hahah - 10 american dollars iiisss......5.93 British Pound Sterling, says google. Idk wtf the sterling part is about, but im sure you do, and thats really all that counts lol
As for Blues Clues, its been so long since Ive seen it, I don't know who the main guy is anymore lol plus they got rid of the original Steve (Steve Burns) years ago and the new guy sucked so I staged a boycott

Does your version, I wonder, have the same songs?
I still sing this one lol and yes, this is the original guy - [video=youtube;N1wUirNlR0U]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1wUirNlR0U[/video]
Speaking of absurd kids TV shows, this show should'v'e broadcast over there.
lol Its a tad embarassing but, for yearrsssI wanted nothing more in my life than to be one of the kids on Barney hahahah. I knew all the songs and would get up and sing and dance with them. Im a giant nerd lol *starts singing* if allllll the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops, oh what a rain that would beeeeee. LOL
You know...it's funny. As a youngin' my family was poor. and I mean flat broke, like there were 6 people in my fam., living in a 3 bedroom apartment, with a mattress for a couch/sofa yet we seemed to always have cable lol. I guess with 4 kids, if you don't want to end up killing them all, you'd make sure you had something to keep them occupied lol.
ok ma'am, if I have to convert USD to pounds for you, you need to do the reverse for me lol you said you're buying shitty weed at 10 pounds (i dont have that fun symbol lol) a gram. Google is advising that that is $16.86 USD. Now are we talking shitty weed as in seedy/stemmy (think I just made that one up lol)? If so, thats pretty awful lol. Here in the sates (at least my portion of the states) we call that weed mids or schwag and it goes for 10$ US (5.93 pounds). I smoked that crap for YEARS before making the switch to top shelf bud. My theory was always why am I going to spend $20 (11.86 pounds) for a gram of good weed when that same $20 will get me an eighth of mids and I'll be just as high with weed left over lol. So IMO, youre getting ripped off, and its just one more reason for you to move here! lol
People call it pop here as well, just in other parts of the country. Some places will even call all soda/pop a Coke. Like...don't tell me you're going to the store to grab a coke and then come back with a Mountain Dew, lol. when I drank soda, my personal favorite was A&W rootbeer or cream soda. Mmmmmmm....cream sooooddaaa lol
Thats a cheap chinese!! Couldnt get one dish with that in these parts :-/ Your guys shit!! lol. Our guys ace! Our mail song is, "We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, wonder who its from?" or sutin. Illl youtube it f you in a mo.
We well had Barney in this country. Still do, its turned into a cartoon now though :-/
I used t love the "other" versions of the songs;
eg. I love him, he loves me, barney gave me HIV so i kicked him in the balls and i shot him in the head, now that purple bastards dead!! LMAO!!!!
And there was the classic; Barney is a dinosaur who likes to play with children, he took them to any empty house and sexually abused theem!! :-o That ones a bit shocking. Was singing them in primary school!! Ive got an uncle whos 4 years older than me so he was always teaching me rude jokes and stuff! lol. That guys a legend!! lol.... hes probably part o the reason my mind is the way it is now, lol.
I always wanted t be on a programme called fun house! Ill get you the vid. Would still love t go back and go on in now it looked that good. Fun house, whole lota fun, prizes to be won! Amazing!!!!!!
Blues Clues
Our just got a letter song is at 8.45 and there are others at 3.00, 7.50, 20.20 and 23.35. Yes i did just watch through it all but twas with the kid so its alright. I would defo recommend having a spliff n watching it all though cus our scouse kevin is immense!! lol.
Heres the man, the myth, the legend that is Pat Sharp and FunHouse. They dont show the grand prix bit the contestants got t do at the end but the theme tune is not t be missed! lol. Looking back on in now the fun house does look a bit crap!! lol.
Guess it looked a bit bigger when i were a nipper!
Couldnt cope with Jack if we didnt have Sky. Its been our saving grace since he was about 6 months and started getting in t the baby channel

Hes absolutely mad on mickey mouse clubhouse. You should see him getting his groove on t the hot dog song. If you dont kow it google it! Immende!!..... or im just easily pleased!
Its not proper shit weed. Just not up t my high standards, lol. Up until a year ago i got all my smoke from my mate who grows his own (and has been doing f about 30 years) and he grew the best bud ive ever tasted or seen in my life but he moved away last year and im living in a relatively new town (new to me that is) so i dont really know many people here

AFNers are my only friends, haha. Ive got a guy at the mo who handily lives down the road but its not always quality. Its usually alright and does the job but its not often i get nniiiccceeee stuff and on the odd occasion i get gak.
Aint smoked no dodgy seed weed in years, if someone sold iit t me id be going back f a refund!! lol.
NLN n i shall have my own creation t supply me so all them dodgy ass drug dealers can suck a fat one! Mwahahahaha!!!!
Them people are weird! :-/ If i asked someone t buy me a coke and they came back with somthing different i might be inclined t punch them in the face. Also because if i want a particular thing getting from the shop ill sat t folk "if they aint got that dont get me nothing"...... and they always come back with something! Rizzlas are the worst. I always smoke weed with kingsize silver rizzla. "Get me them or get me nothing she says. They come back with blues :-/ !!! FOOOOOLLLLSSS!!!!! Must have about 30 packs o blues in my contraband box because people dont listen! Littlest things stress me out, the big stuff tho, fuck it, lifes too short, haha.
All though i do have a kind of exception t the callling sutin by a different name rule. If im doing hot drinks i ask folk if they want a brew (be it tea or coffee) but some folk thing theyre not allowed a coffee because i only implied tea. Dems guys is idiots tho. PG TIPS TIL I DIE! IDST!!!!!!!!!! lol!
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