Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

the drying is going far so good!

haha yea I think a lot of things that we say would scare people off LOL.

Im assuming that at the beginning of the tread you have a little opening regarding what we're trying to accomplish lol so maybe the title of the story is 'when wombs attack' but the title of the thread should be something like ' Continual Master AFN grower story' or

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the drying is going far so good!

haha yea I think a lot of things that we say would scare people off LOL.

Im assuming that at the beginning of the tread you have a little opening regarding what we're trying to accomplish lol so maybe the title of the story is 'when wombs attack' but the title of the thread should be something like ' Continual Master AFN grower story' or

Them beauties are looking good my friend :) Tminus NLN til smoke time! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hooraaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!
Think im goinna call it the story of AFN that way people will click on it thinkin theyll be learning about their fave site AFN and by the time they start reading thetll be too drawn in t click back..... hopefully anyways :)
ok so Im finally here with a response to you, mz chandyside :)

I got a bit distracted yesterday when I started watching the videos you linked lol I could've sworn I had a super cute video of my nephew from when he was about 2 of him dancing to blues clues on my youtube channel...however I did not lol then of course, I start going through all of my old videos and had a hell of a time laughing at myself lol

no no no. Our guy is ace. and your guy is shit lol. We also have the we just got a letter song.....LMFAO - I was just looking for a video of the we just got a letter song and I found this - omg lmfao*dying* please don't watch this one with your kid LOL [video=youtube;Bv-DkRy35a8][/video]

Barney- LOL! I havent heard one of those make fun of barney songs in yearrrss lol. Im like..99% sure that the guy who played OUR barney was like...a convicted child molester hahahahahah. I once made up a song about my dog to the tune of the theme song.
It goes *clears throat* "Autumn is a puppy dog from the S.P.C.AAAA. Bones and food and lots of treats and when she gets to plaaaayy. Autumn comes to comfort me, whenever I may need her, Autumn could be your dog too, if you'd just gone to meet her!" I've also got one to the chorus of Karma Chameleon thats rather entertaining lol.

Fun house, whole lota fun, prizes to be won!
see, you're a poet and didnt even know it! lol I always wanted to be on the nickelodeon show 'legends of the hidden temple'..lots of fun, prizes to be won! hahah

I did infact google the hot dog song. I demand video footage of the child dancing lol
Them people are weird! :-/ If i asked someone t buy me a coke and they came back with somthing different i might be inclined t punch them in the face.
LOL I swear to jeebus, we are FAR too similar to live in different countries....weird high thought of, you know how everyone has a 'twin' out there somewhere? Wouldnt it be weird if we looked ​alike too?? lol
So the seed I chose to germ this time was another one by sweet seeds. This one is Big Devil. Im planning on planting this one in a 5 gallon bucket I'd gotten last time around then never used lol. Ive already drilled a good number of drainage holes on the bottom of the bucket, and a few around the bottom on the sides.
The seed has been in a moist papertowel inside a ziplock, sitting on the top of my DVR. I checked on it this morning and its starting to spit a teeny tiny tap root from one end. Im thinking probably by late tonight or tomorrow she'll be ready to plant. Going to use the same mix of soils I used for FB and AA.
Contemplating starting a new journal that is simply 'mz.w's perpetual grow journal' since this one is the AM2 and speed devil grow journal and I never even ended up growing the speed devils lol. plus, I cant edit that very first post and change the title. its all very unfortunate lol
update days 49 and 42 in flower

ok. really?

