're from Ukraine? lol When you said you were from the UK, I assumed that by UK you meant Britain. Silly American mistake ;P
The time difference between GMT and EST is 5 hours my dear. If you posted to me at (give or take) 330am sunday morning (or given that your so much like myself, its saturday night and not sunday morning haha) and I replied to you, 10 minutes later, at 10:40pm on Saturday night, making you 5 hours ahead of me.
Ya readin' what I'm writin'? (<--a stripper taught that to me....haha gather round kids, its story time lol. Like...5 or 6 years ago a giant group of friends and I went to a strip club for a friends 18th birthday. Somehow I found myself in random conversation with one of the strippers and I was like "you pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?" and she laughs and says "ya readin' what I'm writin?!" I never forgot that stripper LOL)
Trapper - oh, I get it lol But my point was that a lot of people wont even put two and two together and just see the username and or picture and assume lol. For example. There'v'e been many a time where i would post and say, on more than one occasion, me and my boyfriend, or simply say my boyfriend and continue with a bunch of male pronouns, people still continue to call me bro lol. and it's not like it bothers me, it just makes me chuckle that people would rather assume I'm a gay male than to realize hey. maybe this is a chick lol.
Which brings me to my next point - chandy, im back to you now lol, thats why I believe that you should post it because given your username and picture scream 'hey i'm a girl' people are more likely to actually read/pay attention to what your saying lol
Thats very unfortunate, having basic cable for the majority of your life. You missed out on a lot of A+ television lol. It drives me up a wall when I meet people who still ONLY have basic cable. I'm do you live?! lol
OMG! Move to the USofA and live close to me so we can be, lyke OmG BeSTieS! lmao
One time my bf and I ordered chinese food and if you spend 10$ (google says thats 7.21 euros lol) or more you get a free can of soda but they never ask, they just throw one into your bag. So we get the food and they put in an orange soda. Well I havent had more than 1/4 of a sip of soda iiiinnn.....12 years? So he always gets it. He cracks the can, puts it to his mouth to take a drink and i go - "who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it truuuuueee?" And he just looks at me out of the corner of his eye, blinks a few times and then continues to drink. And i go "Babe....thats your queue" and he goes "...............................................I don't believe I know what you're referring to..........??" I about shit my pants. And then of course I have to go through the whole thing over again, pull up you tube videos and for what? Another blank stare and a "babe. I think that you forget that Im almost 5 years older than you...." SMH. damn old men ;P
I have not seen Sanjay and Craig. I can't rightly say that I watch Nickelodeon much these days. I don't have any kids *knock on wood* lol But i'll tell ya what. Before my sister moved away with my nephews, I watched the shit out of some Nick Jr. Blues Clues? Fuhgeddabout it! Steve was my homie! lol
Im also extra sad that you have a 2 year old and don't live next door to me, lol. i love kids....provided I know I get to give them back lol I think that if I
did have any kids, I wouldnt have any hair left and but I
would have a severe drinking problem lol
- - - Updated - - -'re from Ukraine? lol When you said you were from the UK, I assumed that by UK you meant Britain. Silly American mistake ;P
The time difference between GMT and EST is 5 hours my dear. If you posted to me at (give or take) 330am sunday morning (or given that your so much like myself, its saturday night and not sunday morning haha) and I replied to you, 10 minutes later, at 10:40pm on Saturday night, making you 5 hours ahead of me.
Ya readin' what I'm writin'? (<--a stripper taught that to me....haha gather round kids, its story time lol. Like...5 or 6 years ago a giant group of friends and I went to a strip club for a friends 18th birthday. Somehow I found myself in random conversation with one of the strippers and I was like "you pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?" and she laughs and says "ya readin' what I'm writin?!" I never forgot that stripper LOL)
Trapper - oh, I get it lol But my point was that a lot of people wont even put two and two together and just see the username and or picture and assume lol. For example. There'v'e been many a time where i would post and say, on more than one occasion, me and my boyfriend, or simply say my boyfriend and continue with a bunch of male pronouns, people still continue to call me bro lol. and it's not like it bothers me, it just makes me chuckle that people would rather assume I'm a gay male than to realize hey. maybe this is a chick lol.
Which brings me to my next point - chandy, im back to you now lol, thats why I believe that you should post it because given your username and picture scream 'hey i'm a girl' people are more likely to actually read/pay attention to what your saying lol
Thats very unfortunate, having basic cable for the majority of your life. You missed out on a lot of A+ television lol. It drives me up a wall when I meet people who still ONLY have basic cable. I'm do you live?! lol
OMG! Move to the USofA and live close to me so we can be, lyke OmG BeSTieS! lmao
One time my bf and I ordered chinese food and if you spend 10$ (google says thats 7.21 euros lol) or more you get a free can of soda but they never ask, they just throw one into your bag. So we get the food and they put in an orange soda. Well I havent had more than 1/4 of a sip of soda iiiinnn.....12 years? So he always gets it. He cracks the can, puts it to his mouth to take a drink and i go - "who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it truuuuueee?" And he just looks at me out of the corner of his eye, blinks a few times and then continues to drink. And i go "Babe....thats your queue" and he goes "...............................................I don't believe I know what you're referring to..........??" I about shit my pants. And then of course I have to go through the whole thing over again, pull up you tube videos and for what? Another blank stare and a "babe. I think that you forget that Im almost 5 years older than you...." SMH. damn old men ;P
I have not seen Sanjay and Craig. I can't rightly say that I watch Nickelodeon much these days. I don't have any kids *knock on wood* lol But i'll tell ya what. Before my sister moved away with my nephews, I watched the shit out of some Nick Jr. Blues Clues? Fuhgeddabout it! Steve was my homie! lol
Im also extra sad that you have a 2 year old and don't live next door to me, lol. i love kids....provided I know I get to give them back lol I think that if I
did have any kids, I wouldnt have any hair left and but I
would have a severe drinking problem lol
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K just came downstairs and says to me- verbatim-
The buds are all hung in the closet with care. In hopes that dank buds, soon will be there.