Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :) people seem-for whatever reason- to pay attention to the known females here lol.

For the same reason we pay more attention to girls that are into cars, or 4x4's, Sports or hunting..etc.

It's appealing to men when women share interests with us that are usually reserved for "the guys" identifies a symbiotic approachable-ness
and a myriad of discussion topics that were thought of as "off the table"

my 2 cents.

...and we're basically animals.
hahah..he called you a bro ;P

Right now its 10:49 in the PM on May 3rd - I'm on the east coast.
See now, I could certainly post it for us, but the simple fact that your user name and pic kinda scream 'hey i'm a girl' so people seem-for whatever reason- to pay attention to the known females here lol.

The goosebumps show was definitely not as good, Ill have to agree with you on that one. Speaking of tv shows and old stuff...
I just googled if the UK has nickelodeon (ahahahaha is it bad that I dont already know that?) and it seems most of the same shows air.. so that being said- what your favorite nickelodeon shows growing up?

That still doesn't help cus I don't know what time you posted, this apps whack and tells me I posted sutin 4 hours ago when i haven't even posted it yet, lol. Is what you should of said is its 10.49 here and googles telling me GTM is blah blah, therefore there is blah blah time difference, lol. Ill leave you with that f next time :-p
I figured the flowers would defo give it away but apparently not. As provrn in the abive post, lol. Even people that know I'm a bird forget and carry on thinkin in a bloke (AndyBotwin) ;) haha. If you hadn't o mentioned bein a bird I might still not even know... Except the boyfriend and the lezzing! Lol.
We do indeed have nickelodeon :-D My 2 ya old absolutely loves spongebob!!! He knows pretty much all the words and has a spongebob bedroom. His nan came off holiday yesterday with a spongebob cap f him and he freaked, haha.
My mum was a cheap skate though and never brought sky. We only had channels 1-5 until I was about 18 and she brought a freeview box which upped us to about 20 channels. Living the dream, haha. Used t watch it round friends houses though and my ultimate nick programme has got t be...............
Kenan and Kel!!!!!! :-D
Who looooves orange soda?
Kel loves orange soda!
Is it true?????
I do I do I do ooooooo!!! :-D Best programme ever!
Some o the stuff on there now is a bit mental. Have you seem Sanjay and Craig? Proper weirdo material!!!!!!!!!!! Lol.
For the same reason we pay more attention to girls that are into cars, or 4x4's, Sports or hunting..etc.

It's appealing to men when women share interests with us that are usually reserved for "the guys" identifies a symbiotic approachable-ness
and a myriad of discussion topics that were thought of as "off the table"

my 2 cents.

...and we're basically animals.

Reckon I'd be in t hunting.... And guns. Not really feasible hobbies where I'm at though. Nerf guns is the closest I get, haha.
I actually got brought a load of em f my bday and they're my best present ever (except my roller blades when I was 9) I like t think I'm a pretty good shot :-p lol.'re from Ukraine? lol When you said you were from the UK, I assumed that by UK you meant Britain. Silly American mistake ;P
The time difference between GMT and EST is 5 hours my dear. If you posted to me at (give or take) 330am sunday morning (or given that your so much like myself, its saturday night and not sunday morning haha) and I replied to you, 10 minutes later, at 10:40pm on Saturday night, making you 5 hours ahead of me.
Ya readin' what I'm writin'? (<--a stripper taught that to me....haha gather round kids, its story time lol. Like...5 or 6 years ago a giant group of friends and I went to a strip club for a friends 18th birthday. Somehow I found myself in random conversation with one of the strippers and I was like "you pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?" and she laughs and says "ya readin' what I'm writin?!" I never forgot that stripper LOL)

Trapper - oh, I get it lol But my point was that a lot of people wont even put two and two together and just see the username and or picture and assume lol. For example. There'v'e been many a time where i would post and say, on more than one occasion, me and my boyfriend, or simply say my boyfriend and continue with a bunch of male pronouns, people still continue to call me bro lol. and it's not like it bothers me, it just makes me chuckle that people would rather assume I'm a gay male than to realize hey. maybe this is a chick lol.
Which brings me to my next point - chandy, im back to you now lol, thats why I believe that you should post it because given your username and picture scream 'hey i'm a girl' people are more likely to actually read/pay attention to what your saying lol
Thats very unfortunate, having basic cable for the majority of your life. You missed out on a lot of A+ television lol. It drives me up a wall when I meet people who still ONLY have basic cable. I'm do you live?! lol
OMG! Move to the USofA and live close to me so we can be, lyke OmG BeSTieS! lmao
One time my bf and I ordered chinese food and if you spend 10$ (google says thats 7.21 euros lol) or more you get a free can of soda but they never ask, they just throw one into your bag. So we get the food and they put in an orange soda. Well I havent had more than 1/4 of a sip of soda iiiinnn.....12 years? So he always gets it. He cracks the can, puts it to his mouth to take a drink and i go - "who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it truuuuueee?" And he just looks at me out of the corner of his eye, blinks a few times and then continues to drink. And i go "Babe....thats your queue" and he goes "...............................................I don't believe I know what you're referring to..........??" I about shit my pants. And then of course I have to go through the whole thing over again, pull up you tube videos and for what? Another blank stare and a "babe. I think that you forget that Im almost 5 years older than you...." SMH. damn old men ;P
I have not seen Sanjay and Craig. I can't rightly say that I watch Nickelodeon much these days. I don't have any kids *knock on wood* lol But i'll tell ya what. Before my sister moved away with my nephews, I watched the shit out of some Nick Jr. Blues Clues? Fuhgeddabout it! Steve was my homie! lol
Im also extra sad that you have a 2 year old and don't live next door to me, lol. i love kids....provided I know I get to give them back lol I think that if I did have any kids, I wouldnt have any hair left and but I would have a severe drinking problem lol

