Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

day 61 from seed

this is her last day of pk boost and she will be put onto just flowering feed tomoz untill i decide to flush her, ive got exactly 14 dats left untill i wanna chop her down, i could harvest her this week if i wanted but i wanna let her run 10 weeks just to see what happens, ill be dropping her feed right down to .9 ec and ill just keep topping her up with plain water untill eventually she's flushing

i know my pics arent the best quality as im only using my phone and i dont have any fancy equipment to take close up trich shots etc etc so appologises to all you bud porn lovers out there lol

ill try and get some better pics up near harvest time with the lights out etc but i dont wanna be messing with her light cycle right now and i honestly cant take her out the grow room for safety reasons so you will have to make do with these ;) these shots are the opposite side to the 1's taken previously

all comments hints/tips are appreciated as always ;)













My goodness Seymour the girl looks insane, more like a cacti with leaves on than an autofem. Ok I admit I never expected to see buds anything like that big on day 61, this is epic man. It really is !
eh, looks like tons of larf. JUST KIDDING!!!!! sick, totally sick looking plant. My god, you just do it every single time, day in and day out. Just wonderful to watch.
she still has 2 weeks left to expand further , im guessing lst would of worked wonders on this strain which might be worth considering if your looking at growing her out

my next adventure is definatly gonna be an lst grow just to see what results i can get, whats the score with the blueberry does she liked to be bound and gagged lol
my next adventure is definatly gonna be an lst grow just to see what results i can get, whats the score with the blueberry does she liked to be bound and gagged lol

I have found most ladies like a little bondage :firedevil: :D :lol:

Looking good mate if those buds are as tight as they look, your in for one hell of a yield!
Haha cactus with leaves.. I like that..
Really cant belive how sweet she is looking, beautiful plant, nice structure and all in 60 days..

Hey tony..u know if theres more than one pheno? I would love to grow myself a cactus..

top stuff seymour..nearly there now mate.
aint the last 2 weeks supposed to be when they pack on the most weight :D

im happy with her as she is right now, i could hit her with overdive and take her to 11 weeks but thats just being plain greedy, i just wanna bring her home safely :toke:
aint the last 2 weeks supposed to be when they pack on the most weight :D

im happy with her as she is right now, i could hit her with overdive and take her to 11 weeks but thats just being plain greedy, i just wanna bring her home safely :toke:

...thats the scary bit, she will pack on weight in the last 2 weeks. I honestly didn't think you would get near the 350gram record of Automazar but now I think differently heh heh.

I she see has really spread out horizontally and taken the full width of the grow room, how tall is she ? I am guessing she is around waist-high ? It is the size of the buds which is really surprising me, she is looking like a super-fat Power Plant. :drool:

And Blueberry, yes she will love LST and under the right conditions (i.e. yours) she will yield heavily. That would be a treat to see, and you know I would like to see it too ;-)

But 2 more weeks of this will be amazing and I am sure some people will not believe this is real. She would need scaffolding if you tried pushing her to 11 weeks lol. I reckon 75 days will result in an incredible specimen. You are pushing these genetics to the limit and getting one heck of a result.
she is standing @ 72cm tall and around 95cm in width all round, she is touching the back and front of my grow room which is 90cm wide so having the 2 plants in there would of been a squeeze which is why i need to adopt some lst

the worst thing is im not really pushing her, in week 5 she was screaming for more feed but i refused to do it who knows what would of happened had i given into her, its just a test grow and im not here to prove any points just give accurate accounts of this strain but she is like a caged animal which is the best way i can describe her lol if you open the latch on her cage door just watch what she does

beginners will love this strain and hardcore growers will love it more :thumbs:

nice work dp