The tric coverage on AA and FB is outrageous.
way more coverage than AM2...and she was FROSTY. It's no wonder they smell so much lol

i don't have any pictures right now but I'm pretty sure FB is experiencing a K def. yea yea yea waira i know. sea grow lol
ok so Im finally here with a response to you, mz chandyside :)

I got a bit distracted yesterday when I started watching the videos you linked lol I could've sworn I had a super cute video of my nephew from when he was about 2 of him dancing to blues clues on my youtube channel...however I did not lol then of course, I start going through all of my old videos and had a hell of a time laughing at myself lol

Bout time!! ;) lol. Tis all about super cute videos :) Ive got millions of Jack but theyre all on the Mac. I upload my first ever video t youtube the other day would you believe!! :-o Like an old folk! lol. Will have t find out one of his hot dog dance ones. It is immense!! How old is your nephew?

no no no. Our guy is ace. and your guy is shit lol. We also have the we just got a letter song.....LMFAO - I was just looking for a video of the we just got a letter song and I found this - omg lmfao*dying* please don't watch this one with your kid LOL [video=youtube;Bv-DkRy35a8][/video]

DONT YOU DIS OUR KEVIN YOUR RACIST!!!!!.... he never received boobs in the mail and showed it to our nations children!!! haha.

Barney- LOL! I havent heard one of those make fun of barney songs in yearrrss lol. Im like..99% sure that the guy who played OUR barney was like...a convicted child molester hahahahahah. I once made up a song about my dog to the tune of the theme song.
It goes *clears throat* "Autumn is a puppy dog from the S.P.C.AAAA. Bones and food and lots of treats and when she gets to plaaaayy. Autumn comes to comfort me, whenever I may need her, Autumn could be your dog too, if you'd just gone to meet her!" I've also got one to the chorus of Karma Chameleon thats rather entertaining lol.

Bravo!!!!! :clap: What a song!! Need the kharma chameleon version in my life!!!! Most o them dodgy blokes in suits are paedos. Tinky Winky of the teletubbies is one o the most famous ones..... bert and ernie aswell. oh wait, no theyre just gay... and aslo not men in suits! ha.

see, you're a poet and didnt even know it! lol I always wanted to be on the nickelodeon show 'legends of the hidden temple'..lots of fun, prizes to be won! hahah

I didnt actually make that up, its the theme tune, lol. Alothugh most people do say iword like a poet even when i dont rhyme. They dont really.... but they defo should!! :-p

I did infact google the hot dog song. I demand video footage of the child dancing lol
LOL I swear to jeebus, we are FAR too similar to live in different countries....weird high thought of, you know how everyone has a 'twin' out there somewhere? Wouldnt it be weird if we looked ​alike too?? lol

I know man! You should come move t England, its fairer that way as jack would miss his 10+ grandparents! lol. We could very well have been separated at birth!! Maybe we were each other in past lives and got reincarnated as ourselves in this one. That definitely makes sense!!!!! Were too alike f there t be a logical answer! haha.

So the seed I chose to germ this time was another one by sweet seeds. This one is Big Devil. Im planning on planting this one in a 5 gallon bucket I'd gotten last time around then never used lol. Ive already drilled a good number of drainage holes on the bottom of the bucket, and a few around the bottom on the sides.
The seed has been in a moist papertowel inside a ziplock, sitting on the top of my DVR. I checked on it this morning and its starting to spit a teeny tiny tap root from one end. Im thinking probably by late tonight or tomorrow she'll be ready to plant. Going to use the same mix of soils I used for FB and AA.
Contemplating starting a new journal that is simply 'mz.w's perpetual grow journal' since this one is the AM2 and speed devil grow journal and I never even ended up growing the speed devils lol. plus, I cant edit that very first post and change the title. its all very unfortunate lol

Id recommend starting a new one as people might get scared of from the actually purpose of the journal due t all our ramblings, lol. That way we can keep chatting bollocks here without your ladies having t suffer f it :-D Win win!

PS - You said your fella plays games? What type? Im an XBoxer myself :)

PPS I successfully did quotes :-D Go me!!!! :-D
So the seed I chose to germ this time was another one by sweet seeds. This one is Big Devil. Im planning on planting this one in a 5 gallon bucket I'd gotten last time around then never used lol. Ive already drilled a good number of drainage holes on the bottom of the bucket, and a few around the bottom on the sides.
The seed has been in a moist papertowel inside a ziplock, sitting on the top of my DVR. I checked on it this morning and its starting to spit a teeny tiny tap root from one end. Im thinking probably by late tonight or tomorrow she'll be ready to plant. Going to use the same mix of soils I used for FB and AA.
Contemplating starting a new journal that is simply 'mz.w's perpetual grow journal' since this one is the AM2 and speed devil grow journal and I never even ended up growing the speed devils lol. plus, I cant edit that very first post and change the title. its all very unfortunate lol

Which Big Devil? BD#1, BD#2 or BD XL? Just curious...

