Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

Thank you for replying Seymour. From every post of yours I am learning something new. An dehumidifier never cross my mind.

This is history in the making and I am watching it live in front of my eyes. This thread got my thinking the last few weeks. I spend days thinking about my own DWC system. I spend hours looking for air pumps (specification, etc.), air stone, net pot etc. All that thinking is making me more enthusiastic of what the coming years will bring. I get the opportunity to be part of this movement as a "self-sufficient hobby grower". Too BAD LED panels cost a fortune. Hope we will come with something as "collective purchasing". Were certain members agree to buy collective direct from a factory in China for a reasonable price. Maybe Dutch Passion can play a role in this. They already have the "grower thrust" and ‘Goodwill’. Or they can start making LED Panels part of their merchandise. The future can start today!

I read a lot about flushing. Could you explain that concept to me? Don't you risk the Plant start “eating itself”, which can lead to a lower quality Cannabinoids. When do you know when to stop? And is there really a different in taste?
Thanks again!

flushing a plant is 1 of the most important parts of the grow, after using chemicals on the plants to help them reach maximum maturity or wherever you like your trichs to be its vital to flush all those excess nutrients out of the plants system, there is nothing worse than smoking chemicals that are still in the plants system even worse if you have been using some form of molasses as the buds wont burn right

flushing the plants also helps them finish off, because they have no source of nutrients coming from the roots so they start to pull off their own reserves which is why they turn yellow during the flushing phase, this sends a signal to the plant that her end is approaching so she needs to put out everything she has got in her final days

obviouslly the plant has a naturual cycle so you can recreate the whole process indoors with her feeding regime , start off low and build it up untill she is peak blooming then start to ease backdown again when she is near harvest

flushing the plants wont effect the cannabiods of the plant or the thc, its only when the plant is left to dry and be cured that the thc/cannabiods turn from non-pshycoactive acid into pshycoactive neutral acid, also the colour of the thc glands plays a massive part on the types of effect you will encounter when harvesting the plant but thats a whole other topic

best method i ever came across was to break a leaf off the plant where the stem meets the trunk and put the stem on the tip of your tongue, it will be slightly sour

when performing the flush do exactly the same thing and it will be just water thats when you know she is ready to be harvested ;)

come to uncle seymour for more top tips of the week lol

although i grow in dwc its purely because its my own weapon of choice and ive been doing it for quite some time and have got to understand the system quite alot, i dont think it matters what medium you use aslong as you understand the true principals of why it works and how it works you will always gets good results

if you was to give me a bag of soil and some seeds i would probably shit myself as ive never done a full grow in soil

if you need a proper scientific explanation pm trifid as hes will blow youur stack with his insights ;)

hope this helps
Does the smell remind of any common strain, or is it distinctly "different" from them?

my girlfriend says it smells of oranges buts thats just typical of women, although tbh there is a slight hint mixed in there, ill have to sit down and contemplate the aroma fully untill i get that ureka moment

id say you deserve nothing less!!

So seymour how much u reckon she is weighing today?? lol...

mate im pretty good at guessing how much things weigh and i can tell you for definate that she weighs.............

more today than she did yesterday but not as much as tommorow ;) lol
my girlfriend says it smells of oranges buts thats just typical of women, although tbh there is a slight hint mixed in there, ill have to sit down and contemplate the aroma fully untill i get that ureka moment

mate im pretty good at guessing how much things weigh and i can tell you for definate that she weighs.............

more today than she did yesterday but not as much as tommorow ;) lol

Thats exactly what I was thinking.. Iv put my vote in, im guessin 10oz bro...

Oranges, thats better than what I get, apparently ny grows have allways smelled like piss... Women lol... Keep Up the good work bro..

Its time to think different
Its time to be smart
Its time to grow an auto
Its a mutha fuckin art

Hey Seymour,
First applause for your grow. You seem to control the aspects of your grows on the road to perfection -> really a Master at work :clap:

Looking forward for that final Strain review and Smoke report!

You said you were interested in trying out Blueberry.. I would love to see you test the DP Auto Blueberry or a SCROG of Auto Mazar which is so far one of the best tasting Autoflowers i had the chance to try (didn´t try lots though). How far do you think you can push yield with your setup?

Whats your best g per watt ratio?

I like fruity strains so for me an Orange smell/taste sounds tempting. Smoking some Orange Bud right now...:toke:

so cheers and keep up the good work!
Maybe I missed it but what light cycle are you running...and is it the same as the auto mazar grow?
Whats your best g per watt ratio?

ive never gone for a gpw grow on purpose and try to treat growing as a bit of fun, i just try and keep the plant/plants healthy and let them be the judge of what i deserve

i think with the auto mazar i got lucky and obviously the length of grow time reflected in her final yield, im guessing with reg strains where they have a veg period then over 1g per watt can be hit on nearly every grow espicially using techniques like topping and lst as the plant has plenty of time to recover and obviously the use of a scrog but its a little bit different with autos

i wanna venture into lst on my next grow just to see what a difference it makes to the overall yield and ill probably run these "think different" again but go for maximum return from just 1 panel

the auto mazar was grown on 20/4 light cycle as are the majority of my autos

cheers for the comments :thumbs:
i dont know if this will help anybody with the guess the yield competition but i have 3 weeks left today untill harvest and here is where she is at

obviously this aint an update lol just to give you guys some inspiration ;)


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Amazing as always Seymour!
She is really fattening up, AND she has 3 weeks left. This will be a real spectacle as there are so many heavy flower sites, I am guessing 20 ish. You know what would be amazing would be to see here with the fan leaves cut off at harvest day. She would look the craziest plant ever.

Is it my eyes or is the main cola looking massive? Are you still using both lights on her Seymour? This is looking great, not as tall as the Automazar but stout and strong.