- - - Updated - - -'re from Ukraine? lol When you said you were from the UK, I assumed that by UK you meant Britain. Silly American mistake ;P
The time difference between GMT and EST is 5 hours my dear. If you posted to me at (give or take) 330am sunday morning (or given that your so much like myself, its saturday night and not sunday morning haha) and I replied to you, 10 minutes later, at 10:40pm on Saturday night, making you 5 hours ahead of me.
Ya readin' what I'm writin'? (<--a stripper taught that to me....haha gather round kids, its story time lol. Like...5 or 6 years ago a giant group of friends and I went to a strip club for a friends 18th birthday. Somehow I found myself in random conversation with one of the strippers and I was like "you pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?" and she laughs and says "ya readin' what I'm writin?!" I never forgot that stripper LOL)

Trapper - oh, I get it lol But my point was that a lot of people wont even put two and two together and just see the username and or picture and assume lol. For example. There'v'e been many a time where i would post and say, on more than one occasion, me and my boyfriend, or simply say my boyfriend and continue with a bunch of male pronouns, people still continue to call me bro lol. and it's not like it bothers me, it just makes me chuckle that people would rather assume I'm a gay male than to realize hey. maybe this is a chick lol.
Which brings me to my next point - chandy, im back to you now lol, thats why I believe that you should post it because given your username and picture scream 'hey i'm a girl' people are more likely to actually read/pay attention to what your saying lol
Thats very unfortunate, having basic cable for the majority of your life. You missed out on a lot of A+ television lol. It drives me up a wall when I meet people who still ONLY have basic cable. I'm do you live?! lol
OMG! Move to the USofA and live close to me so we can be, lyke OmG BeSTieS! lmao
One time my bf and I ordered chinese food and if you spend 10$ (google says thats 7.21 euros lol) or more you get a free can of soda but they never ask, they just throw one into your bag. So we get the food and they put in an orange soda. Well I havent had more than 1/4 of a sip of soda iiiinnn.....12 years? So he always gets it. He cracks the can, puts it to his mouth to take a drink and i go - "who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it truuuuueee?" And he just looks at me out of the corner of his eye, blinks a few times and then continues to drink. And i go "Babe....thats your queue" and he goes "...............................................I don't believe I know what you're referring to..........??" I about shit my pants. And then of course I have to go through the whole thing over again, pull up you tube videos and for what? Another blank stare and a "babe. I think that you forget that Im almost 5 years older than you...." SMH. damn old men ;P
I have not seen Sanjay and Craig. I can't rightly say that I watch Nickelodeon much these days. I don't have any kids *knock on wood* lol But i'll tell ya what. Before my sister moved away with my nephews, I watched the shit out of some Nick Jr. Blues Clues? Fuhgeddabout it! Steve was my homie! lol
Im also extra sad that you have a 2 year old and don't live next door to me, lol. i love kids....provided I know I get to give them back lol I think that if I did have any kids, I wouldnt have any hair left and but I would have a severe drinking problem lol

- - - Updated - - -

K just came downstairs and says to me- verbatim-

The buds are all hung in the closet with care. In hopes that dank buds, soon will be there.

