Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

:hug:'Ello luv!...luvies, that is...:grin: How are you and Chander's doing? Pardon the lapses, I just can't seem to get any slack taken up! I'm just 1T of frosting over a whole sheet of cake these days-- :roflcry: ...speaking of which, you, GF, should be plying your confectioners skills at someplace professionally! Have you thought of doing this, working at a bakery/specialty chocolate store? I say you've got the goods! -that wonderful looking snack is pro' grade presentation! :drool: Complete with a caramel drizzle, and coco nib's too? And a coffee bean?? I'm literally salivating,...LOL! Sooo cruel to be kind... :cuss: :smoke:
Ah! Some new nute's,... good stuff, and any girl still at least a couple weeks or so out would love a taste! I'll pop in at the grow thread later, and see what's happening,... meantime, start at half strength recommended for "container" plants, just to ease into it,... As for N, a steady 10 isn't what I meant, that'd be fine for treating a N starved girl, but not on a every time basis during blooming,... You have to take into consideration just how big the plant is, and the respective demand for N,.. how much bud she's building, vs. your input; I use SG bloom too, and my Winter girls were small, so during the prime-time bud building they got a little extra N (grow fromula) every 3rd round of fertilizing, then none extra the final 3-4 weeks, for example... Avoid using fish goo during bloom,... I hear the fishy stank can make for funky flavors... maybe early on in bloom would be okay, but I've not tried,.. I use my fish goo during veg' only... most are 5-1-1, so aren't a complete fert, by themselves, but do have lots of amino acids and other stuff in it that both plant and soil herd love! Frequency varies with what I see the girls are doing, but a general pattern is to fert' 1-2 times a week, depending on how much straight water they got meantime,... there's so much variation in how peep's do this, and there's more than one "right" way to go about it,.... since SG is pretty conc. if I fert' twice a week, it's usually not at full strength on smaller plants.. my outdoor photos will get full power, but they're bigger and eating more, see what I mean? ... Now, the transition time when switching from grow to bloom food is more about what the plant is doing, and that can depend a lot on the strain,... (I've had plants stretch quite a bit, and others slammed on the vertical growth brakes not long after early crowns form)....generally, most folks keep giving grow nute's for a little while after the first fuzzy bud crowns form,.... how much the plant stretches during this time is part of that strain variability (sativa's tend to leg-out more, indica's less so, generally!),... I usually start making an even blend about this stage until about half way through bloom, then I start bloom only, barring any occasional extra N inputs, if needed,... this way, you cover the bases enough to keep the plant happy without all the micromanaging! Sorry, I can't give specific time numbers, because it's just to variable to make accurate generalizations! Maybe some others with years more experience than I have can do this,....:dunno: ..Anyway, I hope this helps! Gotta get goin here, but I'll catch you soon Mz. W! :tiphat:
Trying to unbold but computer says nay :-/ Feckin technology!! at least it wasn't in all caps, that woulda been way worse than bold. ida been like YO. WTF, WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?!?!? lol

Thats well nice man :-D Jack loves it.... Mickey Mouse is his 2nd fave guy in the whole wide world... after spongebob of course :) I laughed freely regardless, im a good pal like that see :-D what did you laugh freely at? my terrible attempt at a name plaque? lol but Im glad that he likes it. When you get the actual package though, I want you to make a video so I can see his reaction lol aka - quit showin him shit before it gets there lol
I am indeed ridiculously blind!! Because my mums shit at being one i didnt got he opticians f the first time til i was 15 and in foster care and bloomin heck!! I feel you on that. First time I got to the eye doctor I was about 17. Was having a double vision spell so I finally got my mom to take me. They thought I might have a tumor on my optic nerve, but being as I'e got the mom of the year, she never took me anywhere to follow up on that. Turns out I had MS. smh. bitch, lol Felt like id been living in a differnt world f all them years!! Because of being blind and deaf at school i could neither hear the teachers or see the board so i always had t sit in the front of class..... which dint help with them bullies. If someones any furthwer than a metre away from me theyre a blur without my spekcs, and it gets worse everytime i go the opticians!! Ill be blind by the time im 30 at this rate, lol.
No pint crying over unspilt milk... i like it :) Your pops is a wise one. The 2 pieces of advice my dad always used t drill in t me was, "dont get pregnant and dont get fat!" lmao. I failed on the pregnancy thing gobv but at least i waited til a normal age.... the fat oe ive avoided so far. Aint as thin as your ol bez but itll do f me, lol.

