs. My older sister J was born, and then my parents end up splitting up for a while when she was i think 1 or 2 years old. Well she was living out of a hotel and one night called my dad crying asking him to come over that she wanted to work things out for the 'family'. So he did, they end up having sex. And then all of the mom is prego. But my dad knows that he used a condom to avoid having another kid just in case things didn't work out. So instantly, it cant be his. I dont remember the entire rest of the story *which is probably a good thing for you as the reader lol* but somehow he found out that she'd been keeping a calendar so she knew exactly when she'd be ovulating and had planned on the whole break up to happen days before she started to ovulate so she POKED HOLES in the condom, through the wrapper so hed be less likely to notice.
And alas - Lauren is born LOL

Wow! When your kids ask ya what nan was like in her youth thats gonna be a tale t tell!! lmao. Poking holes in a condom is pretty mental......... have you ever questioned what if she didn't poke the holes!!! DUN DUN DUN!! Who's the daddy??! lmao. (<---some may say i went too far, im sure you'd say otherwise, lol)

My mum got about a bit in her youth. By the time she was 22-23 shed had 4 kids by 3 different blokes although thats not what she told us................
Me (26) C (27) and S (22) were all told that S's dad was ours. When S was 3 mum and dad split up. We used t go t my nans house every sun with my dad f dinner but one day when i was 9 he didn't turn up. Me and my sisters got upset and mum told us "Dont know what your crying for anyway he's not even your real dad!" :-o Im glad i got lied to all those years though because otherwise my dad would just be my step-dad and i wouldn't have a dad at all. I met my real dad once when i was 18 and he's a knob. He's rich though so hopefully before he dies hell get overcome with guilt and leave me all his money, haha.
That brings me on t the incest! lol. Oh noooo, not the I word!!! haha. My sister C met her bio dad when she was 17 and had an on off father daughter relationship. Soon after the last o the boys went in t care it became more of a father and daughter have sex with each other relationship!! :-o Pair o freaks. I was the first one t suss and no one believed me. `i didn't believe myself t be fair. I went round her dads bedsit t meet him f the first time n she was lay on his bed so i sat on the edge. He was sat at the comp very near the bed but she told him t stop bein anti-social and come sit with us and he lay next to her on the tiniest bit o space basically spooning. I thought it was well weird but sos chrissey so just thought they were weirdos. Later as they walked me t the train station C asked when i was going t take her clubbing again and i said whenever and she asked if her dad could come. I said no because people would think he was your boyfriend (testing the ground see, i can be quite clever at times see... that and chrisseys thick! lol) and she went quite f ages and then she say, "Your not my boyfriend are you dad?" "No of course im not!" Defo not what would come out of your mouth if someone had just "jokingly" accused your dad of being your fella!!! After seeing me on the train they walked off.... hand in hand!! and not the way you hold your kids hands (not that she was one) proper interlocking fingers and things!!!! :-o Ive not seen her since then. It came out they had been seeing each other and my dad grassed them up to the police. Her dad denied it all while Chrissey said it didn't matter because they're in love :-/ SICK OR WHAT!!!!! He went t prison f a bit then when he got out they carried on. Not really something you can police according t the law :-/ They both need locking up man, they're a danger t society. Last i heard (looking on her facebook open profile, lol) she's pregnant with another dudes kid but f all we know its her daddys. Before it all came out she had a "boyfriend" on facebook but his name was never mentioned... like now. They deserve each other. That is obviously above all the biggest reason my nephews should never have t have the displeasure of meeting her!!!!

ugh, tell me about it. Its no wonder to me, what so ever, that I smoke the amount of pot that I do today lol I probably had one of the most traumatising childhoods (as far as bullies go) e.v.e.r and the awesome part of it all, is I got the shit parents to go with it LOL
My mom and I don't really speak all really. She tried really hard, like I said before, to be a mom when I got diagnosed, but I didn't really want any part in it. You know, now that Im fine and happy with my life, you want to call me on the phone and try to be my mom when I don't need one anymore.[/QUOTE]

Shit that she's trying t be your friend now, hard t get over all the shit they put you through like they didn't fuck up your life..... silver lining we might not be pen pals? now if it wasn't f them.; Most defo worth it, haha.

Ug. I need an eye ball break lol
Keep thinking t meself im gonna keep this one short......... and then the above happens, haha.
Keep thinking t meself im gonna keep this one short......... and then the above happens, haha
^^ I hear you on that. Tis part of the reason I don't want to watch that show until AFTER we run out of other shit to talk about haha.

I may win on the dodgy mom front but you win on the incest front, because believe it or not, another strange thing to have in common? When my dad was 16 he married and had a sexual relationship with his 1st cousin, who at that time was 32. yeaaaaaah. My dad still has 2 tattoos one says the name of his first wife and first cousin and the other says the name of her daughter she had from another marriage. I don't get it man, I really freeking dont lol

That racing set up is actually REALLY hard lol It drives (the way the wheel gives back and all) like a go-kart. I tried it once and then nope. no more lol But i just got home from work and need to go cook dinner for me and mah man. I'll be back a bit later with more lol
^^ I hear you on that. Tis part of the reason I don't want to watch that show until AFTER we run out of other shit to talk about haha.

I may win on the dodgy mom front but you win on the incest front, because believe it or not, another strange thing to have in common? When my dad was 16 he married and had a sexual relationship with his 1st cousin, who at that time was 32. yeaaaaaah. My dad still has 2 tattoos one says the name of his first wife and first cousin and the other says the name of her daughter she had from another marriage. I don't get it man, I really freeking dont lol

That racing set up is actually REALLY hard lol It drives (the way the wheel gives back and all) like a go-kart. I tried it once and then nope. no more lol But i just got home from work and need to go cook dinner for me and mah man. I'll be back a bit later with more lol

Do you think thats even possible?!! im not so sure, lol. been trying t think of other american programmes i watch. Originally there was none but now brains had a nights rest.... Walking dead, Grimm, American horror story, Hawaii 5 0, Fargo... I'm sure there's more but (in scottish accent---->) I cannae remember the now.
Legal incest... Not so bad??? Lmao. Think it's ridiculous that you can actually marry your cousins!! I had a cousin try t kiss me once and I told him where t go. His response.... "It's not illegal!" I grew up with the lad and we were inseparable f years and since that happened we've hardly spoke t each other. You'd think family would be able t think with their brains as oppose t their appendages but apparently not. I've just got a family of weirdos.... Mental thing is I'm the normalist out the lot... And the one thing I've never been accused of before is being normal, haha. Crazy the age difference between you dad and his cousin.... Was she a groomer per chance? Lol.
Tis a sweet.... Car thingy? (<-----pretty sure that's the technical term, lol).
Talking of food. Do you Americans love a full English? Would definitely be my last meal if I could choose it! Yuuuuumy!!!.... Although I've seen plenty of man v food. You guys get well better grub than we do here. Kebab shops, Chinese, Indian and chippys are all we have f the most part :( .....and McDonald's that are about a quarter of the size of yours! Don't know why Ronald decided we weren't allowed beasty burgers like you guys. That clown needs t sort his life out!!!! Lol.