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So the seed I chose to germ this time was another one by sweet seeds. This one is Big Devil. Im planning on planting this one in a 5 gallon bucket I'd gotten last time around then never used lol. Ive already drilled a good number of drainage holes on the bottom of the bucket, and a few around the bottom on the sides.
The seed has been in a moist papertowel inside a ziplock, sitting on the top of my DVR. I checked on it this morning and its starting to spit a teeny tiny tap root from one end. Im thinking probably by late tonight or tomorrow she'll be ready to plant. Going to use the same mix of soils I used for FB and AA.
Contemplating starting a new journal that is simply 'mz.w's perpetual grow journal' since this one is the AM2 and speed devil grow journal and I never even ended up growing the speed devils lol. plus, I cant edit that very first post and change the title. its all very unfortunate lol

Which Big Devil? BD#1, BD#2 or BD XL? Just curious...
So its settled. I shall start a new journal and this shall be reserved for our off the wall banter =)
My nephew iss.....jesus, 9 or 10 now? Im not sure, I haven't seen or heard about him since he was 4.
(ive got a pretty fucked up family lol. My older sister is 31, has 4 kids, with 3 different guys. she tells them she cant get pregnant, gets knocked up then sucks them dry until they catch on. Then she finds a new one, and the vicious circle of my sister repeats itself. Only this time, she moved halfway across the country, abandoning her 1.5 year old son, left him with his asswipe father who never lets anyone see the kid. So the last time anyone saw him, he was 4, and my older sister wants to cry and be upset that the kid has NO idea who she is. Perhaps if you were any kind of decent human being, you wouldnt have up and abandoned your fucking 2 year old lol IJS)

Well..considering your childhood was so depraved, lol, Im not all that surprised you just now got to uploading a youtube video lol I used to be OBSESSED with making videos when i got my first digital camera. Then a few years later I had a webcam and nothing better to do so I video blogged my life lol so Im sure you can imagine the time that was spent, and laughter that was expelled watching them lol. Theres a bunch of videos of me and my feller playing Guitar Hero that were pretty hysterical...and theres a 3 part series of my younger brother and I smoking a joint out the window at my dads old apartment..watching them may have been the most comical part lol

I will indeed share the Karma Chameleon song with you. But you HAVE to promise to sing it out loud to the tune so its more entertaining lol. *AHEM* "Auuuuuuuuuutumn autumn autumn autumn autumn the puppy doooogggg, you bark and growl, you barrrrkk and growwwllll, lovin' you'd be easy if youd just listen to meeeee. bones food and trees, bones food at treeee-heeees" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH. I get my song making up talent from my dad lol and since this has been designated as the lauren and chandy banter thread, lol -
here's one of his favorites haha "once I went a-walkin...down a dusty road....wasn't lookin where I was walkin...and stepped upon a toad. Well I mashed his little head, his legs they were a kickin, but you can still put him on a stick...and call him finger lickin'!" :roflcry:
Have you ever heard the old nursery rhyme song? If not it goes "I had a little monkey his name was tiny tim. i put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim. well he drank up all the water, and he ate up all the soap. and every time he tried to talk he had a *hiccup* bubble in his throat!"
Then he and I made up a second verse - "Well ya see that little monkey, whose name was tiny tim, i put him in the bathtub, but he didnt know how to swim. he fled around in the water, and he kept on goin down...and then that little monkey...choked and then he drown!" :roflcry:

ohhh mann. thats enough of that. lmao.

And me moving to England does what? Other than bringing me close to my BFF, it does nothing except cost me more money lol <3
oh and i keep forgetting to ask you cause im a stoner lol Did you get Boy Meets World over there??