KG!! Your making me sick!!.... Stones and pounds all day son!! lol wait...theres an actual unit of measurement called a stone? lol we aren't cavemen for cryin out loud lol smh again. thats silly. Bllomin heck you were a fatty bum bum werent ya, lmao!! lol indeed I was! I remember being in probably the 3rd grade (so like 9 or 10) and having to buy my pants in the boys' "husky" section cause I was too fat for the pants in the girls' section. My child hood was miserable man lol I dont thin I ever mentioned this story, but when I was super young I did a front flip off my bike somehow and landed face first on the pavement. Ended up chipping my 2 front teeth pretty bad and didnt get them fixed until I was 14. So I'm fat, I have a huge tumor on my face so they call me quasi moto, AND they called me snaggle tooth (you can laugh its ok lol) lol I just couldnt win man. 7.8 stone is ridic man!! My il sister weighs about that and shes skin and bone!! You need t get some pies in your life ;) haha lol but you know what the most fucked up part is? I still see fat lauren. not FAAAAATT 190lb lauren, but I still feel like I look to be about 130-140. But people tell me all day long "Lauren. Eat a cheeseburger. No. As a matter of fact, eat two." lol I do miss one thing and one thing only about being fat. I used to have a MARVELOUS set lol I see people all day long pull money and cellphones out of their bra and I cant help but to go 'man, that must be nice' lol. usually out loud because I have no sensor lol I once said that to a girl, and she looks at me, looks down at my chest, back at me, back at my chest and she goes 'damn, you are in the itty bitty commity ain't you?!" ouch. lol Pre jack i was like 9 stone but now im about 10 (thats 140 pounds... not english money :-p ) Childbirth is defo the worst thing about having a kid!! EPIDURAL ALL DAY SON!!!! you know, i had no idea they made you wait until youre 3cm dilated until a few weeks ago. I consider that to be cruel and unusual punishment lol like...i would NEVER want a male OBGYN to deliver my baby. Not because its weird having some random guy stick cold instruments in my twat lol, but while he may know a lot about its inner workings, hes got NO idea what its like to actually have one lol. Im sorry SIR. Have you ever been in labor? Oh, no you havent? IT HURTS RIL BAD, GIVE ME THE DAMN EPIDURAL lol Tis a very funny story t tell reading back but at the time it was the most horrifying thing id ever experienced... inc things ive watched on tele!! lol.
I still smoked a bit o weed when i was up the duff. Up the duff? lol Im assuming thats UK speak for knocked up, or as I like to call it, up shits creek without a paddle lol Not a lot, like a spliff that id smoke a couple o drags off when i needed it and that would last me about a week. Aint rotted is mind its seems, the cleverest kid ive ever met.... as youll see when YOU SORT THST BLOOMIN WEBCAM OUT!!!!!!! :-D
Lol MA'AM. RELAX YOURSELF lol because as you know, I am VERY busy working on a daily basis and all....:roflcry:
Your Maury is our Jeremy Kyle or Jezza as hes fondly known :) Whos the daddy? My girlfriend got impregnated my brothersd sons dogs brother.. etc. Thrilling stuff! The people that go on that programme are bloody awful! f the most part they have no teeth, no har, no common sense and no self respect... makes me feel better about my own life though! haha.
I speak f myself but i consider my hot sexy bitchness t cxome from other areas apart from my face.. and body!! lol. I have a hot sexy mind! Beats face all day! Except no one would pay t see my mind dressed up in revealing lingerie! haha.

PS - Who is this sir fellow you speak of? :)
that would be Waira lol the only other person who can somehow put up with my obnoxiously long posts lol
:hug:'Ello luv!...luvies, that is...:grin: How are you and Chander's doing lol we are spectacular. Actually, the boyfriend and I are thinking about taking a vacation to Manchester, at which point I'll meet Chandy and probably never come home lol Pardon the lapses, I just can't seem to get any slack taken up! I'm just 1T of frosting over a whole sheet of cake these days-- :roflcry: ...speaking of which, you, GF, should be plying your confectioners skills at someplace professionally! Have you thought of doing this, working at a bakery/specialty chocolate store? I say you've got the goods! -that wonderful looking snack is pro' grade presentation! :drool: Complete with a caramel drizzle, and coco nib's too? And a coffee bean?? I'm literally salivating,...LOL! Sooo cruel to be kind... :cuss: :smoke: why thank you waira. Not a caramel drizzle but a peanut butter one, peanut butter oreo crumbs and a chocolate chip...but you were kinda close! lol And the brownies inside the chocolate shell were amazing. Like the perfect brownie..moist and chewy and fudgy...mmmmm lol sorry :roflcry: Im salivating a little too...only difference being that I can go up to the fridge and get one LOL looovvveee yyyyoooouuuuu hahaha. As for the professional know, I have thought a little bit about going to culinary school and getting a job in an actual bakery setting while I get the training I need. Ive got a pretty big pipe dream about opening my own edibles shop one day. Dun dun chhhhh, PIPE dream. EDIBLES? get it? just me? good. lol The more time I have to think about it though, the more I feel like if I was to go to school it would be mainly to improve upon my hobby than as a career move. I've gotta think about it realisticly, you know. Im almost 30. By the time I got all of my baking/business classes out of the way, I'd be in my mid 30's at least...we both know how great my math skills are so it could be longer given that baking and business involve numbers lol And I have MS, and while yea, sure they're making some pretty monumental strides with MS research but, until they come out with that magic pill that will regrow the myelin and reverse all the damage thats been done I cant help but to assume the worst case scenario.
Ah! Some new nute's,... good stuff, and any girl still at least a couple weeks or so out would love a taste!lol<----what? lol