I'm not from Ukraine!! Haha. Just a play on word UKraine :-D lol. So yeah, Chinese prices in pounds please :) lol. I used t work at a Chinese "Hello Golden Wok, delivery or collection?" Lol. Worked there f 4 years and knew all the numbers on the menu. My boss was Malaysian and she took me there to her wedding! Was brilliant!!
IM IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!! :-D Yay! Not about living in the past, lol.
I used t have a best friend who was a stripper. I was working away f a few weeks and she asked if she could stay at mine while her electrics got fixed (shed been kicked out and never told me) I came back and she'd left. She'd also left me a flea infestation from her manky cat! You've never seen anything like it!!! Hundreds of big black dirty larvae, in my bed covers, down the sofa. About a bajillion fleas hopping about everywhere :-/ Had t move out and throw pretty much everything I owned away :( Never again will I befriend a stripper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought y userpic would scream girl but apparently not, even a bunch o flowers as me pic and I get bro'd all over the show, haha. I was gonna start I tday but had a busy one. Tmoro it is :)
I know man! I was a very under privileged child, haha. Never owned a computer or had Internet. While most o the kids at school did there revising at home on their comps I was the loner in the library! Haha.
My mum never invested in a nit comb either so my school days weren't the best! Lol.
We don't call it soda here, we call it pop! :-p Tis all about the Dr P f me. Fanta can go suck a dick! Lol. 5 years! Was nickelodeon not on when he was a yoot :-p
You should watch it just t see how strange it is. Better yet google the Sanjay and Craig calfs advert, that's been in every adverts f about a month n I aaaate it!!
We also so touch wood as oppose t knock on it, you foreigners ;) haha.
You must have a different blues clues to us. Ours is presented by a scoured named Kevin! That guys the man!
The best kids are the ones you can give back (except mine cus he sick!) Definitely don't be in a rush t have kids. You don't know young you are until you have them an then you be all, shit. This is quite a lot o life I gota spend being responsible f this youngling, lol. By the time I'm 40 he'll be capable of looking after himself though and with all the money I'd of saved on buying weed since become a horticulturalist ill be able t fly over to the Americas t see my new (by then old) bezzie who will of recently had her first :-D (<-------that's you by the way) lol.

Loving the rhymes :) High 5 t ya fella :-D You my friend are very jammy. I've got about 2 months o buying shitty weed at £10 a gram :( Bad times!

High 5 on coming t crop my friend :-D T minus not long now t dry fat stinkin buds :-D Hoorahh!!!!!!!!!
hahah - 10 american dollars iiisss......5.93 British Pound Sterling, says google. Idk wtf the sterling part is about, but im sure you do, and thats really all that counts lol
As for Blues Clues, its been so long since Ive seen it, I don't know who the main guy is anymore lol plus they got rid of the original Steve (Steve Burns) years ago and the new guy sucked so I staged a boycott ;) Does your version, I wonder, have the same songs?
I still sing this one lol and yes, this is the original guy - [video=youtube;N1wUirNlR0U][/video]
Speaking of absurd kids TV shows, this show should'v'e broadcast over there.
lol Its a tad embarassing but, for yearrsssI wanted nothing more in my life than to be one of the kids on Barney hahahah. I knew all the songs and would get up and sing and dance with them. Im a giant nerd lol *starts singing* if allllll the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops, oh what a rain that would beeeeee. LOL
You's funny. As a youngin' my family was poor. and I mean flat broke, like there were 6 people in my fam., living in a 3 bedroom apartment, with a mattress for a couch/sofa yet we seemed to always have cable lol. I guess with 4 kids, if you don't want to end up killing them all, you'd make sure you had something to keep them occupied lol.

ok ma'am, if I have to convert USD to pounds for you, you need to do the reverse for me lol you said you're buying shitty weed at 10 pounds (i dont have that fun symbol lol) a gram. Google is advising that that is $16.86 USD. Now are we talking shitty weed as in seedy/stemmy (think I just made that one up lol)? If so, thats pretty awful lol. Here in the sates (at least my portion of the states) we call that weed mids or schwag and it goes for 10$ US (5.93 pounds). I smoked that crap for YEARS before making the switch to top shelf bud. My theory was always why am I going to spend $20 (11.86 pounds) for a gram of good weed when that same $20 will get me an eighth of mids and I'll be just as high with weed left over lol. So IMO, youre getting ripped off, and its just one more reason for you to move here! lol

People call it pop here as well, just in other parts of the country. Some places will even call all soda/pop a Coke. Like...don't tell me you're going to the store to grab a coke and then come back with a Mountain Dew, lol. when I drank soda, my personal favorite was A&W rootbeer or cream soda. Mmmmmmm....cream sooooddaaa lol
Hey man. We need a catchy title f the story thread. Contemplated "when wombs attack" but it might just scare folk off, lol. Dont want sutin boring either that doesnt get noticed.... its too good f that t happen! :-p have a think man :)
Hows the drying going? Youve not awoke t realise there were no amber trichs and youd chopped them down in ur sleep? ;) Youd have t put in a wish t that dastardly fairy rasrghahfg;rluj, haha. :Sharing One:
the drying is going far so good!

haha yea I think a lot of things that we say would scare people off LOL.

Im assuming that at the beginning of the tread you have a little opening regarding what we're trying to accomplish lol so maybe the title of the story is 'when wombs attack' but the title of the thread should be something like ' Continual Master AFN grower story' or

- - - Updated - - -

the drying is going far so good!

haha yea I think a lot of things that we say would scare people off LOL.

Im assuming that at the beginning of the tread you have a little opening regarding what we're trying to accomplish lol so maybe the title of the story is 'when wombs attack' but the title of the thread should be something like ' Continual Master AFN grower story' or