Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

And you me! :-D ...But ya cant be friends with foreigners is it? ;) lol.
I was a bit concerned when it hadnt been liked or commmented on after about 10 hours. Figured it may o bin too much f folks t handle! lol. Thats the best response ever man! Still havent stopped laughing!!! :-D I got my fella t read my version this morn and he just gave me a funny look and said"Bizarre" haha.

"and the worst news... i dont see an amber trich on her!" AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Potential concept f chapter 3; Mary Jane dies giving birth after the remaining plants drain her of all nutes so the story focuses on the trials and tribulations of what its like to be a single parent to 8 young seedlings..... That will grow up to be Octuplants ;) haha.

I cant. All foreigners have cooties. -putting on the kid voice- EEEEEEEEEW COOTIES!

That is an excellent start to chapter 3. what about instead of going the single parent route, we have Mary die as she's delivering the last plant, and she gets reincarnated as that last baby plant. It could be like a cross between the movie 'how high' and 'little shop of horrors' lol my feller just got back from a business trip so I have yet to enlighten him in our recent escapades with Mary and Bob lol. Im sure he'll have a very similar reaction.
blink. blink blink. Bizarre. lol
Wrote a massive message then my phone died :-/ God darn technology!!
We call it the lurgy (lurg-ee) lol.
I think Mary after accepting life as a plant gets jealous of her fella spending more time with the baby plants than her so she turns into a cannibas cannibal and eats them. After a very stoned and paranoid reflection of what's become of her life she decides that cannabis has been the cause of everything wrong with it (Its all LIES obviously) so she decides t go on a rampage and cleanse the planet of all things cannabis. She takes cuttings of herself t create a canna army and kidnaps a computer programmer t hack the AFN network so she can get the addresses of the worlds top growers and start from the top.

But what happens next?............. Only you can decide! LOL!!!!! :-D
What happens next? You decide your fate! DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNNN lol (Not sure if you had these, but those Goosebumps books by R.L Stine where you got to 'choose your own destiny' and flip to a certain page in the story depending on your answer. Those were my faaaavorite as a kid..those and American Girl books. side note- holy WOW I just googled "american girl books" and after scrolling thru a butt load of new age american girl books, I found a few pictures of the old ones, and had an intense rush of 4th grade nostalgia.)

OR does it go along these lines....
I think Mary after accepting life as a plant gets jealous of her fella spending more time with the baby plants than her
as her anger continues to build over the coming weeks, she receives another visit from the fairy of Rfugrautyidgao. In all of Marys pent up anger, she thinks about what she could do, as a plant of course, to get even. So she asks the fairy for go go gadget arms and legs. With a flick of the magic spliff, mary's wish is granted and the fairy is gone in a cloud of smoke. Over the next few weeks, mary sits quitely with her new appendages hidden from sight, and devises a plan to kill Bob. Thats when she takes cuttings from herself, (cause now shes got arms to do so lol) and she raises them herself whenever Bob is asleep or at work. bob still suspects nothing, and then once the cuttings are old enough....BAM. SNEAK ATTACK lol. Mary and her gang of clones kill Bob and then once hes out of the picture, is when they decide that that was just childs play and they needed to go bigger. Thats when they kidnap the programmer to hack AFN for the addresses of the top growers. Once accomplished, Mary tells the programmer, lets call him K, to take her to the address of the first grower, set her on the doorstep, ring the doorbell, and then get the hell outta dodge. So K obliges to the game of ding dong ditch. When Waira, the first AFN grower on the list answers the door, he is shocked to find not a person, but a beautiful budding marijuana plant.
"What a gift!" Waira thinks. Little does he know...this plant has plans for world domination......

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P-the fuck-S

How cool would it be if we could start a thread where everyone on AFN participates. Could you IMAGINE where this story line could/would go?! lol
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the decision to harvest has arrived

When I saw that she'd been popping nanners left and right (singles and multiples), and she is indeed foxtailing..between what I've read and been told, plus my paranoia of the male parts opening, I decided she was either done or damn near done. So I took her from the 'garden' and put her in another closet without any light.
She hadn't had any nutes in about a week, and I was watering pretty heavy since. Then the day I put her in the closet, I ran about 2 gallons of water through her and at the end the water was coming out was about 97% clear.
K came back from his trip last night, and on the ride back from the airport I was telling him all about AM2, what i've read, what i've been told, what I THINK, what Ive already done and got his input. He looked at her in that connecting bathroom, and said he's 99.9% sure he sees some amber on her, so that in conjunction with everything else, the decision to harvest has come to fruition.
Im going to run a bit more water thru her, put her back in the dark, and then chop either late tonight or tomorrow. Maybe even the next day depending on the nanner sitcheeation. I read that the extra water will assist in the dry time, which we need given the normally dry air here. Going to germ another seed also to replace AM2. Im thinking about trying one of those 5 gallon buckets we got and never used this time. we'll see.
will be back with updates.

