Indoor Ash-A-Ton and the hybrid Hempy bucket

Awesome thread ash a ton , I was tripping I thought you only had like 2 mephisto plants gnarly stuffs ya got here man
Only one meph now n the other 2. Well the one growing the jack is not meph. And the hopefully super blueberry is not a meph either. Wish I could grow 50 at a time cuz I would lmao. Retag me in your log brotha. I seem to not get updates or they get buried. .
Thanks man!
I use the OF overgrow spray myself, seems to work well. Especially early on when they like that higher RH imo.
@mohawk warrior tag nug in the of grow out! He makes some seriously dope time lapse shots!
sniff sniff.....................wassat smell ?............sniff snort...........Mmmmmmm.......nom nom nom...............sniff......