Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

the final part of any grow is always the best bit ;)

if the last quarter goes well i will get a big finish, biggest problme ive got at the minute is thinking what to blow up next lol

Seymour, we would love to see you do another of our varieties next, either a photoperiod strain or perhaps one of our other AutoFem's...AutoBlueberry or perhaps one of our lower profile Auto's such as Polar Lights, Tundra, Taiga or snowstorm...... Please have a think about it. Personally I would love to see what you make of the AutoBlueberry or an AutoMazar scrog. As soon as the next Auto is ready for release you will, if you wish, get a world premiere. Let us know bro.
Nice pics mate,

Definitely a bush, going to be fat cola heaven in 4 weeks.. Bud formation is look really tight, this is the exact reason I decided to go hydro.. gonna be some rock hard bud when shes dry:bong: think im gonna have to get out my hps and try to catch up a bit with the master...
just wondering is it worth using rhizotonic halfway through a grow?

Seymour, we would love to see you do another of our varieties next, either a photoperiod strain or perhaps one of our other AutoFem's...AutoBlueberry or perhaps one of our lower profile Auto's such as Polar Lights, Tundra, Taiga or snowstorm...... Please have a think about it. Personally I would love to see what you make of the AutoBlueberry or an AutoMazar scrog. As soon as the next Auto is ready for release you will, if you wish, get a world premiere. Let us know bro.


I think you should just ship seymour over to dutchpassion land, and stick him in your lab..
Nice pics mate,

Definitely a bush, going to be fat cola heaven in 4 weeks.. Bud formation is look really tight, this is the exact reason I decided to go hydro.. gonna be some rock hard bud when shes dry:bong: think im gonna have to get out my hps and try to catch up a bit with the master...
just wondering is it worth using rhizotonic halfway through a grow?



i run rhizotonic through the whole grow, i start off in the 1st 2 weeks with 60 ml in the res and then drop it to 30 ml for the remainder of the grow untill im doing the final flush then obviously its just water, be intrested to know what your using as a root stimulator at the minute if your not using rhizo, i seen your root system in your pics and it looks good but with a rootstim t could be even better

i run rhizotonic through the whole grow, i start off in the 1st 2 weeks with 60 ml in the res and then drop it to 30 ml for the remainder of the grow untill im doing the final flush then obviously its just water, be intrested to know what your using as a root stimulator at the minute if your not using rhizo, i seen your root system in your pics and it looks good but with a rootstim t could be even better

cheers bro,

i dont really know to much about root stim, not until i bumped into your grows, it really does seem to make a big difference.. i havent used nothing at this point in time, just plain ionic nutes in high ec tapwater. im gonna go shopping this week, ill get some and use it for the next one if its to late to start using now? also gonna get some form of booster as its now starting to bud up.
im sure was reading last night that carb-load is just mollases in a different bottle with a high price..is this the same stuff your using?? i have the ionic booster but i dunno what that is like??

im learning a hell of alot from your grows mate, really appreciate you sharing all your expeirence with us all.. thanks..

dont mean to hijack your thread bro.. going a bit off topic here..

cheers bro,

i dont really know to much about root stim, not until i bumped into your grows, it really does seem to make a big difference.. i havent used nothing at this point in time, just plain ionic nutes in high ec tapwater. im gonna go shopping this week, ill get some and use it for the next one if its to late to start using now? also gonna get some form of booster as its now starting to bud up.
im sure was reading last night that carb-load is just mollases in a different bottle with a high price..is this the same stuff your using?? i have the ionic booster but i dunno what that is like??

im learning a hell of alot from your grows mate, really appreciate you sharing all your expeirence with us all.. thanks..

dont mean to hijack your thread bro.. going a bit off topic here..


its not really taking my thread off topic mate as im giving maybe teaching you how and why stuff works and why i use the nutrients i do

rootstim comes in different shapes and sizes and its main objective is to encourage more of it to grow, its made up of different compnenets that can act as a barrier around the whole root system itself so it can sustain higher temps and also act as a protection to stop diseaes etc etc , im just suamrising here but the beneifits outweigh the need not to run it in hydro

carbo-load is indeed a molasses that is designed to run in a hydro enviroment, if you were using a drip feed growing technique like waterfarms or an autopot system then using straight molasses can block the tubes,carbo-load is more of a liquid subsatnce so its much better for using in a hydro enviroment and i would never grow without it, 90% of the time when you add carbo-load into your res the aroma will explode within 24hours or less i love it, im certain that it conatins sugars of some sort that the plant absoloultey loves, it certainly brings out the plants true aroma and makes them fire off in a new direction, i use carbo-load as my bloom booster and will start to mix it into the res on my 1st res change to flowering nutes and run it for the whole flowering period, you only need to run it @ 8ml - 10ml per res change

dont get me wrong there are alternatives to carbo-load like budcandy or canna boost or catalyst i just find its a cheap altenative that works in my enviroment

when growing in hydro you just need some basics

base nutrient
root stim
bloom boost
pk addative

you can actually go more indepth and add certain things like cal/mag or extra potash and fulvics etc etc but its better to understand the basics before trying anything new

hope this helps
Thanks mate, you are definitely teaching me..

It makes sense really, if we want our plants to grow big the roots have to be looked after and grow big too.. Im gonna go get some this week, and I guess id better get some carbo too, thanks for the explanation now I can see why I shouldnt go and stick plain molasses in my tank, I want my buds to be stinky not my system getting sticky lol.. Im guessing you add stim, carbo, pk then add base nutes to make upto correct ec?

Thanks for setting me on the right path mate.. Apreciated!!

i dont really know to much about root stim..
The major component of Rhizotonic and similar products is natural and synthetic auxin or structurally related compounds i believe.. Do a google search for them plenty of information out there on hormonal supplements/growth promoting substances.. Here's a discussion related to auxin/cytokinin activities and their antagonistic relationship in regulating developmental growth factors.. https://www.autoflower.org/f44/cupcakes-snowryder-autoak47-grow-log-4367-20.html

dutch passion use this forum mate so if you have any questions im sure they will be happy to help ;)

The major component of Rhizotonic and similar products is natural and synthetic auxin or structurally related compounds i believe.. Do a google search for them plenty of information out there on hormonal supplements/growth promoting substances.. Here's a discussion related to auxin/cytokinin activities and their antagonistic relationship in regulating developmental growth factors.. https://www.autoflower.org/f44/cupcakes-snowryder-autoak47-grow-log-4367-20.html

cheers trifid ill stick the kettle on and make a brew then have a read ;)