I took AM2 to a sunny window and looked at the trics with my 30x loupe and I also see amber and she's at around 95% orangey red pistils. I did find new nanners but they were pretty burried, so they may'v'e been there before. ran a gallon of water thru am2 and her run off is 100% clear and shes now back in the dark.
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What happens next? You decide your fate! DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNNN lol (Not sure if you had these, but those Goosebumps books by R.L Stine where you got to 'choose your own destiny' and flip to a certain page in the story depending on your answer. Those were my faaaavorite as a kid..those and American Girl books. side note- holy WOW I just googled "american girl books" and after scrolling thru a butt load of new age american girl books, I found a few pictures of the old ones, and had an intense rush of 4th grade nostalgia.)

OR does it go along these lines....

as her anger continues to build over the coming weeks, she receives another visit from the fairy of Rfugrautyidgao. In all of Marys pent up anger, she thinks about what she could do, as a plant of course, to get even. So she asks the fairy for go go gadget arms and legs. With a flick of the magic spliff, mary's wish is granted and the fairy is gone in a cloud of smoke. Over the next few weeks, mary sits quitely with her new appendages hidden from sight, and devises a plan to kill Bob. Thats when she takes cuttings from herself, (cause now shes got arms to do so lol) and she raises them herself whenever Bob is asleep or at work. bob still suspects nothing, and then once the cuttings are old enough....BAM. SNEAK ATTACK lol. Mary and her gang of clones kill Bob and then once hes out of the picture, is when they decide that that was just childs play and they needed to go bigger. Thats when they kidnap the programmer to hack AFN for the addresses of the top growers. Once accomplished, Mary tells the programmer, lets call him K, to take her to the address of the first grower, set her on the doorstep, ring the doorbell, and then get the hell outta dodge. So K obliges to the game of ding dong ditch. When Waira, the first AFN grower on the list answers the door, he is shocked to find not a person, but a beautiful budding marijuana plant.
"What a gift!" Waira thinks. Little does he know...this plant has plans for world domination......

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P-the fuck-S

How cool would it be if we could start a thread where everyone on AFN participates. Could you IMAGINE where this story line could/would go?! lol

I used t love the Goosebumps books!! Best ever!! Programmes were a bit shit though. Never heard of the american girl books (or English girl books come t that, lol). I used t read a lot o Jacqueline Wilson. Dont know if you have them there but they were well good books when i was kid.

Bob was the heroine addict from the acid trip (reckon we should name the hubby Moomin) .....and considering Mary was a woman who ate seeds who gave birth t cannabis who turned into a plant.... dont think she really needs arms and legs t take cuttings of herself.... also thatll be too weird.... even by my standards! haha. The rest of it tho BOOM :-D

I did think about starting a thread off f people t participate in our story :-D Great minds n all that. Could keep it going f years t come until one day we decide t publish it and become mega rich, lol.
Shall i start it?

HARVEST TIME BABY!!!!!!!!!! :-D Congrats man! Send me a sample in the post when its done ;) lol.
Lol oh absolutely. Ill overnight it to you on ice lol and yeeessss please start it! Lol
I shall get on it tomorrow my friend :)
What's the time difference between us? I'm just getting t bed now n it's 3.40 :-/ Were GMT so it's easier f you t work our cus I haven't a clue where you live... The Americas are a big place! Lol.
Chandyside im from the U.K aswell brother lol

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Chandyside im from the U.K aswell brother lol
hahah..he called you a bro ;P

Right now its 10:49 in the PM on May 3rd - I'm on the east coast.
See now, I could certainly post it for us, but the simple fact that your user name and pic kinda scream 'hey i'm a girl' so people seem-for whatever reason- to pay attention to the known females here lol.

The goosebumps show was definitely not as good, Ill have to agree with you on that one. Speaking of tv shows and old stuff...
I just googled if the UK has nickelodeon (ahahahaha is it bad that I dont already know that?) and it seems most of the same shows air.. so that being said- what your favorite nickelodeon shows growing up?
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